Interviews about Biology

Interviews about genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

10 October 2018

A dose of antibiotics early in life may increase the risk of type 1 diabetes.

10 October 2018

Soy-derived oils are toxic for beneficial bacteria in the small intestine but not in the gut.

09 October 2018

Find out which team were our Big Brains of the Week!

02 October 2018

How risky are breast implants?

02 October 2018

Could cutting out mutations in mitochondria be a way to treat mitochondrial disease?

25 September 2018

The results of a study that reports are dubbing “one of the biggest breakthroughs yet in blood pressure genetics” have...

25 September 2018

This year's Ignobel winner discusses his work about human cannibalism...

18 September 2018

Better understanding our tissues' circadian rhythms could help make medicines more effective...

18 September 2018

Are humans capable of detecting magnetic fields?

18 September 2018

Can migratory species perceive magnetic fields, and use them to navigate?

18 September 2018

Scientists in South Africa have made socks designed to protect against malaria...

18 September 2018

How does one part of a plant tell other parts that a herbivore is attacking?

04 September 2018

We're laying a rainy myth to rest...

04 September 2018

Crickets make a big racket for such small creatures, which got scientists thinking...

04 September 2018

Why dragonfly wings can inspire a more effective type of wind turbine...

04 September 2018

What is biomimicry, and how could eggshells improve our buildings?

28 August 2018

How science moves from the lab into the home...

24 August 2018

Without proteins to do the heavy lifting, how did early life copy its genetic information?

24 August 2018

What genes control the plumage patterns of pigeons?

24 August 2018

Are the EU's requirements to test bovine TB vaccines feasible?

21 August 2018

Scientists have been able to block the spread of cell senescence, allowing regeneration of livers formerly in acute...

21 August 2018

Do lemmings really jump off cliffs of their own volition?

14 August 2018

And how did we learn to talk?

07 August 2018

What's the history of cannabis?