The medal of honour

Military life can leave mental scars in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). President Obama highlights the stigma surrounding this.
20 November 2013

Interview with 

Ty Carter and President Barak Obama


Ty Carter, recipient of this years Medal of Honour, the United States of America's highest military decoration for his service in Afghanistan discussing his post traumatic stress disorder

The condition is highly stigmatised, as President Barak Obama recentobamaly highlighted.

Ty -   Only those closest to me can see the scars that come from seeing good men take their last breath.  During the battle, I lost some of the hearing in my left ear, but I will always hear the voice especially (soldier's name).  I will hear his plea for help for the rest of my life. 

Ladies and gentlemen, please, take the time to learn about the invisible wounds of war.  Know that a soldier or veteran suffering from posttraumatic stress, know that they are not damaged.  They're simply burning with living when others did not.  More than half of us were wounded and almost everyone was left with a deep invisible wounds to their hearts and to their minds.

Hannah -   The condition is highly stigmatised as President Barrack Obama recently highlighted.

Pres. Barrack -   As we honour Ty's courage on the battlefield, I want to recognise his courage in the other battle he has fought, his struggle with posttraumatic stress.  The flashbacks, the nightmares, the anxiety, the heartache that makes it sometimes almost impossible to get through a day.  The pain of that day, I think Ty understands and we can only imagine, may never fully go away.  It is absolutely critical for us to work with brave, young men like Ty to put an end to any stigma that keeps more folks from seeking help.  So, let me say this clearly as I can to any of our troops or veterans who are watching and struggling.  Look at this man.  Look at this soldier.  Look at this warrior.  He's as tough as they come and if you can't find the courage and the strength to not only seek help but also to speak out about it, to take care of himself and to stay strong, then so can you.  And as you summon that strength; our nation needs to keep summoning the commitment and the resources to make sure we're there when you reach out because nobody should ever suffer alone.  And no one should ever die waiting for the mental healthcare that they need.  That's unacceptable.


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