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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Alex Dullius Siqueira on 30/06/2022 13:15:54

Title: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Alex Dullius Siqueira on 30/06/2022 13:15:54
Causality Firewall of life/ CFL.

What would be, if there's any, molecular bound between elements in biology, which if "erased/changed from the universe", would end all organic life form, from the more complex down to a single cell of any organic living being?

 If there's one molecular bound which could achieve that, if removed/changed by causality alone, "what would be the star/planet" effects overall in the cosmos of such "tweak"?
 Would its structure collapse or would not even be noticed?

 Checking the odds of a consious universe/system to evoke causality in order to prevent a paradox once one has achieved the meanings to it rather than only the potential into it as we do.

 "Particles and bounds cannot be magically changed!"
 Before that, it's previously asked again, if organic life could be killed/unmade, by tweaking a single biological molecular bound, and if true, "what" would be the most evident universal effect of "doing it?

   Once if an answer emerges, I'd like to reverse the answer starting from the standard point of a imaginary life form which "had" evolved to sustain itself with other gases such as monoxides or hydrogen.
 That in order to "probe" if the "casualty evoked" by changing the fundamental molecular biological bounds of life as we know, if with any cosmological consequence, could explain part of the present universe state if the same was applied over early life forms based on other gases as well...
 Probing for a "causality firewall", not for life itself but for any life that on itself due it's capabilities can/could invoke casualty as it was doing something.
 Casualty of a mathematical universe could potentially appear or be conscious by as Einstein used to wonder "prevent something from happening", as if it was a self calibrating system.

 So, is there a molecular biological bound which if removed/changed from the table of elements would definitely kill/undo all life as we know, and in the occurrence ensure that the "irritant/Earth's like life" could not possible reemerge as it "is/was" anywhere else?

Just a note: Not externally as in an explosion or radiation exposure, but internally aiming specialty the DNA/RNA in or case, emerging spontaneously from the quantum mechanics.
 Also must/should be restricted to "one single bound" not multiple ones.
 Obviously the cascade effect it's a sequencial domino effect, but that's mere consequence.

 All starting from the most fundamental aspect of consciousness predator and prey, as both are on themselves fundamentally aware/conscious/informed of their condition since birth...

 More than a single bound would not match a binary system.
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Bored chemist on 30/06/2022 13:43:51
If the hydrogen bond between water molecules suddenly disappeared all life (as we know it) would die.
Also the oceans here would boil.
But, on a scale bigger than planets, the weird properties of water probably don't matter much.

This has nothing to do with causality or firewalls.
It's a fantasy.
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Alex Dullius Siqueira on 30/06/2022 14:11:31
This has nothing to do with causality or firewalls.
It's a fantasy.

 Any other more simplistic bound?

 Not quite fantasy as I'm expecting the universe to be impacted only speculating "how much noticable", which you answered with the water bounds.

 I'm not denying the system/universe would change, just running it backwards.

 The most "intuitive way" immunologic system has to get rid of a virus do not try to use hosts or wait for external conditions such as heat or cold in order to activate the purge.
 And yet body evolved knowing what to do internally to try to get rid of it, which in some cases even allows the host to die in order to remove it from the colony.
 Same with some reptiles and severed limbs.

 All that rudimentary but granted by consciousness even if running on the subconsciente level.
  Perhaps it's where the subconsciously state of being takes place, along side with sleeping and such.
 As if one it's removed from interaction with external environment in order to absorb the information and better to counterpart it's environment.

 As for casualty I wonder it could be related as much as the cosmological limit too, given all of this is coming directly from the particle interaction with one another.

 It's acceptable we have control over the universe and can exploit it, but it's ignore it may have over us, sort of reckless act not to considering it...

 What's more necessary rather than fundamental, stars or life?
  Where quantum mechanics it's more present, our brains or a star?

 It's odd to think that the human brain it's an infinite set more complex than a star or planet, so I wonder "which is more important" in the grand scheme, if there's any.

 For one trying to explain the absence of intuitive life of any orders in our own solar system, specialty the noon, next mars and the others.

 Life can thrive here under absurd conditions, if bombardment was real, what went wrong with these other planets to be so sterilize from any sort of it.
 Doesn't seem to match.

 So I'm running causality backwards, as if WE were meant to be, and any other life outside earth on the solar system would "change" the predictable future.

 Certainly any life outside earth would provide an absurd amount of information which would boost our understanding of everything, and of course our path as species.

 Too much "coincidences" every single one looking from preventing us not from knowing but rather, restraining us till we know.
 A causality of our own doing.

 What could be the potential knowledge of something which could be so problematic for the system?
 And if know, what's the most efficient way to deal with the virus?
  One system develops the anti-corps the other make use of it.

 Not so different from our own behavior, not at all, math included.
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Alex Dullius Siqueira on 30/06/2022 14:20:27
Ok, now I have the artificial means to break the cosmological limit by any means.
  What then?

 It let me do it and deal with the consequences?
 Destroy my machine which will be replicated?
 Or its me the one who's unmade by it?

 Can't cause an explosion out of nothing.
 But seems acceptable mathematically undo the fundaments of "me", regardless of where or when I'm.
 Such mathematical resolution/solution/choice would not apply "only" at the frame I'm in, rather at the fundaments of the mechanism itself, even if temporarily would affect all that's based on "me" which shares my system.

 The individuality of each person fingerprints and traits also it's quite disturbing to consider the odds of practical applications from life.
 As if "you will need" a tag at some point.

 Can you imagine human society rising till here without something ordinary as fingerprints and a registry?

 Just to many "coincidences" to be unaware of us.
 First look I'd say: An experimental earth like project.

 If something must destroy the universe if not restrained.
 If all possible things happened and will happen on a set of infinite.
 HOW is that it's still here?
  If not by preventing the outcome in advance?

 It cannot trow a rock or "kill" the human in macro scale, but it seems quite good at the quantum level.
 Perhaps in our case it just don't have a reason "yet", might never have one.

 If must break if a single particle take place beyond the limit, again, WHY is it still here if not by preventing?

 You'll not take a disease fully understood twice.
 Even though it took thousand years of natural responses to get to a "healing solution".
 Wonder how hard would be for it to reach a also natural "unmaking solution".

 There's atomic weapons everywhere now for years, why is that we are still here?
 Billions of people and ordinary conflicts, earthquakes, solar flares, asteroids, tsunamis, still nothing "fatal" as a virus.

 Countering life with life it's natural.
 What is the firewall after such life form can't be dealt with a simple change?

 Kill humans, computers remake us based on programming.
 Destroy one computer, there's another.

 If computers weren't here, all you'd have to trust is an old rag of paper.
 It's still very confusing the original pyramids, the selected people perhaps based on their faithful beliefs which would "grant" the holding of information even without many waist to store it.
 The insertion of a oddly "exact" emotional patch to correct/ideal evolution, desired evolution which fantasy or not definitely served as base for our modern society which by leaving it aside seems to start to decaying back to rediscovering Zeus like worshiping, lack of rules.

 Perhaps it was expected that faith is "no longer" so required as information is abundant and safe now.
  Which would inevitable imply on a "harsher" punishment if aware and not considered.

 Harsh meaning the same as a human would consider to a dog which insists on its mistakes: You'll not kill the dog, just turn a blind eye.
 The dog would feel free and happy, making progress, till it will have to learn with his mistake.

Or, if the dog became something completely deformed and "unsuitable ' for someone's knowledge/cosmological knowledge it's then "prevented".

 Not different than a programmer developing an intuitive system which auto corrects itself.
 If one user breaks the rules, very likely all of that signature/molecular arrangement would be unmade/affected.
 Unless something/consious prevents you from doing that or this and warns you.

 Factual inteligente was chaotic in our distant past, so emotional inteligente was simpler and more guaranteed to pass on.
  Emotional inteligente and emotional memories are but information stored as natural responses.

 You can force a scientist to develop a nuclear weapon, he/she might even ask for the change and resources.
 Though you definitely can't force one to pull the trigger at all, unless, he's willing to.

 Only way to achieve that is by emotional responses on a twisted way given there's no possible good coming out of it.

 If we know something we shouldn't we might as well accept death and even cast it upon ourselves.

 Not that half the world is not already willingly wishing it to happen.

 So I decided to consider the odds of an universal consious/system from preventing humanity ending, or life ending. That pointed emotions.
 If removing emotional inteligente and responses or disconsidering would certainly lead to an unpredictable wave of progress almost there.
 Still if there's anything that by being knowable would lead to imminent extinction.

 It was better not knowing, "untill" we deemed "safe".
 Only way to consider safe it's with emotional inteligente, otherwise you're way out of you society limits, therefore: You consciousness being so ultimately aside from the whole which you decided to do something that could kill the hole.

 No different from someone wishing to be able to kill someone else with thoughts.
 A cartoon book like weapon.

 Obviously not real, but "for us".
 If another consious state even as binary and fundamental as particles would determine this signature it's "irritating ME" and I have the meanings and will to get rid of it.
 Very similar to us, perhaps embedded on/with our DNA.

 It's just that things as "I am", "From clay", "Reproduce woman from meat", "before there was nothing and time"... As much science advances, which is good, more "oddly specific" some utterly early knowledge seems to become.

 Even if "fantasy creations", it undeniable adds up, and the weird thing it's that it keeps adding up even more as the information grows on a global scale.
 But "never does", if emotional inteligente it's not taken in place!

 As a "unwanted gift or tool" which most often it's taken as an offense.
 Specialty if from a higher hierarchy level.

 We expect the same from a truly conscious A.I. since ever.
 For it to like us it needs emotional inteligente.
 If it doesn't we are but "irritants".
 Doing nothing, unless it "predicts", mathematically that we are sending a missile to destroy it, inevitable it will destroy us.
 Wrong!!! I know.
 It will not wait, the prediction alone it's enough for it to balance the odds before it's too late.

Just thinking of removing molecular biological bounds would explain something as the completely absence of life  out there, even right next to us with so many asteroid impacts and microorganisms so resistant to anything, as they adapt.
 Mars it's a mystery but the moon it's just mind blowing.

 Not wise to disconsidering quantum consciousness, not when 'not rejecting emotions" in the equation.
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: paul cotter on 30/06/2022 17:07:25
Have we got a language(translation) problem here, I can't detect anything coherent here, or maybe i'm going gaga! Word salad?
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Bored chemist on 30/06/2022 19:14:19
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Origin on 30/06/2022 19:59:38
Word salad?
Well, let's put it this way, I recommend ranch dressing with that post.
Title: Re: Molecular chain that would end all life? Causality Firewall of life/ CFL?
Post by: Alex Dullius Siqueira on 01/07/2022 03:41:37
Have we got a language(translation) problem here, I can't detect anything coherent here, or maybe i'm going gaga! Word salad?

 It's complicated suggesting the improbable.
 But remember, the earth was the center.l, it wasn't
 Then Newtons gravity, it wasn't.
 Then the milk way was the whole universe, it wasn't.

 Lots of thinks change.
 It's the good thing of not having a reputation rather an entusiasth of science.
 It's fun.

 Still, for some reason not evidence of extraterrestrial life not upwards nor inside or ground or above, just nothing.
 Something it's oddly wrong in this picture.