Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: pensador on 14/03/2020 16:17:27

Title: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 14/03/2020 16:17:27
Where is the consciousness located ?

The following might appeal to pantheists, buddhists hindus, or newagers perhaps and maybe even scientists.
"Hence, in Fenwick’s view, the brain does not create or produce consciousness; rather, it filters it. As odd as this idea might seem at first, there are some analogies that bring the concept into sharper focus. For example, the eye filters and interprets only a very small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum and the ear registers only a narrow range of sonic frequencies. Similarly, according to Fenwick, the brain filters and perceives only a tiny part of the cosmos’ intrinsic “consciousness.”
Fenwick is not a physicist, so I dredged the following link, the mind of wigners friend which supports the Fenwicks theory.
The key points central to the article are
"A. My body with its internal nervous system(explored to any future degree of physiological completeness) functions as a pure mechanism according to the laws of nature. Further more quantum mechanics is the ultimate basis of the mechanism.

B. I am aware that by incontrovertible direct evidence of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."

Would any one like to comment, where is your consciousness? what is it?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 14/03/2020 16:47:14
maybe even scientists.
To get things to appeal to scientists, you generally need evidence.
Good luck.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 15/03/2020 14:00:19
The opening of the first magazine article...
"Does Consciousness Exist Outside of the Brain?
Is consciousness actually a property of the universe like gravity or light?"

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 15/03/2020 14:12:57
Is this not the response of an atheist, a scientist might have commented where the second paper from jstor I posted is barking mad.
OK, it says "I am aware, by incontrovertible direct evidence, of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."
where you wrote
"I am aware that by incontrovertible direct evidence of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."

More importantly, that statement is far from incontrovertible.
Much of the information you receive might be wrong and thus not (in a useful sense, knowledge.

Notably, your eyes provide you with a picture of the world, but in reality the eyes have blind spots.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 15/03/2020 20:07:19
Your comments are based on the first link not the jstor link

OK, it says "I am aware, by incontrovertible direct evidence, of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."
where you wrote
"I am aware that by incontrovertible direct evidence of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."

More importantly, that statement is far from incontrovertible.
Much of the information you receive might be wrong and thus not (in a useful sense, knowledge.

Notably, your eyes provide you with a picture of the world, but in reality the eyes have blind spots.

relates to the jstor link.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 16/03/2020 12:21:42
Our brains are composed of mostly water; 73%, with the rest organic material and minerals. If we dehydrated the brain, life and consciousness stop and nothing works down to enzymes. If we added any other solvent to replace the water, life and consciousness is nonexistent and nothing in the brain will work, right down to enzymes. If we start with water, everything works, integrates and life and consciousness appear. Water is uniquely qualified for life and consciousness.

Consciousness is fluid instead of structured like the computer program of an automaton. Consciousness is not solid state. This seems to imply consciousness is connected to the water in the brain. The hydrogen bonding between water and proteins and DNA is responsible for the shapes and dynamics of these molecules. Other solvents will create different shapes that do not work properly. Water creates a specific neural shapes that are needed for consciousness. You can prove this using other solvents and a microscope.

In terms of quantum affects, water shows proton tunneling affects. These, strangely, occur in proton pairs. Proton tunneling is more massive an event than election tunneling affects. This is why the brain uses. The organics of life define the structural matrix, on which the more fluid properties of water express consciousness. Water, in turn, structures the organics, to meet the needs of the water.

For example, proteins fold with perfect repeatable folding. This was discovered in the late 1950's. Perfect folding means a probability  of 1.0. Strangely, biology still uses a statistical approach and explanation for life, even though this data disproved a statistical approach. A probability of 1.0 means life is rational and logical and not statistical.

This 60 year old observation, which is common knowledge today, still cannot be explain with the assumptions of statistics. According to statistical thinking, the thermal vibrations of water alone should add variations. But these variables are not observed. The denial of fact, for 60 years, has to so with the needs of industry; assemble line science is better served with statistics. This needs less rational skills since it is procedure orientated.

Water is what induces the organics, such as protein into their repeatable shapes needed for their various functions. The affect is like mixing oil and water and shaking. This will form an emulsion. If we let it settle the water will push the oil out and induce the oil to form a repeatable second layer. Water shapes the organics, so the organics are in the proper matrix for life and consciousness via the water.

If we go back to the neurons of the brain, these cells expand about 90% of their energy pumping and exchanging ions. Ions and water have an intimate connection. Ions dissolved in water move about ten times slower than the hydrogen protons of water; pH affect. When you have ionic currents along fired neurons, the hydrogen protons of surrounding water are always way ahead, reacting to the potential changes, preparing in advance, for the eventual weight of the ions to appear.

The structural inducement, by water, that makes consciousness possible is connected to the ion pumping. When the ions are pumped and exchanged they are segregated and concentrated on each side of the membrane. This creates order in terms of the ions. Left to heir own devices, ions would prefer mix to form a uniform solution. The ions pumps create ionic potential.

The analogy is say we mixed sugar and salt in water. They will  both dissolve and blend. The  ion pumps essentially make all the sugar and salt go to opposite sides of the glass. This goes against the second law; entropy has to increase, which is why it take so much energy. There is an entropy potential induced in the water. This expression of increasing entropy drives consciousness; mixed the salt and sugar in the water. The path to the future, to release the potential, is both known; fixed neural pathways and unknown; creativity. The ion pumps are always working so consciousness is continuous; mixing ions with hydrogen protons currents. 
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 16/03/2020 12:51:46
An important addendum to this discussion is the fact that hydrogen bonding, which occurs in water, protein and DNA and all the important biomaterials, shows both polar and covalent bonding character. What this means is the hydrogen bond can act like a binary switch, t hat can flip between these two settings. These little switches are way more advanced than the semiconductor switches used in computer memory, which are simply on-off.

The hydrogen bonding switches can switch between polar and covalent settings. Each of these two settings, in turn, has difference in terms of the local induced volume/pressure, entropy and internal energy. The result is a hydrogen bond based binary switch has muscle. Each settings of the hydrogen bonding switch will impact the surrounding molecules differently by expanding or contracting, by higher or lower entropy, or by higher or lower enthalpy. When information is transmitted into the cell, though the water, this information it also contains muscle for molecular enforcement.

Neural memory and the synapse is also more complex that a simple semiconductor on-off switch. Neurons use neurotransmitters, which are molecules that  can make it easier or harder for neurons to fire. Instead of a binary switch  the synapse is more like a variable switch, that will not fire or cannot help by fire and all in between. The information in the neural water helps to control these switches.

If I use consciousness; connected to ionic entropy potential, and use this potential to think of a sad song and I get depressed, I am flipping neuron switches. The perpetual ionic potential is like a continuous energy stream that move like a current, with consciousness carried along. If we swim toward the shore, we continue to move with the stream, and have energy to push the buttons that flip switches.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Kryptid on 16/03/2020 19:39:14
The article in the OP is suggesting the brain is where the consciousness manifests from a universal consciousness, the brain just filters out part of the universal consciousness, like an eye only detects part of the visible spectrum.

Without any way to test that, there's no way to know whether it's true or not.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 17/03/2020 07:45:29
The article in the OP is suggesting the brain is where the consciousness manifests from a universal consciousness, the brain just filters out part of the universal consciousness, like an eye only detects part of the visible spectrum.

Without any way to test that, there's no way to know whether it's true or not.

Its a little bit like the teapot flying around the sun argument. Only an idiot would believe in the great god teapot.

I was hoping that somehow I could find a better argument against either paper I posted.

Edit lots of people believe in reincarnation and life after death, so in order to win this argument I need something better, than only an idiot would believe in this.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 17/03/2020 10:52:21
so consciousness is continuous; mixing ions with hydrogen protons currents.

So sticking with the thread, It seems you have a big hole in your reasoning. You are stating if your body is dead,  and still full of water, your consciousness is still there. seems a little wrong does it not !

The article in the OP is suggesting the brain is where the consciousness manifests from a universal consciousness, the brain just filters out part of the universal consciousness, like an eye only detects part of the visible spectrum. I guess you could change brain for water in the body if you wanted, there would be no big difference to the argument.

"A. My body with its internal nervous system(explored to any future degree of physiological completeness) functions as a pure mechanism according to the laws of nature. Further more quantum mechanics is the ultimate basis of the mechanism.

B. I am aware that by incontrovertible direct evidence of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."

The above two quotes are from the second article I posted which sort of supports the first.

Consciousness and life comes from a union of water and organics. The water induces the configurations of the organics. For example, all protein folding is induced in and by water. Like water and oil, water also helps to phase separate the organic into organelles.

The organic matrix defines a material capacitance, since it is composed of covalently bonded materials, held together by secondary bonding, that are induced by the water. The dynamics of the induced organic matrix, induced the water, is conveyed throughout life by the information transmission muscle capacity of water. Water or organic, alone, will not work in terms of life or consciousness. This can be shown in the lab. But when layered properly and working together,  both life and consciousness can appear. 

The concept of universal consciousness and our brain filtering out part of this, so we can manifest as an individual consciousness, is another way of describing how the operating system of the brain is organized and works.

The human brain has two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego. The inner self is often described as the undiscovered self. The inner self is much older and is connected to natural instinct and human nature. The inner self, instinct, snd human nature are common to all humans and define us as a species; universal mind. The ego, which is the center of the conscious mind, is much newer in terms of evolution/creation. This defines us as an individual. It is the filter that sees one color of the inner self rainbow. The inner self or universal mind is based on DNA and the laws of physics, via the connections between water and organics,  making it truly universal.

An analogy for consciousness is a computer. The hardware of the computer are the organics of the brain. The software  is connected to the water. Hardware or software alone is not  sufficient to make a  computer work. Both are needed.

Consciousness is connected to the operating system of the brain. The operating system is based on a union of organic and water; firmware. The universal mind is like everyone running the same operating system on a wide varieties of PC's. . Each of us makes us of this larger universal  operating system in different ways, that is unique to each of us. Nobody uses the entire capability of the operating system, but each filters parts based on our choices and will.

The author is projecting the collective nature of the inner self. This can be useful, and often stems from the inner self. Awareness of the innes self can help map out the operating system. Like the rainbow, the inner self is composed of layers of firmware; water-organics. The layer or layers we use most is partially chosen by the ego; inidivial needs.and the universal mind; innate ability for the collective needs of the group or species.   
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Colin2B on 17/03/2020 11:36:31
Only an idiot would believe in the great god teapot.
On this site we ask you to respect other belief systems no matter how strange they might seem
Thank you for your cooperation  :)
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Kryptid on 17/03/2020 21:34:25
On this site we ask you to respect other belief systems no matter how strange they might seem
Thank you for your cooperation 

I'm pretty sure he's talking about Russell's teapot. He wasn't insulting anyone's beliefs. Rather, he was admitting that "only an idiot would believe X" is a poor argument.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Colin2B on 17/03/2020 23:22:07
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Russell's teapot. He wasn't insulting anyone's beliefs.
I though so too, but I just couldn’t resist it.  ;)
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?C
Post by: Blimey on 21/03/2020 10:04:16
Could it be a projection?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 22/03/2020 12:40:42
Could it be a projection?

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

A projection is like a little movie pseudo camera in the frontal lobe, that shines through your eyes, via the imagination, and appears to overlay reality. If one is unaware, it seems to come from  outside yourself.  It is like someone shining a red light on a statue. If you do not know the red light was added from outside the statue, it appears to be part of it; a Red Statue.

As a negative example, a cheating spouse will often get paranoid that the other spouse is cheating, even if they are not. This projection comes from within the cheater, because they can can not deal with the guilt of their own behavior. As such, a projection movie; frontal lobe, will overlap their spouse, so they appear to see them as the source of problem. They can then justify their actions. We are conditioned by science and culture to have an extroverted materialist POV of reality. The projection places our problems outside us, in the external material world, to meet these expectations. The cheater is not thinking of inside but assumes this is outside them since culture says nothing inside is as good as outside.

An example of a positive projection occurs when people fall in love or become infatuation. They often project an overlay, onto the beloved, that exaggerates that person. They can become the most beautiful or handsome person I have ever seen. Their friends may not see it since this is their own projector.

This exaggeration does not belong to person being projected upon, but rather it stems from the personality firmware of love and romance within the projector person. It is designed to attract humans for procreation, in spite of ego resistance or excuses. The ego may be holding out for a movie star so the projector will give it to them.

This is a good form of projection, since it can lead to something good. On the the other hand, if one trained the,sed to be fully aware of the nature of projection, and was to accept this infatuation as coming from inner firmware, you could spoil the fun. Some projection is better left alone, while other is better to analyze.

Projections from the inner self, directly, instead of through firmware intermediates, can lead to useful cultural revelations and insights. The movie that will shine onto reality; extroverted materialism, can show the layout of the firmware via its projections. One would need to reverse engineer this by knowing the materialism POV and finding the difference.

The utopian projection, that is placed onto the concept of Socialism, could work if all people had the proper projectors working; exaggerated sense of family and community. However, as history shows, since firmware projectors are not subject to willpower, the reality of the ego, will not allow this to add the same way for all over long periods of time.

In other words, if you could project the feelings of family onto the world, this could work, but this projector may not cooperate, with all people, to create the global unconscious sense of community that is needed. Many people will repress this projection for practical reasons, while others will project self serving projections to take advantage of the temporary unconscious cooperation; Castro. The ends will justify the means.

We live in a world that is dominated by extroverted materialism, so few people will accept projection as coming from within. Rather cultural  expectation places it outside us, where it can be investigated with science. The idea of an autonomous inner self is unsettling. If unconscious content becomes too conscious and one is communicating back and forth, this is considered taboo; psychosis. Projection is considered more acceptable in our social environment,

Projection of low level firmware, connected to instinct,can make a derivative of the common cold; Corona Virus, the bogeyman of 2020, even if the flu is still ahead in statistics. Flu does not have the help of the projector,r and therefore higher levels of affect, can appear less threatening. The projector can amplify via an overlay.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

What is being denied?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 22/03/2020 13:07:43
This expression of increasing entropy drives consciousness;
I presume you knew that statement was going to be dismissed without giving evidence.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 23/03/2020 11:11:16
A good  example of a collective or herd projection is the Corona Virus. This round of collective projection is being induced by mass media; fake news. The unconscious mind that had been primed by two etas of previous fake news; collusion delusion.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

One way to see this is to compare the Corona Virus of 2020, to the Swine Flu virus of 2009. Both created pandemics, yet each resulted in a different herd reactions. The difference had to do with the media reaction in each case.

In 2009, the Swine flu infected 60 million Americans and nearly a 1 billion world wide. Nearly 300,000 American were hospitalized, with about 15,000 deaths. The world wide death toll was about 400,000.

The Corona Virus has infested about 300,000 world wide with about 15,000 deaths. The USA alone had as many victims of the swine flu as the world has had with corona virus, yet there was no panic on the same scale. Why is the is boogeyman more effective?

If we compare these which should have resulted in the most scary projection? Why did the lessor of two evils result in more fear and panic? History will show this .It has to do with main steam media, bias, and the politics of an election year.

In 2009, Obama was president and the fawning media, who was 93% positive, did not wish to create any negative news that could harm Obama, even if this meant playing down a pandemic. They did not to wish to juice up those vulnerable to projection. Republicans do not usually play politics with tragedy, as do the Democrats, so they did not push, either.

Flash forward to 2016. Fake News has been lying constantly to the America people in an attempt to take out Trump. Remember the collusion delusion that had most Democrats and the never Trump crowd, projecting evil onto Trump? How many fell for it, because it did appear that the evil portrayed by fake news, was outside themselves, and not a projection of their own cold hearts.

Fake news never got punished for playing with the minds of the unsuspecting victims of projection. The same people are doing it again, while the herd has shown it is powerless to overcome projection. Reason and common sense do not work. How many sill wish to believe this is outside of themselves?

The main point, for this topic, is projection shows one can be mislead, by the unconscious into thinking that consciousness exists outside our own psyche. The boogeyman of unconsciousness can protect and appear outside, and few can see otherwise, if they are unconscious of projection affects.

Science is also vulnerable when celebrity, funding raising and peer pressure get mixed up with the fear. Scientists also project  and can confuse inner motivations via projections onto hard reality that is not tainted. This is common in scientists in these forums.

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 23/03/2020 11:55:42
Flash forward to 2016. Fake News has been lying constantly to the America people in an attempt to take out Trump.
The actual evidence shows that you have that the wrong way round.
Trump's the one for "fake news".
For example, he started off by saying the current flu outbreak was not important.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 24/03/2020 07:15:37
Flash forward to 2016. Fake News has been lying constantly to the America people in an attempt to take out Trump. Remember the collusion delusion that had most Democrats and the never Trump crowd, projecting evil onto Trump? How many fell for it, because it did appear that the evil portrayed by fake news, was outside themselves, and not a projection of their own cold hearts.

You can point out the fake news by fact checking them.
Trump was asked Tuesday about his change in tone. He responded by claiming that his tone hadn't changed much at all.
"I mean, I have seen that, where people actually liked it. But I didn't feel different," he said at a White House press briefing. "I've always known, this is a real -- this is a real -- this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. All you had to do was look at other, I've always viewed it as very serious. It was no difference yesterday from days before. I feel the tone is similar, but some people said it wasn't."
This was another of Trump's brazen attempts to rewrite a history that played out in public view.
Facts First: From January until last week, Trump consistently minimized the risk the coronavirus posed to the country. He claimed to have the virus under "control," that the number of US cases would go "down, not up," that the virus might "disappear" through a "miracle" or something of the sort, that the virus might well vanish by April with the warmer weather, that the media and Democrats were overhyping the situation, and that "this is their new hoax," leaving it unclear whether he was calling the virus itself a hoax. (He later said he was talking about Democrats' coronavirus-related criticism, not the virus.)
On Monday, Trump acknowledged that the situation is "bad," that the virus is not under control, that the country might well be heading into a recession, and that American life would not get back to normal for months. He had not made such statements before.
President Donald Trump said Friday that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a “hoax” to damage him and his administration.

“The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.

“One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation,” he continued.

“This is their new hoax,” he said, referring to the coronavirus.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 24/03/2020 12:02:22
This topic is about where is consciousness is located. I was showing some examples of how the projection factor of the unconscious mind works. The unconscious mind can project content, like an overlay onto reality. What we then see is not 100% reality, but reality superimposed by the projection. It does not have to be a visual or audio overlay but it most often an emotional overlay.

For example, if you go in the woods at night, one may be more alert, since there may be critters of the night lurking about. If fear takes hold; emotional projection, one will overreact to the rustling of the wind. Nothing may be there, but it will feel like something is. Logic may not be sufficient to overcome the fear, since you are not doing this purposely and instinct seems to say there is a threat outside you.

The young man in love will see the most beautiful woman in the world, in his beloved. This is not 100% reality, but is due to a projection onto reality: beer goggles. A projection can make people think consciousness is outside themselves; spirits of the forests.  It can also animate the spirits of the virus, so these tiny boogeyman are like a cloud around any stranger. One will rationalize this extroverted assumption instead of rationalize a possibleo fear projection.

In terms of comparing the swine flu of 2009, under Obama and the Corona Virus under Trump, the reactions were different by the media, and the results of the virus were also different. This had to do with two different induced projections. In 2009, people projected safety and business as usual onto a pandemic. While in 2020, there is excessive fear projected onto a lessor pandemic. We create our own internal/external reality via projections. Prejudice is a projection.

The data for corona virus says it impacts the elderly more than the youth. It also says, someone who is healthy and in shape will be less likely be a serious target. With this data in mind, many college kids went to spring break to have fun. The adults, via their projected fear, got all excited about the "reckless behavior" of the young people, even though the data says they are less vulnerable.  It turns out there are six cases out of hundreds of thousands of kids, with nobody dying. To those projecting fear, this means the world is about to end.

I did use a political example, in my previous post, since projection is very common to politics. This is more common to the left since emotional projection is very important and will be blindly followed. Audio and visual is very hard to induce. Confidence men and women promise you the world and many voters start to protect their wishful fantasies into these promises. Usually one side the issue can induce the projection easier in certain people, but not in others..Many people are disappointed after the election since their fantasy projection ends when hard reality takes over. Fake news and marketing also play a role in the induction process and they shift gears. Obama was Moses to many black during election time, but hard reality soon kicked in.

Projection is a way for aspects of consciousness; from the unconscious mind,  to spontaneously appear outside the brain. This can create a problem even for science. The most important tool of science is the human mind. If one is not aware of projection and/or  what exactly is causing a projection, how do you calibrate the human mind, so this tool is processing reality accurately?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 25/03/2020 17:08:14
This topic is about where is consciousness is located. I was showing some examples of how the projection factor of the unconscious mind works. The unconscious mind can project content, like an overlay onto reality. What we then see is not 100% reality, but reality superimposed by the projection. It does not have to be a visual or audio overlay but it most often an emotional overlay.

This is all very philosophical. Do you agree with the links in the OP, in that the consciousness may exist outside the brain, independent of the brain. The brain simply sensing the consciousness.

I was hoping for a strong argument against the links. Does anyone have a strong argument for the case for consciousness existing outside the brain, independent of the brain?

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/03/2020 17:15:16
This is more common to the left since emotional projection is very important and will be blindly followed.
Why do you keep saying  stuff that's wrong?
Don't you realise this is a science page and people will call you out on it?
Why, basically, do you choose to support the liar?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/03/2020 17:16:24
Confidence men and women promise you the world
"Drain the swamp" "get brexit done".
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/03/2020 17:19:44
.Many people are disappointed after the election since their fantasy projection ends when hard reality takes over.

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 26/03/2020 09:49:16
Where is the consciousness located ?

The following might appeal to pantheists, buddhists hindus, or newagers perhaps and maybe even scientists.
"Hence, in Fenwick’s view, the brain does not create or produce consciousness; rather, it filters it. As odd as this idea might seem at first, there are some analogies that bring the concept into sharper focus. For example, the eye filters and interprets only a very small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum and the ear registers only a narrow range of sonic frequencies. Similarly, according to Fenwick, the brain filters and perceives only a tiny part of the cosmos’ intrinsic “consciousness.”
Fenwick is not a physicist, so I dredged the following link, the mind of wigners friend which supports the Fenwicks theory.
The key points central to the article are
"A. My body with its internal nervous system(explored to any future degree of physiological completeness) functions as a pure mechanism according to the laws of nature. Further more quantum mechanics is the ultimate basis of the mechanism.

B. I am aware that by incontrovertible direct evidence of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."

Would any one like to comment, where is your consciousness? what is it?

Just a reminder on what the thread is about since, it appears to have been hijacked, by some one very bored :)
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 26/03/2020 13:15:50
Let me show another example of projection, based on events in the news. If you look at the reaction to the Corona Virus, and the global shut down, one would expect this to be worse disease in the world of all times.  The world has never reacted and acted like this before.

If we separate ourselves from our emotions; Mr Spock with cold logic, ten times as many people have died of the flu this year than the Corona Virus. There are other diseases such as heart disease that claim even more lives than the flu each year. Yet, Corona has been given the status and resources as the worse of the worse, for all times. Something is not adding up in terms of the hard data,

The question becomes, why are "we" overreacting to the lessor of evils, even with conflicting data, from hard science,for  sickness and mortality? It has to do with a group projection of fear. This projection of fear, appears to be outside of ourselves, floating in the air like the angel of death. It adds a wild card that can override common sense.

Even scientists, who we assume are rational, will try to rationalize their fear, and will ignore all sense of proportions based on hard data for other diseases. This can also be due to a windfall of resources clouding common sense. If we die of the flu, so what, there is no angel of death. But if you die of Corona, which is 10 times less likley, that makes you a hero for just facing hew angel of death eye to eye. 

This collective projection demonstration, driven by propaganda from by both side of the political spectrum, shows how strong unconscious projections can become, if it reinforced by herd think. In this case we have global herd think. You will not be able to convince most people that this exaggerated evil is partially inside of themselves. Proportional data will not sink into their minds to quantify the reality evil, even with people who are supposed to be rational based on occupation.

Projection can be a useful investigation tool, if properly investigated. The unconscious can map out its own inner reality through projection. Many of the worlds religions have excellent maps. Some projection bones are easier for the herd to chew, since a solution is  there for common sense, if you can separate reason from projection.

The projection will be minimized if you can accept the reality of the Corona virus, but in the proper proportion to the hard reality of other things, that can also harm you. If your reaction remains  exaggerated and disproportional to other data, you are too unconscious of the collective projection to reason.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 26/03/2020 13:39:43
Let me show another example of projection, based on events in the news. If you look at the reaction to the Corona Virus, and the global shut down, one would expect this to be worse disease in the world of all times.  The world has never reacted and acted like this before.

If we separate ourselves from our emotions; Mr Spock with cold logic, ten times as many people have died of the flu this year than the Corona Virus. There are other diseases such as heart disease that claim even more lives than the flu each year. Yet, Corona has been given the status and resources as the worse of the worse, for all times. Something is not adding up in terms of the hard data,

The question becomes, why are "we" overreacting to the lessor of evils, even with conflicting data, from hard science,for  sickness and mortality? It has to do with a group projection of fear. This projection of fear, appears to be outside of ourselves, floating in the air like the angel of death. It adds a wild card that can override common sense.

Even scientists, who we assume are rational, will try to rationalize their fear, and will ignore all sense of proportions based on hard data for other diseases. This can also be due to a windfall of resources clouding common sense. If we die of the flu, so what, there is no angel of death. But if you die of Corona, which is 10 times less likley, that makes you a hero for just facing hew angel of death eye to eye. 

This collective projection demonstration, driven by propaganda from by both side of the political spectrum, shows how strong unconscious projections can become, if it reinforced by herd think. In this case we have global herd think. You will not be able to convince most people that this exaggerated evil is partially inside of themselves. Proportional data will not sink into their minds to quantify the reality evil, even with people who are supposed to be rational based on occupation.

Projection can be a useful investigation tool, if properly investigated. The unconscious can map out its own inner reality through projection. Many of the worlds religions have excellent maps. Some projection bones are easier for the herd to chew, since a solution is  there for common sense, if you can separate reason from projection.

The projection will be minimized if you can accept the reality of the Corona virus, but in the proper proportion to the hard reality of other things, that can also harm you. If your reaction remains  exaggerated and disproportional to other data, you are too unconscious of the collective projection to reason.
Must be bored; he forgot to mention the topic.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 28/03/2020 11:19:29

Must be bored; he forgot to mention the topic.

Its official, the question posed in the op has been hijacked. :)

Even thebox gave better responses, what happened to him. 
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 28/03/2020 11:29:36
I was hoping that somehow I could find a better argument against either paper I posted.
I did point out that it was wrong.

More importantly, that statement is far from incontrovertible.
Much of the information you receive might be wrong and thus not (in a useful sense, knowledge.

Notably, your eyes provide you with a picture of the world, but in reality the eyes have blind spots.

But the fact remains that the question posed in the title is unanswerable.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 28/03/2020 11:46:29
The article in the OP is suggesting the brain is where the consciousness manifests from a universal consciousness, the brain just filters out part of the universal consciousness, like an eye only detects part of the visible spectrum.

Without any way to test that, there's no way to know whether it's true or not.

But the fact remains that the question posed in the title is unanswerable.

In the absence of any kind of scientific proof, for the consciousness being outside the body, I dredged this utube on reincarnation, whereby some children claim to have memories of past lives. If the cases discussed here are not of child actors, or con merchants then, here is your proof or not as the case may be.

The OP still stands and as you both say, without proof there is no way to test it.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 28/03/2020 11:55:27
. If the cases discussed here are not of child actors, or con merchants then,...
... they are evidence that some kids have vivid imaginations.
Which we already knew.

Did you need a video to tell you that?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 28/03/2020 15:24:53
. If the cases discussed here are not of child actors, or con merchants then,...
... they are evidence that some kids have vivid imaginations.
Which we already knew.

Did you need a video to tell you that?

You watched it then :)

Perhaps also the kids parents are also hopeful their child is a bit special :) Disbelief without proof is not an argument. The indian girl, that apparently found her original family, and seemed to be accepted by them as the reincarnation of their son/brother was quite intriguing assuming they were not all actors or deluded, which is a possibility.

As the OP stands it has no "scientific" evidence to support it, nor has anyone put forward an argument against it, especially the jstor link I posted in the OP.

For an agnostic the conclusion of this thread must be inconclusive. If you are an atheist, complete disbelief is the safest conclusion, if you are a Hindu, belief is a likely outcome.

Up to present you opt for disbelief without reason against the JSTOR paper.

What is wrong with the papers logic ?

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 28/03/2020 15:36:53
You watched it then
nor has anyone put forward an argument against it, especially the jstor link I posted in the OP.
here we go again..
I did point out that it was wrong.

Quote from: Bored chemist on 15/03/2020 14:12:57
More importantly, that statement is far from incontrovertible.
Much of the information you receive might be wrong and thus not (in a useful sense, knowledge.

Notably, your eyes provide you with a picture of the world, but in reality the eyes have blind spots.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 28/03/2020 16:13:04
You watched it then
nor has anyone put forward an argument against it, especially the jstor link I posted in the OP.
here we go again..
I did point out that it was wrong.

Quote from: Bored chemist on 15/03/2020 14:12:57
More importantly, that statement is far from incontrovertible.
Much of the information you receive might be wrong and thus not (in a useful sense, knowledge.

Notably, your eyes provide you with a picture of the world, but in reality the eyes have blind spots.

Would I be correct in thinking you never read the JSTOR paper either.   
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 29/03/2020 14:37:07
If you believe in evolution, and that we evolved from previous versions of other animals, than some of that past memory is still engraved in the DNA. In other words, there are basic cellular similarities between all animals and even bacteria; mitochondria, which means some genes are conserved for long periods of time.

Theoretically, since each neurons contains our entire human DNA ,and human DNA has traces of past animal DNA, the link between neuron DNA and synaptic based memory should allow the inner self to periodically extrapolate and manifest past DNA connections via the frontal lobe; deja vu.

Reincarnation was the original version of generic theory. Like genetic theory it implies a continuity of life from past to the present and to the future. Within this continuity of life, is a continuity of consciousness, which itself has built upon previous versions of consciousness, We now use this schema to describe the DNA. If you had  great great grandfather who was a drunk some assumer this genetic connection can be transmitted to the future. We can take it one step further, and say the inner self is wired into this long term memory schema since the inner self is nature itself .

The brain is a neuron grid of synapses and ionic potentials. This ionic grid becomes the external environment around the neurons. The DNA is induced to respond based on external inputs. The inner self appears to be centralized in the core of the brain or the thalamus region. The thalamus is the most wired part of the brain for both input and output, and therefore it has the strongest signal amplifications. If connections and amplifications are properly made, this is the best place to induce and transmit deja vu. 

For memory to be maintained as fixed structures in the brain, axons and dendrites,structural parts of individual neuron cells, have to be maintained. These constant cellular structures requires the DNA be induced into a cooperative and even redundant state, based on the memory data. To go from there to ancient genes and back, is not a big deal to the inner self. It is all based on water equilibria and short term amplifications around a base configuration that has a material capacitance.

Memory formed from our sensory systems are not at lowest potential. They are induced at higher potential. Higher potential makes memory fire and allows the memory to remain conscious. Low potential neurons do not fire. Although memory begins ay higher potential, the brain is nevertheless trying to lower potential by forward integrating memory into lower and lower potential. The details get lost, but we gain wisdom and common sense from the forward integration. This type of memory is  more situational based. New memory of new situations, will once again  increase potential, which lowers back into the memories of wisdom. The exothermic output becomes conscious as a solution to the problem.

Reincarnation, although often about the past, is also about the future. To align the future with nature and the DNA, we need to align with the past DNA. The inner self may align us with ourselves and history, as a way to move the individual in the proper line; induce a deja vu. This is useful especially if heart felt.

The operating system of the brain is the last frontier, but neither science or religion wish to deal with it. It is both science and religion or past, present and future. However, it requires a different approach where we become the scientists and experiment; conscious of our inner self.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Bored chemist on 29/03/2020 14:59:56
Would I be correct in thinking you never read the JSTOR paper either.   
No, It's obvious that I read it.
That's why I was able to point out that you didn't get the quote right.

It's also why I was able to show that it was, in fact, wrong.

Since you seem to have forgotten, here it is again.

Is this not the response of an atheist, a scientist might have commented where the second paper from jstor I posted is barking mad.
OK, it says "I am aware, by incontrovertible direct evidence, of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."
where you wrote
"I am aware that by incontrovertible direct evidence of knowledge (information) entering my consciousness."

More importantly, that statement is far from incontrovertible.
Much of the information you receive might be wrong and thus not (in a useful sense, knowledge.

Notably, your eyes provide you with a picture of the world, but in reality the eyes have blind spots.

Would I be right in thinking that you don't actually care about the facts her and tried to discredit me?

How's that working out for you?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Kryptid on 29/03/2020 18:39:35
Theoretically, since each neurons contains our entire human DNA ,and human DNA has traces of past animal DNA, the link between neuron DNA and synaptic based memory should allow the inner self to periodically extrapolate and manifest past DNA connections via the frontal lobe; deja vu.

That isn't remotely how memory storage in networks of neurons works.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 30/03/2020 09:21:54
The video is titled "The Self - A Thought Experiment".
Spoiler: show
An omniscient conscious being doesn't have subjectivity.

Professor Patrick Stokes of Deakin University gives a thought experiment from Thomas Nagel. This comes from a talk given at the Ethics Centre from an episode of the podcast The Philosopher's Zone.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 02/04/2020 15:47:09
The video is titled "The Self - A Thought Experiment".
Spoiler: show
An omniscient conscious being doesn't have subjectivity.

Professor Patrick Stokes of Deakin University gives a thought experiment from Thomas Nagel. This comes from a talk given at the Ethics Centre from an episode of the podcast The Philosopher's Zone.

Thanks for the link

The video appears to support the questions raised in the OP. It is however philosophical and offers no proof, which is a problem already pointed out. 

What kind of proof would be required to prove the conjecture in the OP?

Ghosties apparently dont hang around for scientists to probe them with instruments, to test what they might be made of :)
If they do exist they might be made of undetectium, which instruments havent been built to detect yet, for various reasons.
Various dubious photographs have been made of apparitions, and ghost stories abound. The following highly reliable report from the daily mail  ;) Might be regarded as evidence for Poltergeists.

If it was halloween,  ;)

Reliable evidence or arguments against the OP seem to be very weak.

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 03/04/2020 10:22:36
Similarly, according to Fenwick, the brain filters and perceives only a tiny part of the cosmos’ intrinsic “consciousness.”
If I take a glass and dip it into an ocean, can it be said that I filter ocean water?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 04/04/2020 19:41:38
Similarly, according to Fenwick, the brain filters and perceives only a tiny part of the cosmos’ intrinsic “consciousness.”
If I take a glass and dip it into an ocean, can it be said that I filter ocean water?
If you pour the water through a filter into the glass yes. It depends on the quality of the filter as to what your filtered ocean water is like.

I am struggling to find evidence for this, but I have some interesting links.

Radio consciousness

Roger Penrose and Stuart Hamerhoff have a theory ORCH-OR again its cosmic consciousness. 30 minutes long, if anyone can spare the time to watch.

Edit wiki on the same subject
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 05/04/2020 17:06:59
A review of ORCH_OR theory from 2019
and a bit of easy reading background

The review will probably be too long for most to read, it is interesting, but leaves more questions than answers.

Does the brain run various scenarios and then select a desired outcome? ie possible future events affecting events in the here and now? If a future event can affect current events in quantum mechanics, does space time need an extra level running different interconnected scenarios, before deciding on an outcome?

Not provable, not even wrong, or god els incompleteness thereom :)
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Kryptid on 05/04/2020 20:10:56
Does the brain run various scenarios and then select a desired outcome?

If that was the case, you'd expect the brain to always choose the best outcome. Given that so many people are sick, poor and injured, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 05/04/2020 23:17:05
If that was the case, you'd expect the brain to always choose the best outcome. Given that so many people are sick, poor and injured, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Not every ones brain is programmed the same or has the same pathways, so not everyone will make the same decisions.

Do you know how quantum computers are programmed ?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Kryptid on 05/04/2020 23:24:03
Not every ones brain is programmed the same or has the same pathways, so not everyone will make the same decisions.

Presumably, they would still choose pathways that avoid undesirable consequences. There have been plenty of times in my life when things happened to me that I did not want to happen.

Do you know how quantum computers are programmed ?

Not really. It's been a long time since I looked into them.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 06/04/2020 03:44:31
Does the brain run various scenarios and then select a desired outcome?

If that was the case, you'd expect the brain to always choose the best outcome. Given that so many people are sick, poor and injured, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Unexpected results come from false assumptions. It happens due to incomplete information.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 06/04/2020 21:24:36

Unexpected results come from false assumptions. It happens due to incomplete information.

Garbage in Garbage out, is a well known issue in computers. Humans are not that different bad inputs result in bad outputs ie wrong decisions

The "burden of proof" is a weighty thing that has plagued this thread :( Maybe :) This paper addressing non local consciousness and the burden of proof helps

If this is correct then non local consciousness is fact. Which is a bit worrying as I might have to apologise to some nutters, who might be sane after all  ;)

Today there are six stabilized parapsy-chological protocols used in laboratoriesaround the world. Each of these six hasindependently produced six sigma results.Six sigma is 1 in 1,009,976,678, or the99.9999990699 percentile.Those that have been analyzed in detailare:●RV, ie, remote viewing;●REG, ie, random event generator;●Ganzfeld;●GCP, ie, global consciousness project;●presentiment; and●Retrocognition/precognition "
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 07/04/2020 12:11:24
One of the main problems, with science answering the question of where consciousness is located, is connected to the philosophy of science. The philosophy of science uses an extroverted approach; third person observations of reality. Observation in the third person is the best way to get a range of scientists to agree on the data. However, this is not the best way to deal with consciousness.

Let me give an example, say you had a toothache. While you moan in pain with the toothache, you also become an observational experiment, observed from the outside by others; third person. Would both data sets ; person with the pain and the person observing the person in pain be the same? The answer is no. Unless you have had a first hand experience of a toothache, there will be something missing in your external data relative to first hand consciousness.

In medical pain management, medicine often has a dilemma in terms of prescribing drugs for pain.  Doctors cannot climb into someone else's skin and measure the pain. They need to depend on the patient telling them in the first person.  The patient has a conscious awareness that cannot be easily derived in the third person. The third person approach has limitations when it comes to consciousness even in hospitals full of scientists and doctors.

A doctor is not allowed to operate on themselves, because the pain during surgery can impair one's conscious ability to operate. If you read between the lines, there are two separate things going on; first and third person. To investigate consciousness one needs to become both the scientist; third person object and the experiment; first person experience, with the pitfall of once the experiment is running; tooth ache, the scientists has to maintain objectivity and not be swept up by the experimental side of their mind; unable to operate due to pain distraction.

The experiment and the scientist are separated in modern science, However, science of the mind, that does not ignore data, requires both the scientist and experiment be the same person, so the scientist can access the unique first hand data streams, directly.  This standard is not reached in conventional science, but has been reached in some mystical philosophies and religions. If you fast for forty days, the unconscious will kick up all types of data. The third person observer may only see person appearing nearly dead, with a lot of brain activity.

Several decades ago there was a fad called the pet rock. The pet rock was nothing but a rock with a fake birth certificate for authentication. This was a fantasy fad, but it sold $millions in pet rocks. The fad did not last, but while it was active, these rocks often appeared to have a life of their own to their owners. Essentially a marketing seed was planted in the unconscious psyche, so one would react to the pet rock, in a certain way, until through herd speak, it appeared to become animate; outside in the third person. It was treated as though alive and very valuable. This is basically a projection type affect, that will impact people who do not know how to deal with consciousness in the first person, but deal with it only in the third person. 

If we go back to the philosophy of science, one may ask if the third person approach is so effective, why did science become so dogmatic, at various points in time, only to change its mind over time? It has to do with the pet rock affect of science. This cannot be seen through in the third person of its own philosophy. The pet rock affect has to wear off so the next generation of pet rocks can appear, in the third person.

The classic example of modern times is dark energy, This pet rock is nurtured throughout science even though it has never been seen in the lab to prove if it is real. Everyone seems to see it out in space. If you deny this and tell everyone this is a magic spell from the unconscious, you will be accused of blasphemy. The most important tool of science is the mind and best way to calibrate this tool is in the first person. But this is not allowed by the third person philosophy of science. First person will be called subjective, since it cannot be verified by others. Calibration is called subjective therefore the magic remains.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: Kryptid on 07/04/2020 14:27:28
This pet rock is nurtured throughout science even though it has never been seen in the lab to prove if it is real. Everyone seems to see it out in space.

The same thing can be said of supernovae or the planet Jupiter. Are those somehow "pet rocks" too?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 07/04/2020 16:59:39
This is interesting

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 07/04/2020 17:12:11
Not really. It's been a long time since I looked into them.
Here is a quick refresher, with interesting links if it is below your level
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 08/04/2020 07:04:27
Let me give an example, say you had a toothache. While you moan in pain with the toothache, you also become an observational experiment, observed from the outside by others; third person. Would both data sets ; person with the pain and the person observing the person in pain be the same? The answer is no. Unless you have had a first hand experience of a toothache, there will be something missing in your external data relative to first hand consciousness.
Above is only true with current technology. When technology in direct brain interface is adequately advanced, simulating that pain can be so convincing we can no longer distinguish from the real pain.
In medical pain management, medicine often has a dilemma in terms of prescribing drugs for pain.  Doctors cannot climb into someone else's skin and measure the pain. They need to depend on the patient telling them in the first person.  The patient has a conscious awareness that cannot be easily derived in the third person. The third person approach has limitations when it comes to consciousness even in hospitals full of scientists and doctors.
The same for this.
A doctor is not allowed to operate on themselves, because the pain during surgery can impair one's conscious ability to operate.
It depends on the type of the operation. Many people can stitch their own skin.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 08/04/2020 21:47:03
This is interesting

Here is a utube by the same guy who wrote the article in the above link. He might be mad, but then he might not be.  ;)
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 08/04/2020 21:56:05
Forgot to post this link on near death experiences, from the Lancet mentioned in the article posted previously
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 09/04/2020 14:38:41
This is interesting

Here is a utube by the same guy who wrote the article in the above link. He might be mad, but then he might not be.  ;)
Let me give an example, say you had a toothache. While you moan in pain with the toothache, you also become an observational experiment, observed from the outside by others; third person. Would both data sets ; person with the pain and the person observing the person in pain be the same? The answer is no. Unless you have had a first hand experience of a toothache, there will be something missing in your external data relative to first hand consciousness.
Above is only true with current technology. When technology in direct brain interface is adequately advanced, simulating that pain can be so convincing we can no longer distinguish from the real pain.
In medical pain management, medicine often has a dilemma in terms of prescribing drugs for pain.  Doctors cannot climb into someone else's skin and measure the pain. They need to depend on the patient telling them in the first person.  The patient has a conscious awareness that cannot be easily derived in the third person. The third person approach has limitations when it comes to consciousness even in hospitals full of scientists and doctors.
The same for this.
A doctor is not allowed to operate on themselves, because the pain during surgery can impair one's conscious ability to operate.
It depends on the type of the operation. Many people can stitch their own skin.

The point I was making is there is internal data, available to individual consciousness, that cannot be easily collected from the outside. Your point is if we have hypothetical machines we will be able to overcome this barrier.

This may be true of a toothache, but there will always be deeper and deeper data, which no machine has seen. Machines will always be one step behind direct experience.  No machine has found God in the lab, yet many people have conscious experiences that they attribute to God. The limitation of science does not set the bar very high.

What is felt by the faithful, as an awareness of God is valid conscious data, even if science has no machines to measure this data. It is like the toothache without machines. For now, science does not have sufficient internal data to define consciousness as a phenomena. What happens are the experts, see the external data, and then reflect internally and notice gaps . Nobody us given the authority to say done deal.

Say you had a dream and you were very conscientious about recording that dream when you awake. This is no different than any other form of objective science practice and data collection. You are observing and analyzing what is entering the primary tool of science which is connected to  conscious awareness. Yet it will be called subjective, since the data, even of valid, is unique to the individual, and cannot be group shared as raw data. There are no machines.

Calling this data subjective is because it conflicts with the dogma and philosophy of science. If science collects half baked third hand data for consciousness with obsolete machines, this is called objective, since others can share it. But this is really group data stacking and omission. That smells of subjective, to a first hand data collector. The majority wins.

The future of science of the mind will involved pioneer work where scientist become the experiment, so they can skip forward hundred of years of machines, to collect deep direct data. The brain can observe itself via consciousness, But like the doctor operating on themselves, maintaining objectivity, so the data can be valid, will require a lot training. If one faints in the day of adversity, the data will not be analyzed objectively and the ego can be consumed.

However,  we have two centers of consciousness; scientist=ego and inner self=experiment. An objective line can be drawn. In the end, the inner self is the source of consciousness and its data  can be used to define consciousness,

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: pensador on 09/04/2020 15:58:55
The point I was making is there is internal data, available to individual consciousness, that cannot be easily collected from the outside. Your point is if we have hypothetical machines we will be able to overcome this barrier.

The whole point of the thread is the consciousness may be external to the body, various articles have been presented, written by scientists working in the field (perhaps on the fringe). Some of these people have unnervingly plausible theories. What you are presenting isnt based on anything scientific, let alone related to the OP of the thread. Did you even take the opportunity to glance down any of the more recent papers I posted, or are you just convinced you are correct with NO scientific backup of your ideas.

You mention god. God is a very general term. Define what version of god it is you think you might be referring too and how any of your posts relate to the OP, and back it up with scientific reasoning. 

Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 11/04/2020 14:56:44
The point I was making is there is internal data, available to individual consciousness, that cannot be easily collected from the outside. Your point is if we have hypothetical machines we will be able to overcome this barrier.

The whole point of the thread is the consciousness may be external to the body, various articles have been presented, written by scientists working in the field (perhaps on the fringe). Some of these people have unnervingly plausible theories. What you are presenting isnt based on anything scientific, let alone related to the OP of the thread. Did you even take the opportunity to glance down any of the more recent papers I posted, or are you just convinced you are correct with NO scientific backup of your ideas.

You mention god. God is a very general term. Define what version of god it is you think you might be referring too and how any of your posts relate to the OP, and back it up with scientific reasoning. 

Like I said there is a difference between first hand and third person data when it comes to consciousness This is why scientists will rerun the same experiments, and not just depend on third hand data. They want to personally smell the coffee, in real time, and feel how it impacts.

Consciousness data collected from the outside will not see all the data that is inside the person; experimental subject. The conclusions of the scientific method will be consistent with the data collected, externally. However it will not always be consistent with the entire possible data set, inside and outside. The analogy is trying to collect data of the stars without a telescope. The visible data, that we can all agree upon, will be real and valid. But his data alone, but it will fall short of the conclusions we would make, if we also collected data with the telescope.

Picture if you had the only telescope in town, and the rest of science has to depend on only visual data. The prestige of the herd can make half baked theory, look better that it is in reaity. The telescope data may even disprove much of the extrapolation of the theory and therefore the theory,  but since the telescope is not allowed to be used; taboo, the truth is called subjective or alternate theory. The half baked is called science consensus as though science votes. 

My experience in this field is connected having running experiments on myself; to collect internal data, that machines cannot see. I was the scientist and the experiment. In the very early days, I had an interest in psychology and was well aware of the external data in the science and the various orientations. This was needed to build some objectivity and courage in case going inside got scary. Now I can see the limitations of existing theory because the method is self limiting on terms of allowable data collection. It does not allow the telescope. Consciousness can be used to look outside or inside, and the full story needs both data.

The philosophy of science was designed, during the age of enlightenment, to factor out the inside data so we could differentiate objective reality.. If a group of us were in the woods at night some may sense danger, and others may hear a noise that seems to be a wild animal. in the bushes. The philosophy of science was designed to set limits to what is objective and real, based on what we can all agree upon. Not everyone is paranoid, nor did everyone hear the wild animal in the bushes. This data will not used to define the night.  We can all agree it is dark and the fire needs wood. This is the scientific method.

With exploring consciousness, these other data from inside; projected paranoia and wild animals, are part of the story of consciousness. To be able to gather this data,  and still call it science, the philosophy will need to be modified for this very particular field of science.  You cannot always separate internal and external data because of projection affects; paranoia and will animals. These have be investigated from inside, where the projector lies. 

Maybe next time I will discuss the research I did over many decades, many moons ago. I avoid this because it is dangerous and is usually misunderstood. My unyielding creative energy came from these experiments. I am prolific in new ideas creation, based on a rapport crested with internal integration affects. Tomorrow is Easter, so I will open up.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 12/04/2020 01:41:02
Maybe next time I will discuss the research I did over many decades, many moons ago.
How do you define consciousness in your research? How does it relate to clinical consciousness? How does it relate to other concepts such as intelligence and self awareness? What are the minimum requirements for a being to be called conscious?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 12/04/2020 13:22:32
Maybe next time I will discuss the research I did over many decades, many moons ago.
How do you define consciousness in your research? How does it relate to clinical consciousness? How does it relate to other concepts such as intelligence and self awareness? What are the minimum requirements for a being to be called conscious?

Consciousness is a platform for awareness. We can be aware of things that directly enter our sensory systems from the outside. We ca also be aware of things that  impact our sensory systems from the inside. In both cases, arousal to awareness only requires the brain stem to be triggered. I can be aware of a toothache by its internal generation of pain and the brain stem. I can also be aware of the dentist, though my visial cortex and brain stem, who is trying to relieve me of my pain.  There are also composite affects; inside and outside, act together, such as projection.

When I was a child I had social anxiety disorder. This is a good example of inner and outer awareness acting as a composite. Social anxiety is often due to a chemical imbalance, that causes an internal of feeling of anxiety. This feeling can make the outer world appear scarier than it is. As one looks out at the world, the internal anxiety triggers the brain stem, and makes you aware. One might then react as though there is threat outside you, which is not actually there.

I outgrew this as I got older, by making a distinction between outside and inside awareness, and how these can be different, but overlap. I never took drugs for this condition. Instead I learn to altered the internal chemistry with my consciousness, by using logic and memory to induce an alternate internal feeling platform. However, the impact of this on my youth caused me to maintain the habit of being more introspective than extroverted. I was designed to explore the inside.

My research began in an indirect way, many years later. I had started second professional job as a development engineer. I moved about 1000 miles from family and friends. I accepted being alone and spent my days working development and my evenings reading. I was out of school, and now had an opportunity to self study other areas that interested me. I began by reading a wide range of classical literature which had been avoided due to being an engineer. I was also interested in Occult,  Mysticism and Eastern Yoga and Meditation. I had been brought up Catholic and was expanding my knowledge base in philosophy and religion.

There was one form of yoga that I discovered and practiced that led to my research. This was called Kundalini Yoga, This style of yoga worked under the assumption that humans had seven psychic centers along the spine; tailbone, spline, navel, heart, throat, mind's eye, and top of the head. There were breathing and visualization exercises where you would visualize each center becoming activated as you did the  breathing exercises. You would also visualize the psychic energy flowing upward from bottom centers to the top. To practice, it first required a typo of mediation called Chaotic Mediation to help scramble patterns in mind, body and heart, common to western thinking. When my mind, body and heart was calm I began.

To make a long story short, my nightly sessions, before bed, with the Kundalini exercises, eventually led to some interesting and scary special affects. These culminated in a state of awareness that appeared like I; my consciousness, was about to leave my body. I knew about astral projection, from many of the occult and mystical teachings, but I never really expected it to happen. But on this one occasion, I could feel my body expand, fill my room,  and I was starting to float out. I became scared since i was not sure how to get back in. I was able to shut it off.

Again there is internal and external awareness and these can overlap in ways that can confuse you. At that time, It was not clear if this was real or a type of mind game. I was educated as a scientist, who is taught that everything is outside you. This was att he border of my reason. The impact of this experience was to scare me away from further developing the Yoga.

Instead, I shifted gears and decided to learn more about psychology as a way to explain this experience, as a projection from inside. It was scary to think it was outside me and beyond my control. Inside me was more comforting to my intellectual and introverted nature, since I felt more control.

The best orientation I found to deal with mystical affects, was the psychology of Carl Jung. Jung was less both the ego consciousness adapting to culture and more about the inner self and the archetypes of the collective unconscious. His theory of the inner self seemed to be the logical source of my experience. After that, I started to research the archetype and inner self. I read and studied the collective works of Jung.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 12/04/2020 14:20:11
Part 2.

My interest in Jung, to help explain my mystical experiences, eventually led to me wanting to get first hand experience of the archetypes. It was one thing to intellectual follow the science logic and data that Jung presented, but as a development person, I wanted to go to the lab, run tests.  I decided to became the scientist and the experiment.

I began the research by simply recording my dreams at night and analyzing them in the morning, looking for symbols of the archetypes. Over time I became very proficient in collective human symbolism. The more I record and analyzed the dreams the more dreams and conscious in dreams I became. It comes down to brain stem activity while asleep. At times, I could control the flow in dreams.

One type of affect that began was connected to synchronicity. Synchronicity is implicit of meaningful coincidence. One type was I would dream dreams with unusual symbols that I would read about the next day. I was doing my daily Jung readings, and would find the symbol in my dreams, the next day in the new chapter I would read. Cause and affect were backwards. These affects were exciting and like a carrot on the string, led me deeper.

There was also another type of synchronicity connected to outside reality. In this case, I would become internally induced to awareness, of things in the environment, by the inner self. These specific awareness of objects would  help my analysis. For example, I might notice a blue bird flying from left to right. This bird is real. If I analyzed that as a dream symbol it would help me understand my actual dream. It was not two much the inner self making the bird fly,  as it was the oner self using reality event to make me aware of something, inside. This and consciousness in dreams began to blur the line between dreams and really.

In 20/20 hindsight, the differentiation of the symbolism and archetypes created a potential in my brain. The brain prefers to remain as an unconscious integration for lower energy. I was consciously breaking the unconscious integration apart to make the pieces conscious. This accumulating potential culminated in a nightmare that outline a natural healing process from the inner self; Mysterium Conjunctions or the mystical union. The inner self wanted to go back but with my conscious mind as part of the new integration.

In the dream an evil presence was about to enter my apartment. I then say a ring of light and fire rotating horizontally. A man and then woman jump into the ring and merge. The evil presence then says to me when you entered the ring, it shall be complete.

I was terrified to where I awake myself out of the dream, only to see the walls of my bedroom breathing. I could feel my animal body in pure panic, while another part of me was trying to calm down the anxiety. I then remembered the power of prayer for dealing with unknown fear. This calmed me down the presence left. At that  point I was no longer afraid, since I had a sword; reason and  a shield; faith. I was ready to move forward.

The next few days, i felt like my personality had been shattered. The anxiety had been so strong. A synchtoicity then appeared, which was a large colorful beetle, that landed above my front door and  remained there for three days.  If this was a dream symbol it was a symbol for protection. It stayed for three days and then as it fly away, I was back to normal. I not sure how to explain this with inner and outer reality and projection, since outer realty served the needs of the inner self.

It took about a month of rest from my labors, and then the reintegration process started. In this process the inner self would generate semi-conscious scenarios composed of feelings, imaginary and even projection. My  goal was to figure out the puzzle. If I got it right, I would get a dose of endorphins and feel like I could sense eternity. This buzz was short lived, until another puzzle would begin. This was the thousand fold distillation. The puzzles got extremely complicated and as time went on some would continue day and night, sometimes with as many a seven archetypes at a time. This was the toughest final exam I ever had. This went on for months until one day I was spit out and back to normal.

Some of the inner self scenarios involved lady friends. The reintegration process made me sort of a  magic man and my inner self would push the buttons of my lady friends, so they could generate spontaneous data rom their inner self, for my inner self. I still feel guilty to this day. But at the time, I was following the experiment, allowing it to run its course. In the end, I was exhausted but came out in one piece.

About a month later, after another rest, I started to notice a change. I was able to interact with the inner self in real time. The reintegration procedure; puzzles and translations, has built a translation link to the inner self. This is where the research got life changing. That is another day.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 12/04/2020 14:23:54
Consciousness is a platform for awareness. We can be aware of things that directly enter our sensory systems from the outside. We ca also be aware of things that  impact our sensory systems from the inside. In both cases, arousal to awareness only requires the brain stem to be triggered. I can be aware of a toothache by its internal generation of pain and the brain stem. I can also be aware of the dentist, though my visial cortex and brain stem, who is trying to relieve me of my pain.  There are also composite affects; inside and outside, act together, such as projection.
Is it possible to become conscious without awareness? Do you think that artificial/non-biological consciousness is possible?
I still want to know your answer to my other questions in previous post.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 13/04/2020 13:40:13
Consciousness is a platform for awareness. We can be aware of things that directly enter our sensory systems from the outside. We ca also be aware of things that  impact our sensory systems from the inside. In both cases, arousal to awareness only requires the brain stem to be triggered. I can be aware of a toothache by its internal generation of pain and the brain stem. I can also be aware of the dentist, though my visial cortex and brain stem, who is trying to relieve me of my pain.  There are also composite affects; inside and outside, act together, such as projection.
Is it possible to become conscious without awareness? Do you think that artificial/non-biological consciousness is possible?
I still want to know your answer to my other questions in previous post.

The idea of being conscious without awareness is possible, Humans have two centers of consciousness. The ego is the center of the conscious mind and the inner self is the center of the unconscious mind. Subliminal things, may not arouse the attention of the conscious mind, but will still be conscious to the inner self. Hypnosis could be used to increase the awareness of the ego to some of these subliminal things; after the fact. My research appeared to show that developing a rapport with the inner self will cause it to arouse the ego of things it would normally be unconscious of. The ego is part of the brain;s energy economy and its cooperation would be part of the needed optimization. But the ego has choice and will power apart from the inner self and can also have th reverse affect.

Animals are conscious. The have no ego, but they do have an inner self. Their awareness and reactions are governed by instinct filtered through the inner self; operating system. The exception appears to be some domesticated animals. A domesticated dog appears to have a virtual secondary center, that can be induced by humans. The toy poodle can learn to act like a baby; virtual secondary, to assist with the needs of the owner in real time. They can become aware of owner's subtle cues and participate and even initiate the learned intersections. This can appear very unified and integrated to the observer, but it not part of their instinct. Left to their own devices their inner self will make them more ferrel.

The human ego, on the other hans, is innate to human DNA and will exist apart from a virtual platform. It may have been virtual, when it first evolved; inner self generated. There appears to be a virtual tertiary center in humans. This is called the persona, or mask of the ego. Cultural and the individual can train the persona, until the mask appears natural; actor. The mask of the ego is not the ego. I never develop the mask so I may be odd that way. I went the other way; inner self.

As far as biological and machine intelligence and consciousness, consciousness can be traced to the physical-biochemistry of the brain. This physical biochemistry included the many properties of water. Consciousness has more in common with the fluid nature of water than the fixed natural of organic structures. In a sense, even a cell is conscious and can be aroused by stimulus. It does not think, but will it react based on integrated potentials within its own make-up. The brain scales this up as a dedicated organ platform.

As far as machine consciousness, this is possible, but it will not be achieved by using the hardware that is currently being used. What we will get will be increasingly clever automatons that can increasingly exist below the threshold of conscious awareness; ego can't see the hidden wires. The magician can levitate his lovely assistant.

The reason is, computer memory is based on binary switches; on-off. Although there is development of a tertiary platform of -1, 0,1. Synapses are more than an on-off or binary or tertiary switch. They use neurotransmitters which can make a synapse easier or harder to fire. The synapse is more like a variable switch, that has way more than two or three settings. It could be higher than 10. This variable setting allows our memory to become organized as superimposed layers, with activation of each layer, based on the neurotransmitters settings being used. What is useful about this is each layer has access to the entire brain and the layering helps the ego focus on the data at the top of memory layering priority. If we get hungry, food needs get the top memory priority. Other layers can be accessed but are not at the top. This would be a huge advancement in computer memory.

Another difference are neurons are induced to highest potential,  by the pumping and exchanging of cations by ion pumps. The brain uses 90% of its energy pumping and exchanging ions. As this high potential is reached in the neurons, neurons will fire and/or be induced to fire to lower the potential. Computer memory is designed to maintain a low energy profile, unless we need to access the memory. This is needed for long term storage, If we designed computer memory to mimic neural memory, the rest memory would be at highest potential, thereby making it unstable always ready to fire, even spontaneously in storage. The result is stored memory would change, by itself, over time. In the brain, this spontaneous firing of memory, and the release of energy is fuel for consciousness. The restoration is constantly induced by the neurons.

in humans, our memory is stored at high energy, as the ion pumps create memory potential. Firing is a way to lower the potential, in a thermodynamics sense. The release of energy and the increase in entropy; ions merging, creates awareness of the memory and adds a wild card in terms of thermodynamically useful change. The neurons quickly restore the potential for another cycle. Consciousness exist in this flux of firing memory, real time awareness of change, and the perpetual renewal of the potential.

The inner self appears to exist in the thalamus region of the brain, located in the core of the brain. The thalamus is most wired part of the brain. All memory-energy-entropy flux goes through there. It is aware, before formal awareness of the ego, triggered by the flux to the brain stem. The inner self sends signals to the brain stem, if the ego needs to be part of the activity. 
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 13/04/2020 15:34:38
Part 3

Let me continue on with my research bio. After the 1000 fold distillation and reintegration process ended, I was back to normal and happy, once again, I had escaped in one piece. The exercises had become exhausting ,so I took about a month off, totally detached from the research. 

When I felt good I decided to reach out and share my data with the science community. I was well read in Jungian Psychology and my accomplishment was pioneering. I expected  a warm reception. In the end, it was met with doubt and suspicion, since I was not a psychologist or psychiatrist, by education or trade. I was a Chemical Engineer by trade. At the same time, being an introvert and not an extrovert. with a good line of feel good bull, I could not get the system to loosen up, be objective and ask questions. 

This was very disappointing, so I decided to stop the research, since further effort and risk was going to be for nothing. In my mind, I stopped everything to go on with my life. But the inner self had other plans, below the threshold of my conscious awareness. Before, when I was consciously making a research effort, to sense the inner self, I was conscious of subtle things. But having resolved to stop, I was much less conscious of the signs of change.

After stopping, I had more time on my hands and decided to play with my inner self rapport, to help pass time. It was more enjoyable than watching TV.  It was during this time I learned or was shown by the inner self, how to create a dictionary oracle to speed up the connection. I could take a standard collegiate dictionary and randomly flip the pages, and then point to a word, to answer my question; synchronicity. This is part of the reason, to this day I don't like statistics. It can work but this is a prosthesis that can get the better of you, and make you less rational.

I used to do some oracle demonstrations for friends and some women I would meet, since females  seemed to allow me to make the oracle work best in public. Alone, this past time became a way to  expedite communication with the inner self. This was more about personals things and was not considered research. It was not trippy or compulsive, but like looking at a personal horoscope.

After about a year or so,  I decided to use my rapport and oracle, to see how the inner self would react to the mysteries of science and knowledge. The idea was to give the inner self open ended problems, where there was no hard and fast solution For example, how did the universe begin before the big bang? I figure I would let the main frame of the brain do the data crunching, and see what pops out. Iy had dawned on me that nobody would ever believe my research, or the semi reliable oracle demonstrations, but if I could give a better demonstration, that might open up interest. People want to see the gismo out side them. A solved science problem might work.

To make a long story short, the inner self came up with some novel ideas to solve unsolvable questions. Once again, my inability  to socially interact in a way to build a personal rapport made door opening impossible. On one occasion, I explained one of my physics theories to a physics professor; relativistic slow down model for the big bang. I got the bums rush. Several years later , my theory was published by someone else; thieves of science. I never complained, since I had change gears by then. In retrospect. my inner self seem to sabotage me, so I would keep moving forward instead of laterally.

One area of human knowledge, tha I decided to use, to test the inner self was the Prophesies of Revelations. This has been a mystery for 2000 years. However, it was right along my wheelhouse connected to collective human symbolism. The inner self seemed to like this problem and offered me enthusiasm and a possible way to integrate the mystery, using the Four Horseman as the core. It would build outward from this hub. 

To make a long story short, this project made me become more and more obsessed . I got to the point of hope and trust, that I quit my job and decided to use the inner self as a tool, full time, for science and religion research. I also found  could use a bible, instead of dictionary, for the oracle. This change led me into a mystical psychosis, that blinded me to reality. Instead the symbolism came alive.

One day, during the beginning of my sabbatical, the inner self showed see; inner awareness, what appeared to be logical conceptual flaws in many existing theories of science. It made me aware that knowledge is built upon the foundations of previous knowledge, similar to building the upper stories of a house. It took me into the subbasement, and showed me cracks in the foundation and cornerstones. The weight being added on top was not sustainable. The core of physics has not evolved since the 1920's, yet they continue to build at add weight. Biology still uses an oracle based on statistics instead of deal with the water, etc.,

In my mind, as I followed the logic, something unexpected happened. My entire house of knowledge, from my science education. all came crashing down. It was like a domino affect, as the broad corer stone, changed other things. To be true to myself and common sense, I could not linger be a dutiful herd animal. However, being true to myself ment, I had lost my mooring in physical realty, because all that which I had believed was gone. I became free floating, with no way to moor myself in knowledge, since the replacement was not yet created. It was of an apocalypse of the mind with total destruction.

The bible prophesies became a way to moor myself; in faith, with me becoming more and more enveloped by the symbolic projections. At some level it became my job; The Servant, to warn everyone of the change that was coming. I also intuitively felt that there was another person, out there, somewhere, who understood and would  use his charisma to make this loss of mooring wide scale  I kept this to myself, while moving forward in my tasks to find alternatives before the other person could act. I felt extreme pressure to act, which only seemed to attract me to the dark side for its energy. The person I was becoming, was the other person.

I cycled in suspension between the two egos; real and virtual. I must have created a lot of brain potential when I lost my mooring anxiety. At times my ego would dissolve, and the virtual ego would appear for my conscious mind. Bit I would cycle back, when I would find hope. My ego was very fragile and could be swallowed up.

In hindsight, law or knowledge of good and evil, has created an unconscious subroutine in the human brain; dark side of law, with a moderate level of autonomy. This subroutine appeared to be what was driving the virtual ego which took a lot of brain energy. The inner self was in control of my ego, which would ebb and flow, based on the energy demands.
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 14/04/2020 13:36:22
part 3

When I started my sabbatical the inner self gave me a hint as to how approach the full mystery of bible prophesies. It made me feel that the warning, at the end of Revelations, "not to add or take away from the prophesies", was not a warning but was really a hint. I asked myself how can I not add or take away and still solve the puzzle? What came to mind was to outline the bible for prophesies, like a textbook, and using just those quotes assemble these like the pieces of a puzzle. If I did this, I would not add; assume anything, or take anything away; ignore other things not consistent with any assumptions. I would let the raw data tell the story.

I hi-lighted the entire bible; Old and New Testament, for anything prophesy, and hired a girl to type these quotes into my computer. I had bought a new computer, that was more or less a word processor; pre-Microsoft. I printed her typed outline, used scissors to cut it all up into pieces, and like a new puzzle, I scattered the pieces on my living room floor.

Little by little, I organized the pieces around the hub of a cross; four horsemen. It took a few months until all the pieces were used. The finished product began with a gospel of freedom and then the prophesies story began. The story was so compelling that it created the urgency that caused the secondary ego from the dark side of the story to appear.

At the time, I was on sabbatical and I was living with a loving girlfriend who emotionally supported my dreams. I toned down my extreme visions for her. She had been one of the women who had been used by the inner self for the cross programing dynamics of the 1000 fold distillation. She was helpful then and had remained with me.

The induced mythical psychosis, because of the story, made me think that her and I were the two witnesses of Revelations; built up on one side, who were to be offered as a guilt sacrifice. Jesus was a sacrifice for sin. Although sin was forgiven, some people cannot shake their guilt. even though theirs sins were forgiven. This was the dynamics between me and my girlfriend. I was forgiven by her for what I had done, but I could not shake my guilt. I felt my destiny was to be a human sacrifice for guilt. I had a vision of dying with a painful cancer, which I accepted. This created stress and shifted me toward the virtual ego from the dark side. There visions of total destruction generated a lot of guilt. Yet, I moved forward flowing in the currents.

This reached a climax about a year into the sabbatical. I had completed the prophesy puzzle, and had also written my first integrated theory for physics, chemistry and biology. My money was running out and I felt now was the time to begin by social debut. This day synchronized with Black Monday in October 1987, when the stock market crashed. I felt my time had come. But nobody would help me. I was nor right inside. My outside world also began to collapse around me. Even my girlfriend, who had been loyal, moved away and then move on. I underwent an emotional and psychological collapse.

At that time, of desperation, the inner self made me conscious of the two egos that had been phasing back and forth. One ego was weak and helpless, and other was evil but appeared strong and confident. I had to choose between the two.  I chose the weaker, which was the proper choice, The virtual was seductive but was not sustainable. This choice saved me from going over the edge.

After this choice, this is when the symbolism became most alive. It also  became projected more outside me. I was now on the perimeter instead of the center, My heartbreak and stress became projected as the Divine woman in labor about to give birth, with the Red Dragon, nearby, ready to devour her child when it was born. She gives birth to son, who is caught up God. She is then giving the wings of an eagle, to fly to place that was prepared for her, while being pursed by the dragon. She was my soul or female side. The dragon was connected to the dark side of law; fire and brimstone. This was the worse and most stressful time I had even felt, since I had no means to protect myself. I did keep a journal.

To make a ling story short, the events of prophesies became outwardly projected, so I could analyze in the third person. This version of prophesies was somewhat different from my outline. It played out  over about the next year and a half. Near the end of the dynamics; symbolized by the coming of Christ, there was a rapid review of my memory, from youth to the present. I was awesome to remember so much so fast. This was followed by a nearly total memory dump and a total shut off of all the active firmware. It ended with amnesia that lasted years. However, I was very peaceful and calm. My ego had been rebooted, but began with no history or baggage; child.  This was the nicest time of my life, which lasted for several months. I was in paradise. 

During the end of the sabbatical, and the beginning of my emotional collapse I had moved into my parents house. Everyone knew of my writings not being taken seriously and girlfriend leaving me. It broke my heart. My broken heart became a way for me to stay under everyone's radar, while the dynamics played out. I was able to maintain a sense of physical security and nursing, while I inwardly dealt with the dynamics. When it all ended and I was calm and euphoric, everyone was happy that I was finally coming out of what appeared to be a nervous breakdown and depression.

The born again euphoria, eventually crossed paths with hard practical reality. I was getting better more practical mined with each passing day,  and knew i needed to socialize more and find a job. However, all I had been through had altered my psyche and mind. I did not know how to fit in without going backwards. I had overcome the collective mind and the contaminated collective unconscious. Going backwards to fit in, made no sense. The analogy is a drunk who gets sober but still lives in a world of drunks. How do you become part and stay sober, when being sober makes you a target? There was no place to go, where I could find others like myself. I was one of kind. Nobody wanted to hear my real story. I took a menial job, where the body would work and my mind was free. I partied with blue collar friends, but stayed below the radar. I found my place where I could slowly acclimate.

The final section will be next time. 
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 15/04/2020 14:56:19
After adapting myself to my immediate environment, in a humble way, I had an urge to think about science and reality. My knowledge amnesia was just starting to go away, but I was still suspicious of the status quo. I was inspire to look at the evolution of the universe from the beginning through life and consciousness.

The inner self gave me the urge to approach this in a helical fashion. I would start at beginning; something similar to the Big Bang Theory, and try to developed an integrated model that connected chemistry, biology, life and consciousness to the foundational physics. One constraint was it had to make this occur very fast, so there was no room for random. In retrospect, I was given the POV of a reference that was close to the speed of light, so from that POV the inertial universe would form as though there was time lapse photography. In many ways, this was a semi-Evolution and semi Creation hybrid approach.  I could see the rapid bulk changes, but without any short term random noise. This was too fast to see.

After I finished the first pass through the helix of time, I would start again from the beginning making tweaks, based on the conceptual needs of later parts of the previous helix. If I needed something in biology, from the last pass, I would make it more available from precursors in the beginning theory. With each pass the model became more integrated and conceptually consistent from start to finish.  The approach was like the DNA spiral mutating, wth each pass; birth, until the finished body appeared.

The main problem was I was doing this in a vacuum, not making much use of existing theory and concerts.  I was depending on the inner self to generate al my creative ideas, internally, without much external knowledge input.  The creative process was very enjoyable, but it eventually dawned on me that even if I was correct, this was so unique and outside the box, that it was dead in the water in terms of a social bridge. I stopped the writing.

It was not until several years later, that I was injured at work and needed an operation for an umbilical hernia. I would not be able to work for several months since my job often required lifting moderately heavy weight; 75 pounds.  I decided to move to Florida, near by brother and his wife, , and live off my savings, which would last me bout 1.5 years. This was a nice change and the vacation atmosphere, made me feel better about life as ai recuperated.

There I met a female friend who infatuated me. My induced desire triggered my brain, and I started to write again. I developed an advance physics theory. This was my MDT theory. I was able to create an integrated physics model, using only three variables; relativistic mass, distance and time.

The foundation of the theory was connected to special relativity. According to Einstein and since proven in the lab, if one travels with velocity, there will be reference changes based no changes in  time, distance and mass. Since the laws of physics are the same in all references, all the laws of physics will need to  tweak, so that any reference changes will be reflected in the altered laws of the moving reference. Logically, all the variables of physics could be simplified, since they are all need to adjust, based only on changes in time, distance and mass. All you needed was relativistic mass, distance and time; MDT, and you could do all the rest.

When this model was done, I found that there were science forums on the internet. This was new to me. I was nervous at first but I received a good reception on the physics forums. This was back in the early days of forums, when forums were populated by open minded people and many experts, who were often teachers, students and professors, all open to the free trade of new ideas. Trolling back then was like trolling for fish. Trolling was more of a way; net, to populate a forum i new members and guests . The lures for the trolling were often controversial topics, to get people to visits and particulate in the discussion. It was friendly sparing. The forums we're not yet as populated by political or atheists-religious trolling, where the wrong PC would make you a perpetual target. They should be called ogres instead of trolls. That whiney stuff ruined the forums. I was a nicer time on the forums back then. My unique ideas were a large trolling net back then and brought people in.

The MDT model was able to generate six universe creation scenarios based on the six combinations of the three variables M, D and T. That model encompassed all the other theories from the status quo. The others were special cases predicted by the model, based whether mass, distance or time potential came first, second or last. 

The inner self also showed my how to make a visual tool that I created on Photoshop. It was like a, ancient mechanism of concentric circular dials, where I could dial the various concentric circles; core to perimeter, to solve integrated problems. The math connections were not there yet, so the dial model was more qualitative but useful. I tried to post a pic from my computer, on the bottom of this post, but it came out as a thumbnail I am sure if this will upload to the server.

The conceptual framework for the model got extremely complex due to the diagrams that were created  before the conceptual model was done. I could not make the very last connections implied by the diagrams.  It reminded me of an episode of Star Trek where Dr McCoy wears this head apparatus so he can do delicate brain surgery on Mr Spock. While it had the head gear on, the delicate surgery was like child's play, but once it came of, he could not remember how he did it. My creative insight had run its course. It started to become more esoteric. I decided to place the MDT model on the back burner for now. After that I send a copy to Washington DC to be Copy Righted so i would have it on permanent file. Science is full of thieves who are good at politics but suck in terms of new ideas, I will get even.

After the MDT ran its course,  I started to look at the pieces and decided to focus on one aspect of whole, that I thought would allow me to make a bridge, hopefully back to research. This was connected to the living state. I had been trained in chemistry, and the chemistry coming back to me. My approach for the living state had been based on the hydrogen proton and hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen proton was there very early in universe. I had not yet settled on water as a way to simplify the hydrogen bonding. Rather I was looking at the hydrogen proton in a more organic centric way, more like the traditions. I did make a contact, and got a review from the NSF via a volunteer professor from an prestigious university in California. The problem was I was trying to do too much. He suggested I needed to narrow my focus. I was still resistant, since my memory details were not yet clear to me.

Things were fine on the early forums, until I started to open up my ideas to other areas, and showed that I also had a spiritual disposition This is when the jackals came out. Back then, I did not keep moving to avoid conflict. Rather I enjoyed the conflict. They could not match my creative  endurance. But this only encouraged bullies to be unfair to me. It eventually required I move around between forums, since I also wanted to do science and talk of other things. But the jackals would find and harass me. I was often suspended from forums, based on the jackets using politics behind the scenes. A fair fight was not possible, even though fair did not matter to me on a good day.

On a positive note, the new wave trolls made me become more sensitive to being so far away from tthe status quo. The staffs had also changed from volunteer professors to those who do not want go outside the box or do too much work. I was high maintenance and therefore vulnerable.

I must have invented thousands of theories since the time I invented the MDT theory. Over the past year or so, my attitude has been to stop creating new theory; develop a new possible angle, and try to narrow down all my ideas to my best set. I don;t feel comfortable initiating new topics, since it becomes work, alone. I prefer to react to the ideas of others, especially those who are being beat down by the jackals.

The staff needs to research the concept of justice and put limits on their henchmen. How are henchmen behaviors acceptable science? Why is this more accepted than new ideas that try to stay in the spirit of science inquiry?

In some ways I was ahead of my time in terms of my fast moving creativity. My intent was good, but my ideas and approach were more like something one might find in a blue sky research and developer faculty neat area 51.

The media has appeared to have become driven by fast paced creativity, but this is based on political agenda; fake or fantasy news.. I never tried to deceive, but was being true to myself, looking under all the rocks.  However, I may have been guilty of building hopes and dreams, since my writing was often very effective. I was not always there, to teach my idea to those who showed interest. I was running from the jackals and myself. 
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 23/04/2020 08:48:04
My intent was good
How do you define good? From whose perspective?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 24/04/2020 14:44:14
My intent was good
How do you define good? From whose perspective?

I base it on internal energy level perception. If we do something that is contrary to instinct or human nature, that will increase the brain potential. This will dam the natural flow of neural energy due to our instincts. This damming can then give us more energy for the ego. Animals, like apes, rest most of the time. Human can use willpower, to dam the brain for extra energy so we can work the 9 to 5. As one example, if you go on a diet, your mind and body may become more agitated. This extra neural energy can be then be used constructively, to start running each day, to burn off the excess energy.

As another example, say someone was playing a trick on you, and said that the police were at your door and they needed to talk to you. Although a trick, the prospect could cause a temporary repression or damming of energy, since your future could be placed on temporary hold. This will also gives the ego more energy, to deal with the problem. Once you know it was a joke, you can release the energy and relax; lower energy.

In terms of what is good, I do not necessary follow a cultural list,  but rather I observe the impact of my choices, on my body energy, to see if it dams or allows the natural flow. If ti does dam, how much does it dam the flow?

The Holy Spirit of Christianity, requires faith in inner impulses It should feel calm or slightly energized by not manic. This is the only way to judge, in a fast paced unconscious environment of new situations. Things may not always be what they appear. The beautiful smiling women may appear like a god send, but if she causes to much of an energy buildup, she may be a man eater.

My creativity is judged based on the energy I feel. I do not have the lab, to do this the easy way by  running experiments. Sometimes, I will choose the slightly higher energy path, so I can push through the logic and work myself out of the loop. But over time, I look over all my ideas and seek those that are the most calming. These are in harmony with the inner self. It is a skill needed in fast paced world of unconscious research and creativity. 
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 27/04/2020 03:53:04
In terms of what is good, I do not necessary follow a cultural list,  but rather I observe the impact of my choices, on my body energy, to see if it dams or allows the natural flow. If ti does dam, how much does it dam the flow?
So, how do you evaluate something that is done by other person/society which doesn't affect you directly?
Title: Re: where is your consciousness located?
Post by: puppypower on 27/04/2020 11:14:37
In terms of what is good, I do not necessary follow a cultural list,  but rather I observe the impact of my choices, on my body energy, to see if it dams or allows the natural flow. If ti does dam, how much does it dam the flow?
So, how do you evaluate something that is done by other person/society which doesn't affect you directly?

Many years of experience with the collective unconscious and the inner self have given me a good handle on natural versus unnatural/artificial. I respect free will and the ability for the individual to  choose.

I also know some choices are imposed by culture, other choices are manipulated externally through vanity, insecurities and fears. Many people feel a need to conform to group think.  I try to point natural verses unnatural, to provide a second POV.  I do not force anyone to do anything, but I do hope I can make them think and evaluate. I am tougher on myself than I am on others.