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[(edit: crikey - it doesn't like the singular of pussies!)
"I believe in the laws of karma."I do not...why do they keep following me?
The "golden rule" is subject to sampling error. It is fairly obvious that a "family" group (could be a biological family or a temporary unit like a ship's crew) will function better if its members can trust each other. The military understand this: selection for specialist duties includes checks for honesty and recognition that you are fighting for your mates first, your country second. So the "greatest happiness for the greatest number" (GHGN) metric is fairly easy to determine where N < 50, say. Brexit provides a fine example of the breakdown of GHGN for very large N. There is no doubt that a customs union is good for business: whether you are an importer or an exporter, N is small and fewer rules and tariffs means more profit . But if the nation as a whole (N is large) imports more than it exports, increased business flow overall means more loss, hence devaluation and reduced public budgets. At its simplest, you could model a trading nation as consisting of just two businesses of roughly equal size and turnover Nimp ≈ Nexp. Good news for any sample of size ≤ 2N is bad news for the whole population if Nimp > Nexp by even a small amount, hence the interesting conundrum "EU good for British business, bad for Britain".
an excellent view of the golden rule from the capitalist's view.but you did not give the socialist's view of the golden rule...it seems to me it would be different.
ATMD,thank you for your well stated comments.i do not wish to push your patience with a follow up question...but because this topic involves morality, may i ask:in a just world, in which morality (of the "good" kind) serves the greater of the people; and socialism follows more of a philosopy of "Due unto others" (IOW those with the most should share evenly with those with the least)...how is it that the richest (i.e. capitalist) countries are thriving, while socialist societies around the world are finding their people fleeing to find help from the wealthiest capitalist societies?might it be that God's morality dictates that the poor should serve the wealthy?
"God's morality" dictates whatever you want it to dictate. That is the reason for inventing gods.
if religious belief gives someone comfort, I am happy for them.my major concern is that the religious doctrines handed down to modern day people were written originally by superstitious people and modified/altered over time; so that to my thinking they are pretty much unreliable as a guide.