Answers to Science Questions

03 December 2019

Is the universe really expanding?

03 December 2019

How does cancer evade the immune system?

03 December 2019

Why are we focused on pigs?

03 December 2019

What's going on at CERN?

03 December 2019

How long can we keep hearts alive outside of the body?

03 December 2019

What actually is a calorie...

03 December 2019

What makes our own cells safe from antibiotics?

03 December 2019

What on Earth is a neutrino?

03 December 2019

"What's worse - fat or sugar? Who really are the bad guys nutritionally speaking?"

03 December 2019

Can your mood influence your immune health?

03 December 2019

Can a broken heart harm your health?

03 December 2019

Why are some of us drawn to food when we're stressed?

26 November 2019

As the volume of water in the ocean increases, sea level does not rise uniformly everywhere...

19 November 2019

And how would they know your blood group anyway?

05 November 2019

What happens during cataract surgery?

05 November 2019

What's a server farm, and how might they be affected by climate change?

05 November 2019

Where do birds sleep? If it's in trees, why don't they fall out when they nod off?

05 November 2019

How fast is technology progressing?

05 November 2019

How much acceleration can the human body stand?

05 November 2019

What powers the light and how long can they keep it up?

05 November 2019

Quantum computing is here! But when might we have quantum computers in our pockets, or on our desktops?

05 November 2019

What can blind people actually "see"?

05 November 2019

Why do double-egg yolks exist?

05 November 2019

How do we choose who should colonise Mars?