Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:33:27

Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:33:27
While I was at the stables earlier today (about 12:30 I think) I saw an airliner flanked by 2 Tornado fighters heading in a North Easterly direction. I think that would put it on a course for East Midlands Airport. Has anyone heard anything about this? I can't find anything on the internet & nothing's been on TV news so far.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 17:36:51
What are you talking about it is 12:30. Jm LoL. Wow that's weird IDK I'm not UK so I probably won't hear about it. Something might pop up later tonight.

I once saw two vetnam heicopters fly over my house. For what IDK but they did. It was werid. I never heard anything about it too.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 17:38:02
Are you expecting a visit from a political leader.. Is bush traveling?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 17:39:05
He could be. That'd be AirForce one though. LoL. Does it look any different from a JetLiner?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:41:29
Are you expecting a visit from a political leader.. Is bush traveling?

I did wonder about that but visiting statesmen would not land at East Midlands Airport. It's a pokey little hole.

Also, about 15 mins before the 3 planes flew over I heard a military jet (could have been 2, I don't know) travelling fast. I didn't see it/them because usually by the time you hear them at that speed they've gone past.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:43:24
He could be. That'd be AirForce one though. LoL. Does it look any different from a JetLiner?

Airforce 1 is a 747. This only had 2 engines. It could've been a 737. It certainly dwarfed the 2 tornadoes.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 17:45:25
Oh I just learned something today..LoL..I"ll be back at 4 everyone!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:45:53
Bye, Sim.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 17:51:46
Doc I am looking on line aol news etc I haven't seen anything yet..
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 17:52:40
I read something about a plane being hijacked!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:53:27
I read something about a plane being hijacked!

There was a security scare in the US. A plane was diverted to JFK (I think).
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 17:54:06
We'll have the 6pm TV news here in a minute. Maybe there'll be something on that.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 18:01:10
Nope that wasn't it! Not the hijacking!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 18:02:34
Good.. cause that is sure unusual and a bit unnerving!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 21:24:47
Hope yeah find out whats happening Doc!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 21:46:02
Yep I have heard nothing else yet!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 21:59:13
Nothing here either. It was either not worth mentioning or it's being hushed up.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 22:07:31
 Thats odd! Thats kinda big deal when one sees that! at least for me that would seem like a big deal!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 22:10:03
Its probably beening hushed up like my heilcopter deal.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 22:13:06
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 22:15:07
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 22:15:27
I'm not in the greatest mood right now..
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 22:31:27
why! whats wrong? BTW WHAT was your Helocopter deal you referred too?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 22:39:49
We had two of those heicopters they used in Vitman fly over there house. I saw a fire and all, but I still don't know what it is about. We think they flew from Wright Patterson.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 22:43:20
Whose house did they fly over.. Is something wrong at a friends!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 17/07/2007 22:52:24
Nope this is probably 3 weeks ago. They sort of went over mine. Dad thought it was drugs, but most of its on the news if its like that, and the corn was short then so IDK.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: ukmicky on 17/07/2007 22:52:47
Maybe it had royalty on board or it could have been a military airliner or its possible its Identification System had failed and therefore due to 9-11 it then had to be followed to the airport.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 17/07/2007 23:35:32
Nope this is probably 3 weeks ago. They sort of went over mine. Dad thought it was drugs, but most of its on the news if its like that, and the corn was short then so IDK.

Never know I guess!

Hi Michael.. those are some good possibilities!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 17/07/2007 23:39:05
Maybe it had royalty on board or it could have been a military airliner or its possible its Identification System had failed and therefore due to 9-11 it then had to be followed to the airport.

I've never known royalty to fly into East Midlands airport. They use Brise Norton or Northolt.

We had lots of military air traffic in Suffolk but I never saw a military passenger plane escorted by fighters.

Your 3rd suggestion is the most probable. However, I've heard that sort of thing reported on the news but there's been nothing about this 1 today.

What's more, even though they were flying slowly, the tornadoes had their wings back as if they'd been flying at high speed or were ready to. They were low too; much lower than airliners normally fly over here.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 18/07/2007 03:35:13
That really is odd behavior in any case!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 18/07/2007 20:14:32
 Erhmmm !!...Me did order a particularly spicy vindaloo the other night and it was so hot it required a military escort for delivery !

Ewe should be pleased I was not onboard after eating it and then deposited the consequential ' rim-of-fire' luff down the pan...and then have it dropped as a frozen meateor !!...........with lime pickle,the  mint yoghurt thingy  !! and kulfi ice cream  luff and joy !!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2007 20:37:27
The jets concerned were heading neither towards nor away from your direction.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 18/07/2007 20:40:03
The jets concerned were heading neither towards nor away from your direction.

Like any decent delivery service they probaby had other deliveries to do tewe !! [;)]
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2007 21:14:48
It wasn't a delivery. They weren't weaving in & out of traffic.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: on 18/07/2007 21:30:40

I've never known royalty to fly into East Midlands airport. They use Brise Norton or Northolt.

Perhaps this is our new look Queen, getting down with the homies?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 18/07/2007 21:40:31
Well I am glad it was not anything bad or anything like that!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 00:21:14
Its a day later..Did you figure it out?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 19/07/2007 01:35:05
Not me.. I looked all over the net and could find nothing at all!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: ukmicky on 19/07/2007 02:05:11
OK i admit it,the eagle eyed beaver caught me . I'm flying to the Caribbean tomorrow and i though it would be wise to do a dry run with my personal bodyguard just to see if everything was OK with my flight path.

Why you may ask, well its because i can. Its the sort of thing very important people like me do, I'm special.  [;D]

Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 19/07/2007 02:09:27
OK i admit it,the eagle eyed beaver caught me . I'm flying to the Caribbean tomorrow and i though it would be wise to do a dry run with my personal bodyguard just to see if everything was OK with my flight path.

Why you may ask, well its because i can. Its the sort of thing very important people like me do, I'm special.  [;D]

EWe ARE Special Micahel...Missing ewe already !!.....can;t believe ewe're going away just as I come back !!...*le sigh et le sulk*
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 02:29:18
EWe ARE Special Micahel...Missing ewe already !!.....can;t believe ewe're going away just as I come back !!...*le sigh et le sulk*

Huh? LoL.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 19/07/2007 02:49:48
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 02:51:43
I don't get how he talks! I must be off tonight.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 19/07/2007 02:58:39
He is our resident funny man!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 03:06:00
I see that. LoL.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 19/07/2007 03:20:34
SimEWElated !

Nice to meet EWE !  [;)]
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: another_someone on 19/07/2007 03:23:56
He is our resident funny man!

Lately, more our itinerant funny man.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 14:58:17

Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 19/07/2007 15:34:58
He is our resident funny man!

Lately, more our itinerant funny man.

Yep he has been a busy man!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 15:36:38
Karen! You did it again!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 19/07/2007 15:38:21
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 15:43:07
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 19/07/2007 15:45:03
Nobody knows anymore about the jet escort eh?? I really wonder who flew in?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 19/07/2007 19:04:53
I've still found out nothing. It could have been military top-brass flying out of Brise Norton as that's not far from here.

Neil, now ewe are back I feel EWEphoric!  [:D]
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: ukmicky on 19/07/2007 21:58:06
 ewe joker
I've still found out nothing. It could have been military top-brass flying out of Brise Norton as that's not far from here.

Neil, now ewe are back I feel EWEphoric!  [:D]
ewe joker
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 19/07/2007 22:34:01
Yes, I can joke now. But earlier I was in pain. My rhEWEmatism was playing up.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 19/07/2007 22:59:58

What ewe need is imEWEnity to ailments !
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 19/07/2007 23:18:09
True. Perhaps I should get inocEWElated
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 19/07/2007 23:39:08
Stop with the ewe! LoL. SimEWElated said so. HAHA
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: ukmicky on 20/07/2007 00:09:03
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 20/07/2007 02:58:23
lets see. You what, Stop the who do you tink you are..Fine continue with your ways. I got it. LoL :P
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 20/07/2007 10:28:01
Micky was speaking EWEphemistically
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 20/07/2007 10:28:28
Neil - you are of a musical bent. Do ewe play the EWEphonium?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 20/07/2007 12:51:26
I can play the tEWEba whilst chEWEing on a tEWEna sandwich !......except that I'm EWEsually out of tEWEne..
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 20/07/2007 12:56:13
I can play the tEWEba whilst chEWEing on a tEWEna sandwich !......except that I'm EWEsually out of tEWEne..

Oh grooooaaaaan. Now I want to pEWEk! (
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: neilep on 20/07/2007 13:26:57
I'm feeling queezy too !!

Getting back to the original question....could it have been something as simple as just an exercise perhaps !! ?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 20/07/2007 13:44:06
EWE might be on TEWE something THERE!
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 20/07/2007 14:19:44
HAHA wow you guys like that EWEing. LoL.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Karen W. on 20/07/2007 14:44:38
YEAH it's great fun we all know Neils home! LOL
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 20/07/2007 15:19:34
HAHA..EWE home yet Neil?
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 20/07/2007 17:44:06
HAHA wow you guys like that EWEing. LoL.

I didn't like JR
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 20/07/2007 17:47:28
Huh? JR=Junior, Just (something)..
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 20/07/2007 19:24:01
HAHA wow you guys like that EWEing. LoL.

I didn't like JR

J R Ewing from the series "Dallas"
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 20/07/2007 22:21:19
Oh see I didn't know what "Dallas" was and still is because it is probably only a UK show I"m guessing. And if its not I don't watch that much tv. LoL.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: on 20/07/2007 22:22:45
Oh see I didn't know what "Dallas" was and still is because it is probably only a UK show I"m guessing. And if its not I don't watch that much tv. LoL.

you are not old enough to know what trash TV we used to import from the US.
Title: Jetliner escorted by 2 military jets
Post by: Simulated on 20/07/2007 22:28:01
Oh ok that's good then. LoL.