How flu pandemics happen and how we can combat them...
Video Podcasts
Video podcast strands produced by the Naked Scientists.
Fuel cells may be a major energy source of the future, but how do they work? In the latest Naked Science Scrapbook, we...
An autopsy specimen from a 75 year old woman who collapsed at home. She died shortly after being admitted to hospital....
A 1967 operative resection specimen from a 55 year old woman who had had melaena stools for several weeks before...
A 1948 operative resection specimen from a nine year old girl admitted with a three day history of nausea, vomiting and...
A 1937 autopsy specimen from a 17 year old garage attendant who had become lethargic and lost his appetite some nine...
An operative resection specimen found lying free in the peritoneal cavity of a 51 year old man during laparotomy being...
A 1948 autopsy specimen from a 19 year old male who was diagnosed with congenital heart disease at the age of two. He...
UPPER: A 1947 autopsy specimen from a 39 year old woman who had been attending Guy's as an Outpatient for mitral...
A 1967 autopsy specimen from a 29 year old West Indian labourer found to have a cardiac lesion, after mass miniature...
A 1948 autopsy specimen from a 14 year old recognised to have congenital disease from birth. She did not walk until...
A 1952 autopsy specimen from a 40 year old man who had no history of rheumatic fever but had been rejected for military...
A 1983 autopsy specimen. No clinical information available.
A 1923 autopsy specimen from a 63 year old man who died of carcinoma of the lung. No further clinical details available.
A 1946 autopsy specimen from a 58 year old woman who had suffered from chronic cough due to bronchiectasis. She was...
A 1957 autopsy specimen from a 29 year old woman found to have pulmonary tuberculosis when she attended the antenatal...
A 1963 autopsy specimen from the Mayo clinic. The specimen is a slice of lung from a fatal case of acute...
Why are the Horse Chestnut trees looking under the weather? Why are they turning brown before the start of autumn?...
Cheese is a major (and tasty) part of our diets and humans have been making it for thousands of years? But how is it...
If a diver surfaces too quickly after a dive, they can get the bends, or decompression sickness, causing excruciating...
A 1947 autopsy specimen from a 34 year old mans contracted dysentery in Burma and was invalided out of the army in 1945...
A 1964 autopsy specimen from a 38 year old woman, who first noticed a lump in her neck a year before her death....
A 1976 autopsy specimen from a 65 year old business man, with a history of hypertension. He awoke one night with...
An 1861 autopsy specimen from a 32 year old woman admitted for enlargement of the abdomen. She died a week after her...
A 1931 autopsy specimen from a 27 year old man admitted for diarrhoea which had been intermittent for three months. The...