Gastrointestinal pathology: Small intestine/tongue: Tropical sprue

A 1942 autopsy specimen from a 42 year old man who died of air embolism during the course of infusion of an amino-acid digest given to combat starvation oedema with low serum...
01 March 2012
Presented by Simon Cross


Tropical sprue


A 1942 autopsy specimen from a 42 year old man who died of air embolism during the course of infusion of an amino-acid digest given to combat starvation oedema with low serum protein. He had contracted sprue in 1936 whilst in Java and had steadily lost weight till 1940 when, after removal of the gall bladder, he improved temporarily. In 1942 diarrhoea recommenced and loss of weight followed, death taking place as described above.


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