What happens to sperm that isn't ejaculated?

08 November 2009



What happens to all the sperm that isn’t ejaculated, where does it go and is it still healthy?


Chris - This is a very good question; healthy testes make sperm at the rate of between 1000 and 5000 sperm cells per second. These collect in a long coil of tubes above and behind each testicle called the epididymis, where they are stored until needed. The testes hang external to the body within the scrotum to achieve an optimal temperature for sperm production. This is because sperm are made most efficiently at a slightly lower temperature than body temperature.

In the epididymis the sperm are nourished and make their way to the vas deferens, which is a muscular tube connecting the testis to the urethra up inside the male body. When sperm are ejaculated they are pushed along the vas deferens by rhythmic contractions of the musculature. Once inside the body, secretions from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles are added, producing the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. 

However, although they can survive there for quite a long period within the male anatomy, a fraction of the sperm that are made are never ejaculated. Instead, they will senesce and are broken down. And of course all the things that you take into your body, cigarette smoke, other toxins and things will damage the sperm potentially. So they have a sort of recycle time. And sperm that have reached their sell-by-date get broken down in the same way that, let's say, blood cells get broken down. And, basically, any of the nutrients and goodies in the sperm just get recycled back inside the body, and new sperm are produced to make up for the shortage.

Helen: - So it's a kind of continual, sort of, replacement, really...?

Chris: - Exactly. Those that don't leave the body eventually break down, and their components are recycled.


when making love nd d man decide not to release a sperm what effect does it have?

I think the likely answer is "frustration", but it's not harmful...

How leave expired sperm from our body without sex or ejaculation.

From past two weeks I can't ejaculate . Semen goes to the bledder or testes instead of going out of penis. Is this normal ? How this can be treated?

Are you diabetic by chance? That happens sometimes to diabetics. Doesn't necrssarily mean you are, but you should check it out.

When a man ejaculate either by sex or masturbation dors there any mature sperm left behind in body after ejaculation? Can we go for conceive after ejaculation ? May be after a month or few weeks ?

How can i help this suation lik this

What happens to sperm if my penis is hard for 5 min and then i loose erection without ejaculation? I mean there is no defect but i m conscious to know what happens of i have erection for 5 min and then back to normal. Whats the story pf sperm then?

It stays stored in the epididymis.

A friends wife witholds sex from him and he is so short tempered. Could this cause his health or mental health to decline. They have bern married three years a only had sex about 5 times.

There is no problem if you do not ejaculate for months, all the sperm is released by decomposing or have nocturnal ejaculations?

I didn't ejaculate while having sex with my wife (because I had to leave, our neighbours came to our home for little chit chat), right after 20mins or so I started to feel pain in my testicles and it gradually increased. I drank 3-4 glass of water and went to sleep, that night was so painful for me, however everything became fine on morning. Later I searched and found that this situation is called "blue balls". I just want to ask that is this harmful to keep those ready to be shipped semen inside body? What happen to those sperms which are ready to be released but not released?

I have also experienced this many times if because of some reason you didnt ejaculate later your testicle cavity will be swollen or painful leading to severe pain which is called trojan or blue ball whatever , further what i experienced is , the sperms or semen left in the vein starts work which is the not the actual venue of them to be functional so opposing that grounds sperem reacts and causes pain , sometimes it can be more severe and i suffered through inflammation, burning sensation when urinate , sting at glan's opening just like a wound and pyodine combination , may be the reaction of sperms or the semen left inside the main stream line starts making it like this , the better idea is to ejaculate intime while having intercourse or after with fist hoodwink, a sexologist told me if you have blue ball situation try to strectch your testes with your hand to get some comfort

Brotha don't worry the condition is temporary and nothing serious PS:- when u have sex or masturbate u will or ur testis will release sperms or semen out during ejaculation so always remember never stop midway during sex or ejaculation it will cause pain and discomfort but nothing serious God Bless!

I have edged for a long time now and did not ejaculate. Will it cause any problems? As you said, the sperm is mixed with prostate and other liquids. So at just last stage before ejaculating, I stopped myself (I don't know why). Can this be a problem in the future? What will happen to that sperm?

I have been told by a Tantric teacher that abstaining from ejaculation is good for a number of things.
I had a vasectomy 10 years ago so I dont release sperm anyway.
Is it at all harmful to abstain from ejaculation for long periods (a month or a number of months) while having an active sex life?

When any religion tells you that it is a sin to not ejaculate unless it is inside of a woman they are trying to force you too breed for their own selfish notions of wealth.

If a male Jack's off to much what could happen like is their any side effects of it and I'm talking about like every other day

Masturbation is not harmful and, in fact, may be protective against certain diseases, including prostate cancer.

Masturbating too much can be bad for your sex life. It may be harder to get off with your girl or even get a hard on. I've had two friends that it happened to. They had to stop for about a month just to get sex to work again. Poor Dudes..

is it safe when you don't release sperm during sex??

No, this is not going to do you physical harm. But if this is involuntary and something that happens often it might be a symptom of an underlying problem, including psychological problems, which should be investigated.

Is there any effect in future to me if did not ejaculate sperm in adolosense age...

Funny, but I was told many times by professionals that not ejaculating it out is not safe, as you do not release all that bacteria stored! How can retaining all that seemen then be safe? I had surgery and have held back on sex because my body goes into a spin after orgasm. But I am afraid holding that all in will or may cause Prostate Cancer. I dont trust all these non-professionals giving answers!

Sperm are at no time stored in the seminal vesicles. This information is completely inaccurate. Sperm is stored in the epididymis. Sperm only leave the epididymis during the process of ejaculation by ascending up the vas deferens before then mixing with seminal fluid released from the seminal vesicles. At no stage does sperm enter the seminal vesicles.

There was no part of that analysis that said the sperm enters the seminal vesicles, it clearly stated that stays and are nourished inside the epididymis until ejaculation.
When you want to criticize, criticize positively.

Since sperm is absorbed by the body, what is the connection between unejaculated sperm and prostate cancer?

there is no connection between unejaculated sperm and prostate cancer.


What happens when a man does not release sperm after sex? What do this mean.? Is it unheatlhly for him?

What happen to the testes if you are keeping out of your sperm cell ....what happen to the testes the tester become what bigger or not affected by doing ejaculation

I don't think that is correct. I believe sperm are stored in the epididymis until the ejaculation process begins. The seminal vesicle produces (some of) the seminal fluid that combines with the sperm to transport it out of the body. Perhaps a small amount of sperm are stored there, but certainly not the majority of it.

Thank you very much

What happens if we do not release sperm daily ...Does it cause harm, or good?

Sperm that are not ejaculated are resorbed (broken down) within the testes and seminal vesicles. No harm arises through this happening.

Is sperm release only during sex

Phew glad to hear that, as Ive had my prostate removed I dont ejaculate. I still produce sperm though and can orgasm, but no 'mess' I guess lol

Why after not releasing sperm for period of time does it turn brown?

It'll make it's own way out, either tacked onto the end of a piss or when you sleep. Your epididymis can store about a weeks worth of production, anything else comes out the same hole it normally does, just in smaller volume.

I have had a vasectomy with no trouble for five years gradually I have began to experience pain in the build up to evacuation then pulsing pain after sex. Over the past five months this has led to me being less inclined to have sex; sometimes it's so severe that I am curled up in pain from my lower abdomen for four about five minutes. I've been examined and was told not urgent and to wait for a scan... I am frightend I am not being taken seriously. I need this reversed urgently and am considering legal action, please can you help?

No offense buy why in God's name would a man do that to himself? For fear of having children? Makes no sense to me, man.

To answer your question, because vasectomy is one form of contraception and it suits some people. There are no known long term health risks associated with the procedure.

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