Is eating what the locals eat a safe strategy to adopt when travelling?

25 September 2011



Is eating what the locals eat a safe strategy to adopt when travelling?


Nick - I don't think the strategy in itself fends off food poisoning. The most important thing is the precautions that are taken to make sure the food is safe and that it's prepared properly. One common saying for travellers abroad is that whenever you have any food, make sure that you wash it, peel it, and cook it. And I think the same principles apply wherever you're eating. Chris - The whole idea about people who live in an area, having the local bacteria which in some way protect them better, is that actually scientifically sound - that argument? Nick - I'm not aware of any evidence to support that. Some people anecdotally, I know, suggest that it's true, but I'm not aware of any evidence to support that.


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