Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: Igor on 25/07/2007 16:25:23

Title: Norman Bates's impersonation of mother
Post by: Igor on 25/07/2007 16:25:23
Was Norman's impersonation of his mother's voice just a dramatic device ?,
or do some male psychopaths actually produce a falsetto impersonation of their abusive mother when committing offences ?.
Title: Norman Bates's impersonation of mother
Post by: neilep on 25/07/2007 17:04:05
I believe so.

Norman Bates was a psychotic sociapathic schitzophrenic who  'absorbed ' his mothers  conscience and being...there was probably a dose of Oedipus complex thrown in for good measure

I would not be surprised if this type of condition is not uncommon amongst serious deranged psychopaths....but what do I know...I'm a grapefruit !!
Title: Norman Bates's impersonation of mother
Post by: Igor on 25/07/2007 18:41:51
If the falsetto characteristic is real then it would be a clear diagnostic symptom for males whose psychopathology was caused by maternal abuse.

(I'm not a misogynist, paternal abuse is probably more common).