Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Eddie Mars on 05/08/2022 10:02:34

Title: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 05/08/2022 10:02:34

Basic concepts:  Thing, Connection/Space

Connection/Space is a thing but it is not a thing to things it connects/contains.

- - -

Connections/0-d spaces:

Equivalence - Thing itself is Connection_without_direction/order;

Set - Connection_without_direction/order;


State/Quality - Connection_over_1 (colour, intransitive verb', ...)


Genitive connection:

Definition - Genitive_is''

Embedding/Recursion - Genitive_has''


non_Genitive connection:

next-ness” - non_Genitive_is'' (Instr. case, transitive verb'', ...)

- - -

1-d space/connection

- - -

2-d space/connection

- - -

3-d space/connection

- - -


= = =

Name is Thing.


Observer is Thing.


Event is Equivalence (Connection) of the Observer and a connection (which are Things).


Natural number is a quality of a set (which is Connection, which is Thing) of things which have same (common) quality.


"Simple sentence" is Name of a Simple sentence/Event; ...


Grammatical case is a denotation (by certain means) of a missing (left out) verb/connection ...


Divider divides Space into Sub_Spaces/Places called Prepositions and other.

Sub_Spaces/Places in 0-d Space are the prepositions of and with.

/of is a place in Genitive_has''
/with is a place in non_Genitive_is''

= = =


Things in a set are complementary;
Without_order and with_order are complementary;
Equivalence and Set are complementary ("Out" and "In" Connection_without_order);
Genitive and non_Genitive are complementary (Connection_with_order);
Genitive_is'' and Genitive_has'' are complementary;
good and bad are complementary;
right and wrong are complementary;
beginning and end are complementary;

/there are sets of 3, 4, ... elements/

= = =


Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 05/08/2022 10:22:02
I am so sorry. It is my bad - I forgot.

Simple sentence is Event.

Have a nice day.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 11/10/2022 11:07:38

Part_1 (looks more like grammar - "Static") Things, Connections/Spaces

Equivalence "gives" Sides.

Set "gives" Complementarity.

Genitive-ness "gives" Levels/Hierarchy/Power.

Non_Genitive-ness "gives" Next-ness.

Connection_over_1 "gives" Existence (State/Quality actually).

Part_2 (does not look like grammar - "Dynamic") Machine (-s)

Connections/Spaces with direction/order form Flows/Currents.

Genitive forms Feeding/Eating.

Non_Genitive forms Transactions/Exchange.

Creation/Annihilation_over_0/1 is here (Change of State/Quality actually).

1-d space with its 2 directions of movement(/flow/current) is here.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Origin on 11/10/2022 15:13:08
Simple sentence is Event.
Just to let you know, the following is not a sentence in the English language. 

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Bored chemist on 11/10/2022 15:40:28
Jesus wept!
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: paul cotter on 13/10/2022 11:00:17
Bored chemist, you are putting my life at risk: your highly appropriate response triggered a convulsive bout of laughter that nearly asphyxiated me!
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Bored chemist on 13/10/2022 12:43:12
I read somewhere that "the devil can quote scripture" and I decided to interpret it as granting permission rather than as an observation.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: paul cotter on 13/10/2022 16:04:59
That particular expression was common in my youth in Ireland for indicating total exasperation. I haven't heard it used in many decades and it caught me off guard-hence the uncontrollable merriment.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 30/12/2022 17:01:35

"Simple sentence":

is Name of a Simple sentence/Event;
consists of Names;
is a result of events.

The "Simple sentence" is (has to be) simple, convenient, not exact.

Then the "Simple sentence" is one defined verb by:

subject (and object, the parts of the connection);
exact moment (there are inexact moments also);
as a part of a grammatical case (probably always Nominative)

The "Simple sentence" has/employs:

Grammatical cases;

= = =

There are different is (be) in "Simple sentence" (the Name of the Event/Simple sentence):

is' - State/Quality of Existence of a thing;
Genitive_is" - Definition;
non_Genitive_is" - "next-ness";
is" (''', '''', ...) Equivalence.

= = =

Word is Name.
/to have a word (with someone)/

A sentence is Word. A phrase is Word. A word is Word. A root is Word. An affix is Word. A word ending is Word.
A word is made of words.

- - -

Set (Connection_without_direction/order) or Equivalence (Connection_without_direction/order)?!
Set will be used for simplicity, Equivalence will be meant.

Word is both Set (Connection; Connection is Thing) and every element (Thing) of that Set of:

written word - encoding of letters (, signs and gestures);
spoken word - encoding of sounds;
misspelled, mispronounced, ... word - encoding recognised as the word in question;
meaning - encoding of/through Things and Spaces.

Meaningful_Word is a Set (Word) which contains Meaning.
not_Meaningful_Word (gibberish, babble) is a Set (Word) which does not contain Meaning.

- - -

Event has structure: Observer (thing) - Equivalence (thing-connection) - Connection (thing).
Without that structure there isn't event-thought-simple sentence. Without event there isn't anything.

= = =

Verb read" in " John read" book " is a non_Genitive connection (transitive/divalent verb).

Verb read' in " John read' " is a Connection_over_1/State/Quality (read' and red' (colour) are states/qualities).

" Apple is' red'. "

is', go', ... (intransitive verbs)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 30/12/2022 17:45:20

allegory of the cave (Socrates and Plato);
time and space are part of mind (Kant);
Dependency grammar (Lucien Tesnière);
Transactional analysis (Eric Berne)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 30/12/2022 17:57:46
The Blind Men and the Elephant --
John Godfrey Saxe's (1816-1887) version of the famous Indian legend:

It was six men of Indostan,
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

The First approach'd the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -"Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me 'tis mighty clear,
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!"

The Third approach'd the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," -quoth he- "the Elephant
Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out an eager hand,
And felt about the knee:
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," -quoth he,-
"'Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said- "E'en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," -quoth he,- "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!

So, oft in theologic wars
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean;
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 21/02/2023 10:41:48

the allegory of the cave: the fire, an apple, the apple's shadow on the wall, the chained observer.

The shadow on the wall is that Connection_over_1 which becomes the "apple" for the chained observer.

That works for the tangibles but also for the intangibles (things which one cannot touch, see, taste, ...)
Tangible and intangible things are cut from the same cloth. They are thoughts.

"Colourless green ideas sleep furiously" is in no way different from the chair in the room.
There is consistency.


One could compare with
For example "This 'a' is 'b'" (e.g. "This 'object a' is 'red'") really means "'object a' is a sense-datum" and "'red' is a sense-datum", and they "stand in relation" to one another and in relation to "I". Thus what we really mean is: "I perceive that 'This object a is red'" and this is an undeniable-by-3rd-party "truth".

PM further defines a distinction between a "sense-datum" and a "sensation":

That is, when we judge (say) "this is red", what occurs is a relation of three terms, the mind, and "this", and "red". On the other hand, when we perceive "the redness of this", there is a relation of two terms, namely the mind and the complex object "the redness of this" (pp. 43–44).

Bertrand Russell and Principia Mathematica, at the end of line 8


Apple is'.

sight: Apple red'.

touch: Apple hard'.

taste: Apple sweet'.

Red', hard', sweet' and is' are Connection_over_1 (State/Quality, 0-d space, Space is Thing).
Red', hard', sweet' are equivalent to is'.

Bertrand (observer, Observer is Thing)

E (event, Equivalence, Equivalence is Thing)

red' (State/Quality, 0-d space, Space is Thing)

event: Bertrand - E - red'

true' (State/Quality, 0-d space, Space is Thing)

E true'. (E is Thing)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 21/02/2023 21:17:46
r u a Bot?
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 22/02/2023 05:13:54

No, I am not.

Have a nice day.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 25/02/2023 20:36:18
Hello there...

Wouldn't a Bot say the same?

Good Day!
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: paul cotter on 27/02/2023 11:45:42
Verbal diarrhoea .
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: alancalverd on 27/02/2023 19:08:08
I think this is old news.

Back in the 1960s a few philosophers wasted their lives and taxpayers' money discussing the istigheit of the nicht-ich.  I assume they chose German names for a discussion in English to add an esoteric aura to pure Stierkot.

No point in reinventing the wheel.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 27/02/2023 20:12:51
Thank you kindly.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 02/03/2023 23:07:52
Thank you kindly.

Prose & Poetry is an age old Art,
Refreshing the Mind, Scintillating the Heart.

A talent of knitting words, the OP has certainly got,
Who Cares! then if it's a bot or Not.

On behalf of Most of US, Welcome to the Forum.
(have fun)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 03/03/2023 08:33:05
Thank you, Zer0.


Instrumental case bothered me from late 1981 to October 2019.

Two things, the 1st and the 2nd, exist together. The connection which binds them is is", which later received its full name non_Genitive_is".

The 2nd takes an Instrumental case ending or another case's ending or no ending at all.

The 2nd thing can be:

(a) the image of the 1st as in John (1st) - driver (2nd);

(b) the image of the action (the verb);

(c) the instrument;

(d) time;

(e) place.


Latin's Case System


Genitive - Instrumental, have - be, of - with are suspicious pairs.

Observer (event) - Speaker (sentence). They are similar.

The speaker should be incorporated in the structure of the simple sentence.

Then Grammatical mood should be the State/Quality of the speaker/observer (observer is a thing).

Noun, verb, adjective (number is an adjective), adverb, preposition, conjunction (and, or, ... - later), grammatical mood,
grammatical case, grammatical tense, ...

Basic English Grammar For Learning Latin Part I (3:31 min.)

Basic English Grammar For Learning Latin Part II (7:24 min.)



Time: exact_moment; not_exact_moment; 0-d; 1-d

Exact_moments here are: now/Present(ever); then/Past(ever); then/Future(ever).

Present is a set (a set is a thing) of Past and Future.
It is used for stating general truth.
Simple tenses are here: present simple tense, past simple tense, future simple tense.


Exact_moments here are:now/Present; then/Past; then/Future; Future in the past; ...

There are 3 not_exact_moments for every exact_moment: past; present; future.
/participles, .../
Compound tenses are here.


For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
H. L. Mencken

This thread is about one particular dependency grammar - clear, simple and wrong.

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 06/03/2023 20:47:09
Not sure what you're trying to explain in here.
Sure that I'm not capable of understanding it.
But I'll still ask...

" The Sun, rises in the East, sets in the West. "

What sort of a Sentence is the above mentioned?

(not tryin to interrupt ur OP, wasn't doin that previously either, just lil curious to know wat is goin on in here, ignore the query n go ahead if u wish, totally fine wit me)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 16/03/2023 22:58:05
This is kinda Weird!
The moment i get Enthusiastic about the Topic...
The OP simply Disappears.

(HEY! Eddie Pls Come Back)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 16/08/2023 09:17:07

Here, at some point, a young British mathematician refers to numbers as adjectives and nouns.

Also, somehow, one gets the feeling that a set is a thing.

What IS a Number? As Explained by a Mathematician

Ernst Zermelo

= = =

Have a nice day.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 16/08/2023 14:54:40


full set (natural numbers ( 1; 2; ... ))  -  empty set (natural number (zero))        /        finite set


finite set  -  infinite set



-   -   -

 - How nice:

     mathematics for mathematicians;

     linguistics for linguists;

     politics for politicians;


 - Sarcasm!?

 - You think?

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 18/08/2023 14:50:03

allegory of the cave (Socrates and Plato);
time and space are part of mind (Kant);
Dependency grammar (Lucien Tesnière);
Transactional analysis (Eric Berne)


John Godfrey Saxe I (1816 - 1887)

"The Blind Men and the Elephant"


Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)

"Language is the dress of thought; every time you talk your mind is on parade."

A Grammar of the English Tongue



Eric Berne (1910 - 1970)

transactions; hunger; ...

The types of hunger:

( a ) food-hunger;

( b ) stimulus-hunger;

( c ) recognition-hunger;

( d ) structure-hunger.

Pages 12-13 ( a ), ( b ) and ( c ) SOCIAL INTERCOURSE.


Games people play

=  =  =

/to be more precise/

"Static": Things, Connections/Spaces

Equivalence "gives" Sides (points of view).

Set "gives" Complementarity (the whole and its parts).


Connection_over_1 "gives" Existence (States/Qualities).

"Dynamic": Flows


Genitive forms Feeding/Eating. (to eat is to live, to feed is to work)

Change of State/Quality is here. (Creation - Annihilation, among others)


=  =  =

The question is:

If one follows Kant, which are the flows (time, ...) and the spaces?

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 19/08/2023 11:51:29


a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages, typically serving as a modifier of a verb, an adjective, ...

So, are verbs and adjectives related somehow!?

= = =

And names. Naming is so "natural", isn't it?

Allegory of the cave ( 7:08 min. - 8:34 min. )

= = =

Worm, Labyrinth (1986)

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 20/08/2023 22:40:52
What do We call a ' Word ' which is Meaningless?
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 21/08/2023 09:07:45
Hi, Zer0,

from Reply #8 on: 30/12/2022

Word is Name.
/to have a word (with someone)/

A sentence is Word. A phrase is Word. A word is Word. A root is Word. An affix is Word. A word ending is Word.
A word is made of words.

- - -

Set (Connection_without_direction/order) or Equivalence (Connection_without_direction/order)?!
Set will be used for simplicity, Equivalence will be meant.

Word is both Set (Connection; Connection is Thing) and every element (Thing) of that Set of:

written word - encoding of letters (, signs and gestures);
spoken word - encoding of sounds;
misspelled, mispronounced, ... word - encoding recognised as the word in question;
meaning - encoding of/through Things and Spaces.

Meaningful_Word is a Set (Word) which contains Meaning.
not_Meaningful_Word (gibberish, babble) is a Set (Word) which does not contain Meaning.

= = =

Let's imagine that someone speaks many languages.


one event: John read (now, 1d) book

can be encoded in many "languages" /in many "simple sentences"/.
/one event   -  many "languages"/

"simple sentence" in English: "John is reading a book."

"simple sentence" in German: " ..."

"simple sentence" in French: " ... "

"simple sentence" in Japanese: " ..."


= = =

Actually, there isn't Language per se  -  just a consciousness at work.

"Languagising" is nothing special.

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: paul cotter on 21/08/2023 18:32:13
Oh dear, here we go, again!
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 27/08/2023 22:30:15

Meaningful_Word is a Set (Word) which contains Meaning.
not_Meaningful_Word (gibberish, babble) is a Set (Word) which does not contain Meaning.

= = =

Actually, there isn't Language per se  -  just a consciousness at work.

"Languagising" is nothing special.

I was trying to think about something " Meaningless " or anything " Useless " .
But i found Nothing.

e.g. - [ yzarc ] is a collection of random alphabets which could likely explain what Meaninglessness or Uselessness depicts.

But at that very moment, as i use
 " yzarc " as an Example, it becomes Meaningful & Useful.

Are you Aware of a word, Any word, which is without Meaning?

ps - Languaging is simply exchanging Information, and to be able to do it in a comprehensible & sensible manner, does indeed feel like something Special.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: paul cotter on 28/08/2023 13:40:05
ZerO, this thread is the very epitome of meaninglessness and uselessness.
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 14/11/2023 11:21:29

One (thing): will, ...

Society (space/rules (axioms)): freedom, ...





= = =

Romanes eunt domus

= = =

Irregular Verbs: sum/esse (be)

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 17/11/2023 08:19:55




Language is nothing but a set of human habits, the purpose of which is to give
expression to thoughts and feelings, and especially to impart them to others. As with
other habits it is not to be expected that they should be perfectly consistent. No one can
speak exactly as everybody else or speak exactly in the same way under all circumstances
and at all moments, hence a good deal of vacillation here and there.


Essentials of English Grammar, Otto Jespersen

Otto Jespersen

Giuseppe Peano

Observer - Origin in 0-d?!

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 17/11/2023 10:04:34

What IS a Number? As Explained by a Mathematician

14:59 min.

"We don't want our international standard numbers to contain anything physical. We want them to be abstract, existing in mind alone."

abstract (adj.)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 24/11/2023 11:02:47

= = =

Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy (~ /jon 'tihi/), p. 13

= = =

Stanislaw Lem

Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 29/11/2023 10:29:27

Philosophy in 36 seconds

3rd Rock from the Sun, S6.E10, There's No Business Like Dick Business,
the second half of the last scene

= = =

doubt (v.)

= = =

predicate (n.)


theory (n.)


Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 03/12/2023 10:17:03

Aristotle was a student of Plato, Plato was a student of Socrates.

= = =

Why does Aristotle suggest one is not a number?

Connection_over_one  (a thing in its existence)   -   the unit

Connection_over_one (one/Set_"over"_one)  -  the number one

= = =

"There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up. Nothing important you understand."


beginning and end

Amy Helps Sheldon With His Closure Issue



= = =

Mind Your Language (TV Series 1977-1986)
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 08/12/2023 14:24:45

Truth is what authority says it is.

authority (n.)

= = =

The Language of Logic

= = =

Feelings are nothing special.

Feelings, 3rd Rock from the Sun, TV Series 1996 - 2001


"Feelings are nothing special."

Actually, they are everything.

Your brain doesn't detect reality. It creates it. | Lisa Feldman Barrett

 experience = event
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 13/12/2023 13:28:04

Creating a conscious machine is creating life. And life has to be contained.


To exploit life (a conscious machine), one creates a space.

   A space is equivalent to "natural laws":
   1. Life is stuffed;
   2. Mushroom treatment;

   3. ...


          1. Entropy (space eats / life is stuffed)

              One can't win; one can't break even; one can't get out of the game
           2. Mushroom treatment
           3. ...
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 13/12/2023 18:54:17

What ' Laws ' in the Cosmos do you consider
" Unbreakable " ?

ps - not an argument or debate, just a curious enquiry, that's all.
: )
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 17/12/2023 15:40:31


 - There's design at work in all art. Surely, you know that.
   Events must play themselves out to an aesthetic, moral and logical conclusion.

- What's that in this case?

- It never varies. We aim for the point where everyone who is marked for death dies.

- Marked?!

- Generally speaking, things have gone as far as they can possibly go when things have got about as bad
  as they can reasonably get.

- Who decides?

- Decides? It is written.


- Is that what people want?

- It's what we do.


Hamlet Philosophy: what does 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead' say about Free Will?



Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead... and Absurd
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Eddie Mars on 17/12/2023 18:39:30


What Choice?


That is it... No more...


the end
Title: Re: What is simple sentence?
Post by: Zer0 on 20/12/2023 20:57:56
I do have one more Silly question.
& I feel you are Capable of Answering it.
But Unless & Until you do Not permit, i won't ask.