Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: seeker3 on 30/03/2019 08:17:29

Title: Levity propulsion system
Post by: seeker3 on 30/03/2019 08:17:29
Levity is 10^36 stronger than gravity. Use levity to generate lifting force is possible.

The ship is a ball shape capacitor, out side shell is negative charged, carry extra electrons, inside shell is positive charged, carries less electrons.

A transformer to adjust the voltage to control the lifting force.

Between the surface of the ship and the surface of the earth existing levity F=Ke x pq/R^2, where p is the total lines of sight electron charge on earth surface, q is the total lines of sight electron charge on the ship. Increase the number of electrons on the ship surface will increase levity.

Logically sounding to me. Share the idea with you.

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: syhprum on 30/03/2019 08:42:23
The "Hotspur" an adventure magazine published by D C Thompson that I used to read as a boy had just such a spaceship touring the solar system but it seems they never got into production.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 30/03/2019 08:54:50
Common tech, did anyone tried prototype?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Bored chemist on 30/03/2019 18:01:46
Levity is 10^36 stronger than gravity.
I presume you are actually referring to the electromagnetic force.
You should probably call it by its proper name.

Presently I will walk upstairs to go to the bathroom.
In doing so I will use the muscles of my legs.
They, in turn, rely on electrostatic forces.
So the idea of using such forces is hardly new.

Those same forces are responsible for the heat produced when you burn kerosene in the presence of oxygen.
And that's how spaceships etc have been lifted for decades.

So, this whole thread is based on the OP's failure to understand existing physics.

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 30/03/2019 19:13:41
Use the same principle, we can build floating city and flying board.

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Bored chemist on 30/03/2019 19:43:12
Use the same principle, we can build floating city and flying board.

Go on then.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 30/03/2019 20:06:59
I think you mean "propulsion" system. Although electrons do repel each other electrostatically, I can see three problems with this idea:

(1) There are limits to how much charge separation you can get. This is partly due to energy limitations (it takes more and more energy to push negatively-charged electrons against the repulsion of the increasingly negatively-charged shell) and partly due to insulator limitations (electrons will eventually start leaking from the negative shell to the positive shell).

(2) If you can overcome the first problem, then the second problem will be arching. Much as a lightning bolt occurs when too much negative charge builds up in the clouds, you can expect an electric discharge to jump from the negative shell to the ground when its negative charge becomes too strong. This will put another limit on how strongly you can charge the shell.

(3) If you can solve the first two problems, the third problem is with polarizability. Electrons in the ground will be repelled away from the negative electric field while the nuclei in the ground will be attracted towards it. This will create a patch of slight positive charge on the ground directly underneath your vehicle. So counter intuitively, this will actually lead to an overall attraction to the ground instead of a repulsion.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 30/03/2019 21:18:49
I think you mean "propulsion" system. Although electrons do repel each other electrostatically, I can see three problems with this idea:

(1) There are limits to how much charge separation you can get. This is partly due to energy limitations (it takes more and more energy to push negatively-charged electrons against the repulsion of the increasingly negatively-charged shell) and partly due to insulator limitations (electrons will eventually start leaking from the negative shell to the positive shell).

(2) If you can overcome the first problem, then the second problem will be arching. Much as a lightning bolt occurs when too much negative charge builds up in the clouds, you can expect an electric discharge to jump from the negative shell to the ground when its negative charge becomes too strong. This will put another limit on how strongly you can charge the shell.

(3) If you can solve the first two problems, the third problem is with polarizability. Electrons in the ground will be repelled away from the negative electric field while the nuclei in the ground will be attracted towards it. This will create a patch of slight positive charge on the ground directly underneath your vehicle. So counter intuitively, this will actually lead to an overall attraction to the ground instead of a repulsion.
Thanks for correcting my typo and reasonable comment. Those are good points to concern.

Build and test is the way to go. 

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 31/03/2019 21:32:11
Search gravity defying technology on youtube, find this comment, very interesting.

2 months ago (edited)
I have seen two man made anti-gravity vehicles made here in Australia back in 1974 one was made by the Victorian Railway in Melbourne and the other was by the military, I got to see a book for a moment that a friends dad had about the one made by the military for a moment, but my friend freaked out when he noticed me reading it, but I did read that it used 150,000DCV into anything it levitates.
The one I walked behind had a small nuclear power plant the man was sitting on, it was about 4ft round and 4ft high and was under the 20ft diameter by 2ft thick framework that seemed to be made of angle iron, riveted together and made no noise as it floated away from me.
But the one made by the railway company was the disk shape, it flew over my grandparents’ house only about 30ft of the ground.
I was not sure if I should run or stay, but since the trees had not melted I decided to stay and watch it go over my head, it had what looked like a red glowing ring about 10ft in diameter in the centre with five other ones spread evenly around the outside of the large one and the outer edge of the disk, this was published in the local newspaper and made the paper about an inch thick as it had the blueprints on how to build it inside of it, so anyone that had the money could build their own, they did this because the government would not fund a larger one that could carry 200 passages, they claimed they would not back an unproven technology even though they had flown one around.

I promise you reading this I am telling you the truth and have no need to lie to you, I grew up thinking by the time I needed a license we would be driving around in fling cars and was so excited, if only I knew about suppression and kept a copy of that paper.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 31/03/2019 23:01:10
You don't know if a random person on YouTube is telling the truth or not. Besides, even if they did see a UFO, that doesn't mean it works by electrostatic repulsion.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 31/03/2019 23:15:36
All forces are electrostatic force in nature. Because all matters are made from atoms, all atoms are formed from charged particles, charged particles only carry electrostatic force.

Simple fact and logic.

I twitted to spacex, blueorigin, nasa jpl, hopefully, they will give it a try. Much better idea than EM drive etc.

Rocket fuel technology is not good enough.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 01:13:56
All forces are electrostatic force in nature.

Gravity isn't. The strong force isn't. The weak force isn't.

charged particles only carry electrostatic force.

Electrons also carry the weak force, whereas protons and neutrons carry the strong force. Then there's gravity.

Simple fact and logic.

Neither factual nor logical.

I twitted to spacex, blueorigin, nasa jpl, hopefully, they will give it a try. Much better idea than EM drive etc.

How can a machine that is attracted to the ground fly? See my third point in reply #6.

Rocket fuel technology is not good enough.

That's actually something that most scientists would agree with you on. Nuclear rockets and light sails would allow you to move much faster.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 01:32:37
Fundamental Forces

All matters are made from atoms, all atoms are made from charged particles.

Charged particles only carry electrostatic force, therefore all forces matters carried must be electrostatic force in nature. Same charges repel each other, opposite charges attract each other.

Strong and weak force are imaginary, never can be measured or calculated. If there is strong force that can make protons stick together, there must be a strong force carrier, and it must be negative charged. If there is a weak force, what is the force carrier? What is its charge? How can all atoms are neutrally charged?

Magnetic force is circular electrostatic force carried by magnet or circular current. Magnet north pole carries clockwise electric force, south pole carries counterclockwise electric force.   

Coulomb's force and gravity are the most accurate measured forces in labs. Magnetic force is used daily.

From Coulomb's Law, we can calculate the universal levitation force between matter 1 and matter 2 at distance R, which is the repulsion force between lines of sight electrons on the surface of matter 1 and matter 2. F=Ke x q1q2/R^2, q1 and q2 are total charge of lines of sight electrons on matter 1 and matter 2.

Levity is 10^36 times stronger than gravity, how come matters are still attracting each other with gravity?

Because gravity is the net electrostatic force between charged particles between neutrally charged matters.

All positive charges in matter 1 attract all negative charges in matter 2 and repel all positive charges, all negative charges in matter 1 attract all positive charges in matter 2 and repel all negative charges.

Due to electrostatic force induction between neutrally charges matters, the net force is always a weak attraction force we called gravity F=G x m1m2/R^2.

Gravity causes matter formation, planet in orbit. Coulomb's force and levity causes all other nature phenomenon. Such as quantum entanglement, induction, photoelectric effect, radiation and light.

Forces are coexisting with matters, forces are continuing and instantaneously through out space, therefore energy able to teleport between matters.

Hot plasma on the Sun carry vibrating electrostatic force/energy, that energy teleport to Earth outer atmosphere through levity and propagate in air at light speed.

LIGO mistaken detected gravity wave from 1.3 billion years ago, gravity is instantaneous, gravity wave is instant. If gravity is not instantaneous, no planets can have stable orbit.

Scientists mistaken accurate measured Milky Way Galaxy total mass. They thought far away stars are from the past, light is photon particles traveling in space at light speed.

The fact is all matters and energy are existing at forever ongoing now, nothing is existing in the past or future. There is no such thing as photon particle, no photon or EM wave traveling in space at light speed.

Light is vibrating electrostatic force carried by vibrating electrons propagating through matter produced mechanical wave. Light can only coexist with matter, charge and plasma. Light speed in a medium is the rate of induction of electrostatic force. There is no light in space, light teleport between matters in space instantly.

All theories based on light speed in vacuum space is C are mistaken.

Stars are not fusion reactors. Stars don’t radiate light into space at light speed at all directions. Energy must coexist with matter. Stars only radiate thermal energy with planets according to their distance. If stars are fusion reactors, where is all the energy produced in the past? Why the temperature of the universe is not raising up?

All energy is came from atom formation, opposite charged particles attract each other, same charged particles repel each other, atoms able to form and carry formation energy, which is vibration electrostatic force carried by vibrating charged particles. Every atom is a perpetual machine.

The more atoms attracted together under gravity, the bigger mass, the higher energy density, the higher temperature and the higher vibration frequency.

The Sun shares its thermal energy with Earth, also works as a heat sink, it keeps Earth temperature stable. All the heat we produced is radiated to the Sun, therefore Earth temperature is not raising up.

Energy is conserved, the universe is a perpetual machine, the big bang theory is mistaken.

Light sail is scam. navy laser cannot move a flame, there is no photon particle such thing. nuclear rocket is BS.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 01:35:55
All you did was repost the exact same anti-science material from before...
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 01:37:14
It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. -Feynman

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. - Einstein

Tell them what is photon.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 01:38:34
Again, just posting things that you've already posted before and that have been addressed elsewhere...
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 01:40:37
All you did was repost the exact same anti-science material from before...

500 physics professors, no one said my theory is anti-science. Is Coulomb's Law anti-science?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 01:42:50
You should look around, who else is with you?

Go to every thread making comments makes you happy?

You really make me feel sick.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 01:49:09
500 physics professors, no one said my theory is anti-science.

Weasel words. None of them said anything about your ideas at all.

Is Coulomb's Law anti-science?

No, but here are some examples of what you've said that are anti-science:

- Scientists are lying about signal delays between spacecraft.
- The strong and weak nuclear force don't exist.
- Light doesn't move through a vacuum.
- The speed of light in a vacuum hasn't been measured.
- Nuclear rockets are BS.
- Light sails are a scam.
- Stars don't work by fusion.
- Gravity is caused by electrostatic attraction.
- Gravitational lensing is caused by diffraction through the Sun's atmosphere.
- Photons don't exist.

You should look around, who else is with you?

Bored Chemist and The Spoon have agreed in other threads that what you post is wrong.

Go to every thread making comments makes you happy?

If it doesn't take much effort for me to refute, yes.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 02:08:24
Is science definitely real?

Not at all.

Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize. But it is incorrect.

If photon has momentum, why navy laser weapon has no kinetic impact?

Why light mill does not move in hard vacuum?

Why photons don't slow down in water like bullets?

LIGO lied detected gravity wave for more funding.

Gravity is coexisted with all matters, therefore gravity wave must be instantaneous.

If gravity speed is not infinite, planets cannot stay in stable orbit.

Simple facts, why Nobel Prize awarded to LIGO?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 02:17:55
Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize. But it is incorrect.

What evidence do you have for that claim?

If photon has momentum, why navy laser weapon has no kinetic impact?

As I pointed out more than once, it does have a kinetic impact.

Why light mill does not move in hard vacuum?

What is a "light mill"?

Why photons don't slow down in water like bullets?

Because photons aren't physical objects in the way that bullets are.

LIGO lied detected gravity wave for more funding.

Are you prepared to supply evidence for the existence of that conspiracy? VIRGO in Europe must have been in on the same conspiracy.

Gravity is coexisted with all matters, therefore gravity wave must be instantaneous.


If gravity speed is not infinite, planets cannot stay in stable orbit.

Based on what reasoning?

Simple facts, why Nobel Prize awarded to LIGO?

Because, contrary to your claims, they actually did find gravitational waves. That is, unless you can actually give good, verifiable evidence of a hoax.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 02:25:54
You don't understand forces are coexisting with matters all the time, therefore forces have no speed, forces are always there, already there.

What can I do to help you?

12 years old can understand, force is existing all the time, therefore instant, infinite speed, instantaneous.

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 02:32:20
You don't understand forces are coexisting with matters all the time, therefore forces have no speed, forces are always there, already there.

The particles that mediate those forces have a finite velocity. If they didn't, we could use them to send signals faster than light and signal delay between spacecraft wouldn't be a problem.

What can I do to help you?

Learn some actual science.

12 years old can understand, force is existing all the time, therefore instant, infinite speed, instantaneous.

I don't expect a 12 year-old to understand physics very well. I've already pointed out to you that force travelling at an infinite speed would lead to seismic waves travelling at infinite speed. Instead, they travel at a finite, measurable speed. So the data proves you wrong.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 02:41:23
Gravity is always attracting Sun and earth, never stop, never travel. Therefore gravity has no speed, instantaneous.

What is not clear?

Are you playing fool or what?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 02:44:04
Gravity is always attracting Sun and earth, never stop, never travel. Therefore gravity has no speed, instantaneous.

Non-sequitur. The Sun and the Earth are indeed attracting each other at all times, but that does not automatically imply that gravity travels an infinite speed.

What is not clear?

How you came to believe this, for one.

Are you playing fool or what?

I'm trying to play the voice of reason in an otherwise anti-science thread.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 02:51:37
You know gravity is always there attracting Sun and earth for sure.

How gravity travels? From where to where?

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 02:58:50
Thank God.

I finally helped a brother understood why gravity is instantaneous.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 03:08:22
Now you know scientists are mistaken that gravity has a speed.

China faked news measured gravity speed is light speed C. Or they lied.

LIGO is the same way.

Agreed now?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 03:23:53
Truth is so simple, so clear. Gravity is instantaneous.

Why all scientists, all textbooks, tell you gravity has light speed?

You think you can make scientists to believe gravity is instantaneous?

You think textbooks will fix the mistaken?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 04:31:58
How gravity travels? From where to where?

It is currently modeled as travelling in the form of virtual gravitons from one object that has mass to another.

Now you know scientists are mistaken that gravity has a speed.

No, they aren't.

China faked news measured gravity speed is light speed C. Or they lied.

LIGO is the same way.

When were such conspiracies ever shown to exist?

Truth is so simple, so clear. Gravity is instantaneous.

What experiment measured it as being instantaneous?

Why all scientists, all textbooks, tell you gravity has light speed?

Because it does: nothing can transmit information faster than light without violating causality.

You think you can make scientists to believe gravity is instantaneous?

Probably some of them who aren't any wiser.

You think textbooks will fix the mistaken?

There is no mistake to be fixed.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 04:52:43
How gravity travels? From where to where?

It is currently modeled as travelling in the form of virtual gravitons from one object that has mass to another.

Model is imaginary and stupid. Graviton has never been detected.

Gravity is a force, is always between matters.

What is graviton made of? How graviton travels? What is the mechanism? How graviton attract mass?

Science is not word puzzle, word games. All things in nature have its precise mechanism, Only BS theories don't have a precise mechanism.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 05:02:35
Model is imaginary and stupid.

Pretty much all science on the subatomic level is a model because we can't directly observe it. Despite that, they give predictions that are in excellent agreement with measurements.

Graviton has never been detected.

It hasn't been detected, no, but there is good theoretical reason to believe that they are there.

What is graviton made of?

It's a fundamental particle. It isn't made of anything simpler than itself.

How graviton travels? What is the mechanism?

As a wave through space-time.

How graviton attract mass?

It curves space-time, which causes matter to move in accordance with the curvature.

Science is not word puzzle, word games.

You only call it that because you don't understand it.

All things in nature have its precise mechanism,

Yes, but that doesn't mean that we have to know what that precise mechanism is in order to observe the behavior of the system and make falsifiable predictions based on that behavior.

Only BS theories don't have a precise mechanism.

Evolutionary theory didn't start off with a precise mechanism for the inheritance of physical traits, yet it was still immensely successful and accurate. So you're wrong.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 05:19:57
So the Sun emit gravitons to earth?

Earth emit gravitons to the Sun?

At light speed as a wave?

Where are all the gravitons?

Does graviton carry mass, charge, energy?

Does graviton interact with photon? How? Why?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 05:29:51
So the Sun emit gravitons to earth?

Theoretically, yes.

Earth emit gravitons to the Sun?


At light speed as a wave?


Where are all the gravitons?

Space is filled with them, but they interact too weakly with matter to directly detect with current technology.

Does graviton carry mass, charge, energy?

No charge, but they do have energy and by extension they should have relativistic mass.

Does graviton interact with photon? How? Why?

It should, since light rays are bent by gravity. How exactly that happens is not something I'm entirely sure about. I'm guessing that the graviton is absorbed by the photon, which is emitting gravitons of its own.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 05:43:33
I explained gravity clearly without using any assumptions and imaginary particle.

I explained the precise mechanism of light, without using any assumptions and imaginary particle.

If you have rational thinking, ask yourself, why no one else debunks me just like you?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 05:47:29
I explained gravity clearly without using any assumptions and imaginary particle.

You got it wrong, so you didn't explain anything. You also did make assumptions (such as assuming that gravity is caused by electromagnetism).

I explained the precise mechanism of light, without using any assumptions and imaginary particle.

You got it wrong, so you didn't explain anything.

If you have rational thinking, ask yourself, why no one else debunks me just like you?

Because they can't be bothered to, I assume. Besides, it isn't me who's debunking you, it's modern science.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 05:58:03
I said all forces are electrostatic force in nature, because all matters are made from atoms, all atoms are made from charged particles. All charged particles only carry electrostatic force.

How can matters carry other kind of force without been electrostatic force in nature?

Simple logic. Agree?

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:01:32
I said all forces are electrostatic force in nature

And that's wrong.

because all matters are made from atoms, all atoms are made from charged particles.

Well, normal matter anyway.

All charged particles only carry electrostatic force.

Nope, wrong. That is one of your pitfall assumptions.

How can matters carry other kind of force without been electrostatic force in nature?

By having the required fields to interact with other forces (such as gravity, the strong force and weak force).

Simple logic. Agree?

Not even close.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 06:05:21
What else force electron carry?

What else force proton carry?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:06:45
What else force electron carry?

The weak nuclear force and gravity.

What else force proton carry?

The weak nuclear force, the strong nuclear force and gravity.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 06:09:17
Why electron and proton don't stick together?

What force is between them? How strong?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:11:35
Why electron and proton don't stick together?

This is like the fourth time or so that you've asked that question. The answer has not changed since then.

What force is between them?


How strong?

I don't know what the exact force is in newtons. I'd probably either have to calculate it or see if someone else has already.

EDIT: It's about 0.036 newtons.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 06:18:39
The attraction force between 1 electron and 1 proton is F=Ke x pq/R^2.

It is the strongest attraction force in nature.

How can they don't stick together?

What is exactly mechanism?

Please don't quote, just put up the logic and theory in simple words.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:21:00
It is the strongest attraction force in nature.

No it isn't. The strong nuclear force is stronger.

How can they don't stick together?

What is exactly mechanism?

As I said, this has already been answered in past threads.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 06:29:49
How strong force works? What kind charge it carry? How much?

What's its force carrier? How much mass it has?

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:39:43
How strong force works?

It works on two levels: one inside of baryon particles and one between baryon particles. Inside the particles, quarks exchange gluon particles. Those gluons produce the attractive force that holds the baryon together. Between two baryons, the force is mediated by meson particles instead.

What kind charge it carry?

The gluons carry color charge (it doesn't actually have anything to do with color, that is just the name given to it). The mesons don't have net color charge, but they do carry gluons inside of them.

How much?

It generally isn't measured in quantities, since almost all objects have no net color charge. It's better to ask what colors a particular gluon is carrying.

What's its force carrier?

Gluons and mesons.

How much mass it has?

Gluons have no set mass (it varies with energy), whereas mesons have a mass that strongly depends on which kind of meson it is.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 06:44:57
I cannot see any logic in that story.

Is this science or joke?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:46:16
I cannot see any logic in that story.

Probably because you haven't actually bothered to study it:

Is this science or joke?

It's verified science. Plenty of particle experiments have borne it out.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 06:50:48
The biggest mistake in science is the standard model of atomic structure theory.

Theory says 1 electron and 1 proton can form a hydrogen atom. This is impossible.

There is only 1 force F=Ke x re/R^2 existing between those two opposite charged particles, the only motion possible is acceleration toward each other on a straight line, collide and stick together. Like two magnets attract each other and stick together, like apples full on Earth. Electron is impossible to orbit or wave or cloud proton to form a stable atom, there is no such mechanism.

Theory says atoms are 99.99% empty space. This is impossible, because matter is not 99% compressible.

Why those simple facts are not in textbooks? Because science is still controlled religion.

Before we truly understood atomic structure, we can not understand the universe, all theories are just theories.

The second mistake is light speed in vacuum space is 3x10^8 m/s.

Relativity, QM, cosmology are all based on light speed in vacuum space is C.

In fact, light only exists in matter/air/water/medium, there is no light, no photon or EM wave traveling in space at light speed. Light only exists in hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth.

Energy must coexist with matter. Light teleport from matter to matter, propagate in medium at light speed. Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in the medium.

We can measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle using MIT10 trillion frame per second camera to prove light speed in vacuum is infinite.

But no scientists will do it. Light speed in vacuum is infinite to scientists is equal to their God is fake. The whole modern physics is based on light speed in vacuum is 3x10^8 m/s.

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954

There is no photon particle existing. Light only exists in the hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth, there is no light, no photon, no EM wave traveling in space at light speed. All scientists are wrong.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: Kryptid on 01/04/2019 06:54:19
There you go repeating your anti-science gibberish as usual.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 01/04/2019 07:07:07
The truth is out

Time will tell

All is great

Have a great day!
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 02/04/2019 02:35:51
Search gravity defying technology on youtube, find this comment, very interesting.

2 months ago (edited)
I have seen two man made anti-gravity vehicles made here in Australia back in 1974 one was made by the Victorian Railway in Melbourne and the other was by the military, I got to see a book for a moment that a friends dad had about the one made by the military for a moment, but my friend freaked out when he noticed me reading it, but I did read that it used 150,000DCV into anything it levitates.
The one I walked behind had a small nuclear power plant the man was sitting on, it was about 4ft round and 4ft high and was under the 20ft diameter by 2ft thick framework that seemed to be made of angle iron, riveted together and made no noise as it floated away from me.
But the one made by the railway company was the disk shape, it flew over my grandparents’ house only about 30ft of the ground.
I was not sure if I should run or stay, but since the trees had not melted I decided to stay and watch it go over my head, it had what looked like a red glowing ring about 10ft in diameter in the centre with five other ones spread evenly around the outside of the large one and the outer edge of the disk, this was published in the local newspaper and made the paper about an inch thick as it had the blueprints on how to build it inside of it, so anyone that had the money could build their own, they did this because the government would not fund a larger one that could carry 200 passages, they claimed they would not back an unproven technology even though they had flown one around.

I promise you reading this I am telling you the truth and have no need to lie to you, I grew up thinking by the time I needed a license we would be driving around in fling cars and was so excited, if only I knew about suppression and kept a copy of that paper.
This is very interesting. High voltage is the key?

If I have a lab for this, I'll be the happiest man.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 02/04/2019 07:46:55
Look closely, you'll see levity is responding for everything.

You touch anything with levity.

Levity causes induction and magnetism.

Levity conducts EM wave and light.

Surely levity will take us visiting stars.

Wonder who will build the first working model?

Spacex? JPL? or YOU?
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 02/04/2019 08:32:31
Wonder if the passenger will be weightless?

Who will be the first pilot?

How soon can I buy a real flyboard powered by Tesla battery?

Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 02/04/2019 08:38:56
Gravity limited everything we can do.

Levity is 10^36 stronger.

Conquer levity and we can go far.
Title: Re: Levity proportion system
Post by: seeker3 on 02/04/2019 11:43:02
In a self balancing bike, the flywheel's angular momentum keeps the bike balance on ground. The only energy need is to maintain angular momentum.

In a fly board, the voltage keeps the board levitate in air. The only energy need is to keep the voltage in the capacitor. 

Use little energy to levitate mass is the advantage.
Title: Re: Levity propulsion system
Post by: seeker3 on 03/04/2019 09:56:03
-   Antigravity   -
Its Potential Will Be as Great the Electrical Industry


The Biefeld-Brown Effect

Author unknown

Some years ago, Professor Biefeld outlined to his student, Townsend Brown, certain experiments which led to the discovery of the phenomenon now known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. Further, these experiments helped to define the inter-relationship of electrical and gravitational fields. This coupling effect parallels electricity and magnetism.

This means that from the technical and commercial aspects, the Biefeld-Brown effect has potentialities for future development and exploitation at least as great as the present electrical industry -probably much more so!

Consider that electromagnetism is basic to electric generators and motors, power production and distribution, radio, television, radar, telephones, etc., and is indispensibly linked to all forms of commercial and other types of transportation. Then it can be easily seen that the possibility of a parallel development in the electrogravitational phenomena has almost unlimited prospects !!!

The original experiments conducted by Townsend Brown, as suggested by Professor Biefeld, concerned the behavior of a condenser when charged with electricity. The first startling result was that if placed in a free suspension with the poles horizontal, the condenser, when electrically charged, showed a forward thrust toward the positive pole !!! When the polarity was reversed, it caused a reversal of the direction of thrust. The experiment was set up in this manner:

The gravity-control effect of vertical thrust is demonstrated by balancing a condenser on a beam balance and then charging it. Upon charging, if the positive pole is pointed upward, the condenser moves upward. Conversely, if the charge is reversed, and the positive pole is pointed downward, the condenser thrusts down. The experiment is set up as follows:

These two simple experiments demonstrate what is now known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. This then is a method of eventually controlling gravity for man's use.

The intensity or magnitude of the effect is determined by five known factors, namely:

1.) The separation of the plates of the condenser - the closer the plates, the greater the effect.

2.) The ability of the material between the plates to store electrical energy in the form of elastic stress. A measure of this ability is called the 'K' factor of the material. The higher the 'K', the greater the Biefeld-Brown effect.

3.) The area of the condenser plates - the greater area giving the greater effect.

4.) The voltage difference between the plates - the greater the voltage, the greater the effect.

5.) The mass of the material between the plates - the greater the mass, the greater the effect.

It is this fifth factor which is unexplainable from the electromagnetic aspect, and which apparently provides the connection with gravitation.

Now that the basic concept of electrogravitation has been presented in the form of the Biefeld-Brown effect, we can now present the refinements necessary to accomplish the desired goal of a vehicle powered by a gravity-control (antigravity) mechanism.

The Earth creates and is surrounded with a gravitational field which approaches zero as we go deeper and deeper into space. This field 'presses' objects and people towards the Earth's surface, and therefore 'presses our conjectured vehicle to the ground. However, thru the utilization of the Biefeld-Brown effect, our vehicle can generate an electrogravitational field of its own which modifies the Earth's gravity field.

This generated field acts like a wave, with the negative pole at the top of the wave, and the positive pole at the bottom. Our vehicle travels like a surfboard on the incline of a wave that is kept continually moving by the vehicle's electrogravitational generator. Since the orientation of the field can be controlled, the vehicle can thus travel on its own continuously generated wave in any desired angle or direction of flight !

The method of controlling the flight of the vehicle is illustrated by the following simple diagrams showing the charge variations necessary to accomplish all directions of flight:

Townsend T. Brown Patents

* 300,311 - T.T.Brown (Nov. 15, 1928) A Method of and an Apparatus or Machine for Producing Force or Motion

* 1,974,483 - T.T.Brown (Sep. 25, 1934) Electrostatic Motor

* 2,949,550 - T.T.Brown (Aug. 16, 1960) Electrokinetic Apparatus

* 3,022,430 - T.T.Brown (Feb. 20, 1962) Electrokinetic Generator

* 3,187,206 - T.T.Brown (June 1, 1965) Electrokinetic Apparatus

* 3,296,491 - T.T.Brown (Jan. 3, 1967) Method and Apparatus for Producing Ions and Electrically-Charged Aerosols

* 3,518,462 T.T.Brown June 30, 1970 Fluid Flow Control System


Dr. Edwin Saxl - Electrified Pendulum

An interesting experiment conducted by Dr. Edwin Saxl and reported in Nature Magazine seemingly utilized the same connection between electricity and gravity that the Biefeld-Brown effect uses.

In his experiment, Dr. Saxl placed a torque pendulum inside an electrified cage. The cage was electrically charged with voltages varying from 0 to 5000 volts. With these conditions, the period of the pendulum was noted to decrease as the voltage increased.

Since the period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the gravitational constant, the conclusion is that gravity and/or mass was decreased within the statically charged cage.

Title: Re: Levity propulsion system
Post by: seeker3 on 03/04/2019 21:38:54
5.) The mass of the material between the plates - the greater the mass, the greater the effect.

It is this fifth factor which is unexplainable from the electromagnetic aspect, and which apparently provides the connection with gravitation.

According to my theory, all forces are electrostatic force in nature. Gravity is the net force between all charged particle between matters. Therefore the more mass polarized by electric force the more negative charge facing earth surface the more levity. Perfectly explain. The more mass carry the more charges, the more charges polarized, the more negative charges closer to earth.
Title: Re: Levity propulsion system
Post by: seeker3 on 03/04/2019 22:00:34
Levity explained the mechanism of gravity.

Gravity is the net electrostatic attraction and repulsion force between charged particles between matters.

Gravity is induced electrostatic attraction force between charged particles between neutrally charged matters.

Similar to sexual attraction between married couples. Not all married couples **** around, a certain % will. That is why gravity proportional to mass. Matter is much purer than people, only 1/10^36 **** around.
Title: Re: Levity propulsion system
Post by: Bored chemist on 04/04/2019 07:35:36
Since the period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the gravitational constant,
Not if it's a torsion pendulum.
In that case gravity is pretty much irrelevant

And, as you point out
In his experiment, Dr. Saxl placed a torque pendulum

This sort of childish mistake is why I keep saying you should start by learning.
Title: Re: Levity propulsion system
Post by: seeker3 on 06/04/2019 05:33:32
Imagine a future in which vehicles can levitate freely.

Highways and railroads become obsolete, airplanes no longer need wings, and oceangoing ships can be broken up for scrap. Industries in which large masses have to be transported or supported - from mining to construction - are revolutionized. Citizens gain unprecedented mobility, transcending all geographical and national barriers.

Meanwhile, space travel is now safe, cheap, and fast. Resources can be mined in the asteroid belt and shipped to factories relocated in orbit around Earth, freeing our planet from pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions. Ultimately the old dream of colonizing other worlds may be realized, not just for a handful of highly trained astronauts but for millions of everyday people.
Title: Re: Levity propulsion system
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/04/2019 11:57:14
Imagine a future in which vehicles can levitate freely.

Highways and railroads become obsolete, airplanes no longer need wings, and oceangoing ships can be broken up for scrap. Industries in which large masses have to be transported or supported - from mining to construction - are revolutionized. Citizens gain unprecedented mobility, transcending all geographical and national barriers.

Meanwhile, space travel is now safe, cheap, and fast. Resources can be mined in the asteroid belt and shipped to factories relocated in orbit around Earth, freeing our planet from pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions. Ultimately the old dream of colonizing other worlds may be realized, not just for a handful of highly trained astronauts but for millions of everyday people.
OK, I'm imagining a fairy tale world.
So what?
It's not the world I live in.