A 1954 autopsy specimen from a 70 year old male inpatient of Buckland Hospital (Mental...
Video Podcasts
Video podcast strands produced by the Naked Scientists.
A segment of small intestine opened to show granularity and early ulceration due to schistosomiasis. No clinical...
A surgically resected specimen of a fibrosed testis and epididymis, from a Fijian patient with bancroftian filariasis...
A 1961 Ugandan autopsy specimen. The specimen is a parasagittal section through the base of the skull of a male aged 13...
Soft Tissue Pathology: Infectious Disease: Two Pots Showing Mycetoma of the Soft Tissues of the Foot
Two surgical resection specimens. The first,consists of half of an amputated left foot showing a well marked mycetoma...
A 1954 autopsy specimen consisting of a slice of indurated lung showing bronchiectasis and cystic cavitation with...
A 1958 diagnostic biopsy specimen. No clinical history available. One portion of the specimen shows black pigmented...
A pot showing one half of a resected left lung showing multiple small foci of tuberculous caseation with developing...
A 1977 autopsy specimen from a 76 year old grocer, who presented with a vague history of weakness and pallor. On direct...
An autopsy specimen from a 62 year old man, who collapsed in a cinema at 15:45 complaining of pain starting in the...
An autopsy from a 75 year old woman, who was celebrating her birthday by giving a tea party when she "came over...
An autopsy specimen from an 86 year old man who presented with abdominal pain. A clinical diagnosis of abdominal aortic...
A 1942 autopsy specimen from a 59 year old woman who had maintained a prostitute's business from a railway...
A sagittal section of primate brain showing cysticercosis.
A resin cast of the aortic root, right and left coronary arteries.
Both atrio-ventricular valves, mitral and tricuspid, mounted side by side.
A 1960 surgical resection specimen from a 64 year old man admitted with obstructive jaundice of three weeks duration....
An autopsy specimen from a 60 year old hypertensive man, one month before death he had an attack of dizziness, with...
A 1977 autopsy specimen from a 47 year old female. For 5 years she had had progressive leg weakness, inco-ordination of...
A 1946 autopsy specimen from a 67 year old female admitted with loss of energy and drowsiness. On examination, she was...
A 1937 autopsy specimen from an 88 year old woman who was found lying dead on the hearthrug of her bedroom, two days...
Being able to fly off on holiday is something we may take for granted. But how does the big metal tube you're...
An autopsy specimen comprising a sagittal section through the posterior thoracic vertebrae, spinal cord and overlying...
A 1977 autopsy specimen from a 5 year old child who developed unsteadiness of gait. The lesion was biopsied (for...
1954 autopsy specimens from a 69 year old woman. She complained of pain in the chest during the day, retired to bed at...