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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Zer0 on 08/11/2022 14:43:45

Title: ALIENS?
Post by: Zer0 on 08/11/2022 14:43:45
Any Thoughts Whatsoever?

P.S. - Somehow Everyone missed out on this Cool OP!
Was Really Really hoping it would garner more views & replies.
Would have been Real Fun to know what All We can Accomplish Together!
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Origin on 08/11/2022 15:09:43
Any Thoughts Whatsoever?
There is probably life on planets other than earth; which is of course just a speculation.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: paul cotter on 08/11/2022 15:49:41
I believe aliens regularly haunt the "new theories" subforum. On a serious note, i'm sure life exists abundantly on other planets but since the distances are astronomical, contact is not possible.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Zer0 on 11/11/2022 13:15:39
I personally consider the 2004 USS Nimitz Encounter to be One of the best credible unclassified information.

Hopeful NASA will find something which everyone else overlooked.

Disheartened to read news articles & reports alleging UFO/UAP to be just airborne trash or silly spy drones.

P.S. - In such a Humongous Universe, how can WE be the Only ones, where the Heck is Everyone else at?
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Origin on 11/11/2022 14:08:53
P.S. - In such a Humongous Universe, how can WE be the Only ones, where the Heck is Everyone else at?
Everyone else (if they exist) are on their home planet/solar system.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Zer0 on 12/11/2022 17:47:32
I had heard an Explanation...

If Intelligent Life had Evolved a Billion years before US in the Milky Way..

Then even at 10% the speed of Light Travel, They could have Populated the entire Galaxy in 500 million years.

Does that make Sense?
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Kryptid on 12/11/2022 17:57:50
I had heard an Explanation...

If Intelligent Life had Evolved a Billion years before US in the Milky Way..

Then even at 10% the speed of Light Travel, They could have Populated the entire Galaxy in 500 million years.

Does that make Sense?

I've heard that before as well. It's certainly within the laws of physics for such a thing to happen, but that doesn't mean that aliens either would (1) colonize a galaxy, or (2) take on a form that is readily detectable by modern technology.

I think part of the problem when it comes to advanced alien life is that we really have no way of predicting how they would behave. What would the motivations for a superhuman intelligence be? Surely when our pets see us sitting in front of the glowing, color-changing rectangle we call a computer, they can't comprehend what we are doing or why we are doing it. It could well be the same way for us trying to understand such advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (especially if they are post-biological and thus have the capacity to upgrade their own intelligence as readily as we improve our own computers). They might even do things we'd consider irrational because we don't have the cognitive capacity to understand it.

Perhaps that would lead them to not colonizing other star systems. Or perhaps instead of building mega-structures like Dyson spheres, they may conclude that building smaller is better instead. Or they may have technology that is so strange that we can't recognize it as technology.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 12/11/2022 19:04:35
I had heard an Explanation...

If Intelligent Life had Evolved a Billion years before US in the Milky Way..

Then even at 10% the speed of Light Travel, They could have Populated the entire Galaxy in 500 million years.

Does that make Sense?
It's the only way Star Trek could account for all of the aliens being humanoid.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: evan_au on 13/11/2022 07:21:42
This is described by the Fermi Paradox, sometimes expressed as: If there are alien civilisations, where are they?

Many possible explanations have been proposed, and many books have been written on the subject - the Wikipedia article mentions 7 categories of explanations...
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: alancalverd on 13/11/2022 14:09:47
It's the only way Star Trek could account for all of the aliens being humanoid.
It's a business decision, surely?

Star Trek was made on a negligible budget, mostly in Gene Roddenberry's garage. Human actors are cheaper and more versatile than robots, and having most of the script in English guarantees the widest possible audience. It is worth noting that the Vulcan language is mostly Yiddish, widely spoken in Hollywood and therefore cheap to write, and the frequent "aspirated x" in Klingon presents no problems for Hispanic Americans. 

Not bad for a bunch of mates mucking around with cardboard scenery and one camera, eh?
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Colin2B on 13/11/2022 15:02:10
It's the only way Star Trek could account for all of the aliens being humanoid.
It's a business decision, surely?

Star Trek was made on a negligible budget,
Not bad for a bunch of mates mucking around with cardboard scenery and one camera, eh?
Apparently the reason for using the transporter, far cheaper than filming models landing on a planet.
I think the low budget feel was part of the appeal. I particularly liked the polystyrene rocks that came tumbling (er - bouncing) down, but the man-under-a-carpet creature did stretch credibility.
Even the plots were low budget, often lifted from some classic scifi stories.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: alancalverd on 13/11/2022 16:28:46
Apparently the reason for using the transporter, far cheaper than filming models landing on a planet. the Red Dwarf Lander, which occasionally slid down a wire onto a planet somewhere in Shepperton, fairly close to the Moon (2001) and galaxies far, far away (Star Wars - or was that Elstree?). Which is why there is no British manned space program: you can get to anywhere you can imagine, in 40 minutes from Waterloo or St Pancras.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Colin2B on 13/11/2022 18:41:45 the Red Dwarf Lander, which occasionally slid down a wire onto a planet somewhere in Shepperton,
Wow, a family favourite of ours.  Very innovative and can be watched more than once.

Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 13/11/2022 20:16:36
Apparently the reason for using the transporter, far cheaper than filming models landing on a planet. the Red Dwarf Lander, which occasionally slid down a wire onto a planet somewhere in Shepperton, fairly close to the Moon (2001) and galaxies far, far away (Star Wars - or was that Elstree?). Which is why there is no British manned space program: you can get to anywhere you can imagine, in 40 minutes from Waterloo or St Pancras.
Red dwarf  was so splendidly modelled due to doctor who and primarily Thunderbirds.
It's the only way Star Trek could account for all of the aliens being humanoid.
It's a business decision, surely?

Star Trek was made on a negligible budget,
Not bad for a bunch of mates mucking around with cardboard scenery and one camera, eh?
Apparently the reason for using the transporter, far cheaper than filming models landing on a planet.

Sounds about right. The low budget feel even created the enduring appeal of startrek storylines, metaphysical hypothesis are not expensive.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: alancalverd on 14/11/2022 10:54:26
Thunderbirds "splendidly modelled"? Andy Pandy puppets, saved by a great theme tune (still a brass band standard).

But credit for Doctor Who: a phone box, an overgrown quarry, and the occasional abandoned airfield, all in the best Star Trek tradition.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 15/11/2022 13:16:56
Thunderbirds "splendidly modelled"? Andy Pandy puppets, saved by a great theme tune (still a brass band standard).

But credit for Doctor Who: a phone box, an overgrown quarry, and the occasional abandoned airfield, all in the best Star Trek tradition.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Peter11 on 15/11/2022 17:08:12
I would point out the 2 videos released by the Pentagon which shows a giant chicklet shape craft moving at incredible speeds and a spinning top like objected also traveling at incredible speeds.Followed by a US government statement that UFOs are a real and serious risk to national security.All the servicemen on the Nimitz.If these are alien crafts then it suggests that there is a near by alien civilization possible more than one.
On top of that I would bet everything I have that not just one species but many are out there.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Zer0 on 15/11/2022 17:21:29
If these are alien crafts then it suggests that there is a near by alien civilization possible more than one.
On top of that I would bet everything I have that not just one species but many are out there.

I Feel the Same Way Too!

I could Never truly Believe in Bob Lazar's claims...but for some Unknown reason, i cannot get over what this Gentleman claimed.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: paul cotter on 15/11/2022 18:06:29
Bob Lazar is a fantasist.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Peter11 on 16/11/2022 14:55:29
Strangely his element 115 now exist on the periotic table I believe he said it was what powered the alien craft. I believe its synthetically made and does not occur naturally. Its so rare they don't know its properties and it decays fast. But who knows?
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Origin on 16/11/2022 20:01:11
Strangely his element 115 now exist on the periotic table ... Its so rare they don't know its properties and it decays fast. But who knows?
Looks like we do know. (
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Madaboutscience on 18/11/2022 10:31:42
I would point out the 2 videos released by the Pentagon which shows a giant chicklet shape craft moving at incredible speeds and a spinning top like objected also traveling at incredible speeds.Followed by a US government statement that UFOs are a real and serious risk to national security.All the servicemen on the Nimitz.If these are alien crafts then it suggests that there is a near by alien civilization possible more than one.
On top of that I would bet everything I have that not just one species but many are out there.
One could consider that the military are working on new classified technology that they do not, at this stage want to lay claim to and that "alien technology" is a nice side track tactic. Conspiracy theory, yes I know and actually not my own personal humble opinion. Though they remain unidentified (UAP's) as its called these days, there is also no reason to believe that they are alien either. 
Anything supporting alien visitations is totally speculative, even if you imply known plausible theories based on well understood theoretical or verified mainstream science as your base for argument.

If we want to speculate based on what we currently know and our own current experiences of life on Earth, then though the likelihood of life existing elsewhere seems highly probably. What is clear is that biological life as we know it, in the least highly complex intelligent life is very vulnerable to environmental influences, time constricted and any form of space travel presents a multitude of problems to overcome. If aliens resemble any form of biological life like here on Earth, then they are also likely to face the same issues.
I would therefore speculate that, unless they have discovered a way to bend spacetime to reduce distances then most technological intelligence motivated to travel across the stars is likely to use highly advanced A.I systems designed specifically for purpose.

So based on this premise if those sightings are indeed of alien origin, I would speculate that they are likely to be probes of some sort, rather than vessels containing "little green/grey men"
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: paul cotter on 18/11/2022 16:14:15
No amount of "AI" can bend the laws of physics. On side issue, I do not believe "AI" has been achieved or ever will be. A computer has no motivation to do anything and relies solely on it's programming to perform it's functions.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Madaboutscience on 21/11/2022 08:43:47
No amount of "AI" can bend the laws of physics. On side issue, I do not believe "AI" has been achieved or ever will be. A computer has no motivation to do anything and relies solely on it's programming to perform it's functions.
How can you be sure?
Bend the laws of physics is not required! You can in theory bend space time provided you have enough energy to do so this is not outside mainstream science. I agree, achieving this seems most implausible to us based on our current technology and understanding.
However an advance technological system/species/ A.I that is far older than us may have the technology to do so. They may have also discovered further laws/understanding at a far more fundamental level than we have yet probed. You are assuming human technology, human emotion and human motivation.   
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: alancalverd on 21/11/2022 11:40:23
AI is a system built by humans, using the known laws of physics.
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Madaboutscience on 21/11/2022 12:01:26
AI is a system built by humans, using the known laws of physics.

And? Are you implying that all potential A.I in the observable universe is originates from the Earth?

Why would an alien intelligence not create their own A.I?   
Title: Re: ALIENS?
Post by: Zer0 on 22/11/2022 23:05:24
AI is a system built by humans, using the known laws of physics.

And? Are you implying that all potential A.I in the observable universe is originates from the Earth?

Why would an alien intelligence not create their own A.I?

Great Insights!
Welcome to the Forum.

P.S. - 👽