Answers to Science Questions

19 March 2003

Why can you smell some gases, but not others?

19 March 2003

Where does the rainbow end?

18 March 2003

Is there an evolutionary advantage to tongue-rolling?

18 March 2003

Why do animals have to die?

18 March 2003

How do we know the big bang happened if there was no-one there to see it?

17 March 2003

What makes glue sticky?

17 March 2003

Why don't rockets leave big holes in the ground when they launch?

04 August 2002

Is it true that mixing your drinks makes you more drunk?

04 August 2002

How does an eraser work?

21 July 2002

How fast do sperm swim?

21 July 2002

How big is the internet?

21 July 2002

Why are you not allowed to use a mobile phone in a petrol station?

14 July 2002

Since skin continuously replaces itself, why do tattoos last a lifetime?

14 July 2002

Why does your stomach rumble when you are hungry?

14 July 2002

Is it true that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space?

14 July 2002

What gives the best caffeine high, Tea or Coffee ?

07 July 2002

Why can birds sit on a power line and not be electrocuted?

07 July 2002

Why does petrol and oil make a rainbow effect on water?

06 July 2002

What is a mirage?

23 June 2002

Is it me or do men always hog the TV remote control?!

23 June 2002

What makes a whip go 'crack'?

23 June 2002

I am being driven mad by hayfever. Help !

09 June 2002

Why do we have leap years?

09 June 2002

Can you really break a glass with your voice and if so, how?