Answers to Science Questions

24 August 2021

Why crises cause humanitarian disasters and disease outbreaks...

24 August 2021

Over the past 50 years insect populations have dramatically decreased, is climate change responsible?

24 August 2021

How does that anti-glare screen help you view your phone screen in broad daylight?

13 August 2021

Is there a specific region dedicated to memory? You won't forget this week's question in a hurry

10 August 2021

An answer to a question that's been bugging you for years!

30 July 2021

And what even is lava?

27 July 2021

Curious whiffs of methane are emanating from Mars: did life make them?

27 July 2021

Does knowing how to intimidate your adversary amount to animal psychology?

27 July 2021

The Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) have elected not to vaccinate 12 to 16 year olds...

27 July 2021

The team took stamps into space, but got sent packing by NASA...

27 July 2021

With Japan so far away for some, how do time differences affect athletic performance...

27 July 2021

Millions of work and school days have been lost as people are pinged by the UK Covid-19 app...

27 July 2021

How high you need to go, if at all, to experience microgravity...

27 July 2021

How individual instincts are taken into account when animals are reintroduced to the wild...

27 July 2021

Athletes will have to perform to empty stadia and award their own medals...

27 July 2021

Is opening up in the face of significant case numbers genius, or morally reprehensible?

26 July 2021

Why are monied entrepreneurs all dashing into space this week?

16 July 2021

Cats get them, so why don't dogs?

08 July 2021

If heat rises, why is it colder higher up in the mountains?

05 July 2021

Could playing the bagpipes help your lungs recover after you've had COVID?

29 June 2021

Astrophysicist Katie Mack weighs in on the state of the sky...

29 June 2021

And how does it make water more pure?