The best way to stay up to date with the Naked Scientists Podcasts is to subscribe to our podcast feeds. A free copy of the relevant show, in mp3 format, will be delivered automatically to your computer or mobile device as soon as each new episode is published.
Users of iTunes can click the links below to locate and subscribe to the relevant podcast in the iTunes Music Store. Click on the Apple logo below each to open the link in a new window.
If you prefer to use an alternative podcast aggregator (we recommend gpodder as easy to install and use) you can subscribe by copying and pasting the relevant podcast RSS feed URL from the links below into your chosen platform. Click on the "RSS" icon below the desired strand logo to open the RSS feed, or right-click on RSS and select "copy link address" to obtain the podcast RSS feed URL.
All of our podcasts, the majority accompanied by text transcripts and show notes, are also archived in the podcast section of this website and may be freely downloaded or played individually through your browser.