Answers to Science Questions

10 October 2004

How do whales hunt and eat prey without swallowing gallons of water?

10 October 2004

an alternative to aspirin. I was wondering if it's safe to take it all the time?

10 October 2004

If your eyes respond to light, then how can you see black?

10 October 2004

What causes bad breath? I had a bad stomach and bad breath yesterday - could they be linked?

10 October 2004

I came back from holiday and thought it would be nice to keep the suntan topped up. Although you're advised to...

03 October 2004

why can't you tune into TV programmes on the radio?

03 October 2004

Can you get chocolate and cocoa disorders similar to caffeine disorders?

03 October 2004

but she works with strong magnets - could this be a factor?

03 October 2004

I've got really bad dandruff, what can I do about that?

03 October 2004

my boyfriend has mouldy feet - is this athlete's foot, and what causes it?

03 October 2004

I've got small white lumps on my face, any ideas what these might be?

03 October 2004

What are 'birthmarks' - do they really exist?

03 October 2004

what is the difference between a freckle and a mole?

03 October 2004

why do we get wrinkly in old age?

03 October 2004

I have a lot of moles on my chest and back, and they itch and bleed (after scratching most days). I've had a skin...

03 October 2004

Is there any link between what we eat and getting itchy skin and eczema?

03 October 2004

Why as we get older do we get brown pigmented spots on our hands, and when pregnant?

03 October 2004

I bleached my hair recently, does bleach affect the scalp?

21 March 2003

Why are some Animals Born with their Eyes Closed?

21 March 2003

Why do my Dog's Eyes Shine When I Point a Light at Him?

21 March 2003

How far down is it to the centre of the Earth?

20 March 2003

How long until the sun is a mile in diameter?

20 March 2003

What would happen if a bird drank fizzy water?

19 March 2003

Why can you smell some gases, but not others?