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On the Lighter Side => Science Experiments => Topic started by: Arinece on 05/04/2022 11:10:26

Title: Hookah system
Post by: Arinece on 05/04/2022 11:10:26
I'm smoking hookah rare, But the hookah smoking system attracts me more to stay away from other addictive things.

Hookah smoking contains a filtration system to reduce the harshness and chemicals that exist in the smoke. The concept of hookah defines the filtered smoking device. It means, When you pull a smoke by hookah pipe, smoke passes through the hookah water base. The water reduces all chemicals from the smoke before inhaling by a smoker.

So, the question is, how does water consume the harsh?  Or if it's working right then, why it doesn't mix up with the aroma of the flavors.
Title: Re: Hookah system
Post by: evan_au on 05/04/2022 23:56:55
If the smoke passes through the water in large bubbles, almost none of the smoke comes in contact with the water, and  it has no impact on the content of the smoke.
- This makes it about as useful as a lava lamp - visually stimulating, but doing nothing for your health
- I saw one hookah-user who put a small plastic toy in with the water; it danced around on every breath, amusing his small child...

You need to divide the smoke into very small bubbles, so it has maximum contact with the water
- This will dissolve some chemicals from the smoke
- Including many of the very small smoke particles which can reach deep into the lungs (and even into the bloodstream). These are covered with the unstable products of combustion, which can cause cancer.
- But hydrophobic molecules will pass through the water almost unchanged.

If you want to improve the hookah, put an N95 mask over the pipe...
Title: Re: Hookah system
Post by: yapimop on 13/10/2022 00:12:24
Anybody here partake?

I'm not generally one for tobacco use, but years before we ever met, one of my girlfriend's long-ago friends introduced her to smoking hookah, and she'd kept it for years as an occasional treat. We've gone a handful of times to a local hookah lounge, which we like the atmosphere of quite a lot from the[best flavors] but it's been closed since the start of the pandemic.

She's been though a lot lately, stressing over this and that, and saying, often, how much she just wants to chill with a hookah and get the edge off for a bit. So, for her birthday this year, I bought her one of her very own, and have done a little reading on how to properly prepare and maintain a hookah.

Unfortunately, the starter kit, tobacco, and coals I originally ordered a week prior to her birthday didn't ship out in time, so the day after, we went to a local place and picked one out. Luckily, they also carried her favorite flavor, so I bought that, too.

We're currently sitting at our second at-home session, enjoying some pizza and a drink, with the first hookah we bought, since it finally showed up today.
Title: Re: Hookah system
Post by: alancalverd on 10/11/2022 20:41:55
Whatever you are inhaling, if it isn't oxygen, nitrogen, water, carbon dioxide and argon, it isn't what your lungs need to function. If you can taste it, it is a reactive chemical and potentially harmful. 
Title: Re: Hookah system
Post by: jasonlava on 13/05/2024 22:27:06
The water in a hookah does cool the smoke and can catch some of the heavier particles, but it doesn't get rid of all the harmful stuff like tar and carcinogens. It feels smoother, but it's not much safer. I used to smoke hookah, too, but I switched to vaping because it seemed a bit risky for my health. Also, ever since I found this Vape Shop Gear (, I've been enjoying vaping. The flavors are fantastic, and it feels like a healthier option. It's just something to think about if you're looking for alternatives!
Title: Re: Hookah system
Post by: paul cotter on 14/05/2024 07:37:44
A sintered glass frit at the end of the inlet pipe would vastly improve gas/liquid contact. However, as Alan has said, any inhalation of smoke is inherently bad.