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Non Life Sciences => Geology, Palaeontology & Archaeology => Topic started by: nicephotog on 07/05/2024 12:10:55

Title: Hominid mating and hair, hair is a thought for archeologists
Post by: nicephotog on 07/05/2024 12:10:55
I was being fed the usual attempts by the youtube feed recently to tempt me at something to watch and then it would hook the advertising to my chosen view of interest when....
One video caught my eye!
After (as probably many men did within youtube ethic policy) leaving a comment, i had had a fascinating thought because of a mild joke i wrote in the comment, the thought truly expanded or extrapolated to some real merit.

The video is of a young woman stretching doing yoga.
Just remember, the following quote actually contains something unusual but real if you know anything on the subject so is required !

I'll construct the argument point to you after the initial information.
The joke is by effect about the "accuracy of where and how to put the stuff"
I...I..I....Just don't know what to say!
However, vocalization is evolution 2 million years old in Hominid species, but in hominids , complex organisms and more primitive it has no estimation of what to do that is not spoken and is existent so far back in evolutionary time it is considered it is simply so efficient and effective that it works perfectly !!!!
Oddly such a prehistoric old evolved inbuilt developed brain operated accurate action occurs successfully is amazing because there is plenty of evidence much of its result continues to find its way into scalp hair to present era day !!!

Here is the other piece of the thought

So, now onto the point of all this.

Somehow, meaning is lost it seems to many people looking at ancient culture and primitive unrecorded archeological evidence.
Note that i mentioned vocalization in a context of defined language speech vs. grunting and difficulty controlling sound regularly for communication.
To mate, noise is one point, my brother often collected grasshoppers for mitochondrial DNA testing and would find them by the noise of the males gathered in a group rubbing their hind legs together on spines they have on their legs.
But, as you well know "mammals" often use scent (smell) to find a mate that is ready.

Now here is where the feature of efficiency at committing reproduction activity gets interesting.
Because hominid females basically for millions of years will have had a menstrual cycle as all mammals too, it is understandable to a male (probably with experience) some are ready to mate and others are not ready!

However, some aspects of safety and law do not cohere well to use from the past 6000 or so years law has been existent.
That being how females protect themselves from attack, and from anything, e.g. other females or males.
From the prehistoric perspective, how males protect themselves from males or dangerous females.
One point for sure is a male approaching looking for females in prehistoria does not want to put his head inside a confined living space if he does not know the result or be too near to a dwelling or he will potentially invoke attack.
Too he may not feel it a good idea to commit sexual entry of children he's caught , not because of ethics beyond damage or their taking enough fright to invoke outright attack from the mother and others bonded to the hominid pack.
If he commits sexual action on a female by leaving semen inside her if he "catches one" , the main bulk of smell will be covered by female smell when she reenters her dwelling.

In short, anywhere except the scalp hair the male semen smell can be removed or smell blocked.
To safely remove (bait) interested females if there are no males there in the dwelling, the scalp hair of one of the dwellers would be a genuinely successful action at luring any females inside a dwelling and holds to the idea of "self-promoted proliferation"

That is the structure of the prehistoric mating problem and a sensible answer to a more successful idea that does not require a particularly high IQ to think of using the hair of some person(non descript) whom will go back to the dwelling
BUT, it is well known to this day that in modern humans as shown by arrest of deviants that use of smell as a powerful tool continues use in modern humans, but also anyhow many creatures use scent spreading for such purpose!

I have never heard of archaeologists whom study primitive sites without civilisation structure searching for semen in corpse hair of what would be all ages of person when they died.

Added note:
One of the main problems i get from either history books on ancient culture or more the appraisal of reason of what had occurred that was recorded, is most historians or archaeologists seem to assume that because a modern human of now has an evolutionary history of around half a million years as the same creature entirely in evolution that there is no difference to modern thinking and ethical standard compared to half a million years or as little as 6000 years.

Quite frankly, all that would occur if a male went wandering half a million years previous as many would, if it had survived to adulthood to mate (that's a vague point what adulthood would be if you use biological truth) it would rate continually finding ways to get to females and bicker against other males, but at some point it does become a problem when traversing more remote areas , to survive there is no way by sensibility he'd put his head into a dark or secluded living or hiding space by what little wisdom from surviving thus far.

Title: Re: Hominid mating and hair, hair is a thought for archeologists
Post by: Kryptid on 07/05/2024 16:29:40
I'm genuinely having difficulty understanding your argument. Are you saying that people have hair on their heads for some scent-based reason?
Title: Re: Hominid mating and hair, hair is a thought for archeologists
Post by: nicephotog on 08/05/2024 19:54:05
QUOTE: saying that people have hair on their heads for some scent-based reason?
YES (as plain as the "officer savage" police sketch from Not the Nine O'Clock News) but that i wonder may be more how humans lost the hair on their bodies (obviously there was some hair at least in the past 2 million years but in what quantity to lose), possibly continual shaving every other feature on their bodies to be able to not require to roll in the grass to wipe off such attacks. The only trouble is that as an evolutionary point is more likely inbreeding alike the silver fox experiment result (selective) as how they lost the hair from the body and other limbs , and possibly better at not picking up disease to have as little hair as possible (perhaps through history of prehistoric populations everything that had body hair died from bad hygiene).
Head hair would be as heavy a problem could possibly be to keep (upkeep).

I find the method of AKA "baiting by running something caught belonging to the secure area into the danger zone with seminal smell in the hair a credible method because the smell and substance cannot be easily cleaned off, It is a reasonable simple intelligent thought that does not require ethics under its terms of use" for females in a more secure situation by such a method being extremely credible for the past 2 million years of brain development and as simple and as far as anything needing ethic no more than the cowboys in "blazing saddles" had any credible ethic.
Part of what inspired this is i found a video online of (as usual) very beautiful show girl cheerleader doing something girls all do "but is extremely rare to see and rarer to see on camera".
She had beautiful long hair and had her chin tucked down onto her chest with her hair curled around from behind to into her hand and her nose pushed into her hand and hair sniffing her hair.'
I've have seen countless girls do this but i have no great data or reason they do , just that it is scent in their hair.
Because in 57 years i have seen it from just about any girls of any age of any type kind or social level it is obviously a genuine characteristic of them!

For most for half a million years people have basically only had hair on their heads, everything else is for purpose bare skin covering the body.
Meaning, the head hair is the only "sufficient quantity" of absorbent like or carrier of glue like fluid that cannot be rubbed (cleaned) off almost immediately.
e.g. A hypothesis such as any of the non adult children would be perfect for its advertising stunt half a million years previous because it would not be able to remove semen from the hair by scratching , is much more likely to run inside to its other family members to help that would gather to find what the problem and noise was.
It would not be an action of hitting the mark, more an action of being sure the (suppose AKA) junk mail is not able to be scraped off and sufficient to set up a huge smell as soon as the carrier gets into the dwelling space.

Plenty of creatures use scent distributed on objects, but that only works if the recipient gets within range.
In this system the recipient is bombarded with the information as heavily as commercial television!

Because homo sapiens brain can quantify well statistically , which do you think is the better chance as its brain would half a million years back, on a tree they may not get near for days? or a sure bet by catching "someone handlable" and unloading it into the hair whether direct self gratuity or from a recent store of the stuff?

Too, who's about to prosecute him? the NSW Police? , the AFP? , the FBI? Scotland yards lot? , it is half a million to 6000 years previous.
Personally i think it was probably civilisation and precise vocal language that allowed a male to live with the females because the problem would likely cause his death 10,000 years ago and previous that for numerous reasons such as food share and other males requirements for females particularly , with the point of engineering weapons comes a subtlety of not requiring to face a stronger male as much as being when he's awake, he doesn't have eyes in the back of his head!