A non-invasive ultrasound technique to gauge breast tissue density could improve cancer...
In short: brief podcast episodes telling compelling science stories.
Are ring-tailed lemurs using odour to communicate with mates?
The 'myc' gene, linked to most human cancers, unexpectedly turns out to help heart cells divide...
Experts acknowledge that you probably can't catch Covid-19 again, at least in the short term...
How are universities coping with Covid? What will the impact be?
A chemical contaminant, commonly found in plastics, has been linked to increased risk of pre-term birth...
Human trials on Covid-19 vaccines kick off in the UK. So what kind of protection might we expect?
With spring very much sprung here in the UK, what better time than now to get those fingers green!
Join us for a giggle with science comedian Fran Chadha-Day...
Will a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus be forthcoming, and what other measures are effective at fighting...
Are people becoming reinfected, or are the tests just poor? And how, and when, will we return to normality post-...
The risk of bringing home coronavirus on your groceries is very low, but what's the best way to minimise the...
What traits make urban birds successful?
What's the evidence that a facemask works for SARS-CoV-2, and is the lockdown working?
How similar is lettuce grown in space to lettuce grown on Earth?
The scientific basis for the tactics deployed against SARS-CoV-2 doesn't currently have an end game...
Seagulls use human touch as a cue to identify good food - but how exactly do you test that?
The UK stance is currently at odds with the response across Europe. Is this the right approach to controlling the...
The energy from wastewater could power every house in Mexico and the USA
As cases climb beyond 80,000, how is the world reacting?
Cannabis can make people misremember key events - or even remember things that never actually happened...
How big a diamond could you make with the carbon in a piece of coal?
Charcoal incorporated into mud wasp nests has timestamped important indigenous art in Australia's Kimberley region...
The World Health Organisation declare the Chinese coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency. Chris Smith returns...