New Theories / Redefining Electrons
« on: 11/06/2024 03:47:39 »
The present day ontology defining the electron is sadly outdated, illogical and does not fit in with what is known. For instance, take the idea that electron emission and absorption is a one-off event. The electron cloud around the nucleus, absorbs an incoming photon. (How does one wave absorb another wave) The added energy results in the whole cloud moving to a higher energy state. (What happens in multiple electron atoms, how does this work?) Then after some indeterminate time, the electron cloud drops back down to its original level and the difference in energy is emitted as a photon. (How does an electron cloud emit an energetic photon without recoil, surely a breach of the conservation of energy laws?). Compare the above with what actually happens as seen in the working of atomic clocks. The electron oscillates in the Gigahertz range (9,192,631,770 Hz), but even though this is the case no microwaves of that frequency are emitted. Only optical frequency and above photons can be directly emitted by electrons. This is because the energy levels of the microwaves is so low that the photons cannot be directly emitted, instead the whole atom shifts to a metastable state.
To return to the topic at hand the working of atomic clocks indicate that ALL electrons oscillate at fantastic frequencies of hundreds of trillions of oscillation per second. A look at any modern smart phone supports this theory as smart phone process data at the rate of several Gigahertz per second. This being so the electron with its infinitesimal size and the miniscule distances it has to travel must in fact oscillate at rates of hundreds of trillions of hertz per second AND absorb and emit photons at that rate. For the electron not to do so would be an anomaly. It is a sad shortcoming of QM that it claims that the frequency of a photon is an abstract concept that is useful in calculating the energy of a photon. Instead, this new theory claims that electrons emit photons at the rate of hundreds of trillions of photons per second. These photons forms rays or lines of connected photons with each photon in the ray possessing identical energies. To read more about this idea, read my paper on: Redefining Electrons.
To return to the topic at hand the working of atomic clocks indicate that ALL electrons oscillate at fantastic frequencies of hundreds of trillions of oscillation per second. A look at any modern smart phone supports this theory as smart phone process data at the rate of several Gigahertz per second. This being so the electron with its infinitesimal size and the miniscule distances it has to travel must in fact oscillate at rates of hundreds of trillions of hertz per second AND absorb and emit photons at that rate. For the electron not to do so would be an anomaly. It is a sad shortcoming of QM that it claims that the frequency of a photon is an abstract concept that is useful in calculating the energy of a photon. Instead, this new theory claims that electrons emit photons at the rate of hundreds of trillions of photons per second. These photons forms rays or lines of connected photons with each photon in the ray possessing identical energies. To read more about this idea, read my paper on: Redefining Electrons.