
Ocean Dead Zones, Fossil HIV and Beetle Antibiotics

Using your own red blood cells as a Trojan horse to sneak-in chemicals ... us about the origin of AIDS and how beetles create their own antibiotics all feature in this week's Naked Scientists ... 7km train transporting ore across South Africa! Using your own red blood cells as a Trojan horse to sneak-in chemicals ...

New Veins and Voyager's New Frontiers

... to the first replacement vein engineered from a patient's own stem cells. Plus, evidence that the western Amazon basin ... to the first replacement vein engineered from a patient's own stem cells. Plus, evidence that the western Amazon basin ...

Pioneering Prosthetics - Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Surgery Hands Back Control

... Death Valley rocks that seem to move around on their own, and how re-routing nerves can allow amputees to move a ... Death Valley rocks that seem to move around on their own, and how re-routing nerves can allow amputees to move a ...

Mosquito Duets and Martian Rock & Roll

... can distract the brain, and how humans produce their own aspirin-like chemicals. This week's NewsFlash brings us ... distract the brain, and how humans produce their own aspirin-like chemicals. Mosquito Duets and Martian Rock & ...