Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => COVID-19 => Topic started by: tackem on 22/03/2022 23:11:25

Title: Covid / vaccine related heart problems - anecdotal or proven?
Post by: tackem on 22/03/2022 23:11:25
Are stories of Covid / vaccine related heart problems simply anecdotal or are there any statistics to prove or disprove this growing belief.
Title: Re: Covid / vaccine related heart problems - anecdotal or proven?
Post by: Kryptid on 23/03/2022 02:50:33
It appears there is evidence that myocarditis is associated with the COVID-19 RNA vaccination:

The risk is still pretty low. According to that study, the average incidence rate is about 1.4 out of 100,000 people within the first 28 days of vaccination.
Title: Re: Covid / vaccine related heart problems - anecdotal or proven?
Post by: evan_au on 23/03/2022 08:41:35
The risk is reportedly highest in men around 20 years - perhaps because they have a strong immune system?

One problem with analyzing individual cases is that COVID also infects heart muscle, and can cause myorcarditis or pericarditis.
- So if someone gets myocarditis after vaccination, was it caused by the vaccine, or because they caught COVID at roughly the same time?
- Or did they get myocarditis from an unrelated cause (there were many cases every year, even before COVID)
- You really need to collect a lot of cases to separate these three categories
- Until someone invents a test to distinguish between the different causes
Title: Re: Covid / vaccine related heart problems - anecdotal or proven?
Post by: set fair on 10/04/2022 12:54:57
Recent research from the CDC
Title: Re: Covid / vaccine related heart problems - anecdotal or proven?
Post by: paul cotter on 14/04/2022 19:24:47
yea, it does happen.i got an extremely irregular heart rhythm about 10days after Pfizer shot. the second shot didn't change things and normal rhythm returned slowly after several months. I received the booster in nov and my heart went crazy again to the extent I would not take another. I must emphasise no chest pain,no breathlessness and no apparent change in exercise tolerance occurred. I believe this is a case of the viral surface antigen released by the vaccine cross-reacting with some myocardial protein, similar to how streptococcal antigens can cause rheumatic heart disease.however if one has heart problems with the vaccine, I would expect similar or worse with a covid infection.i'm 70