The white-bellied frog in south-west Western Australia is experiencing population...
Earth Science
Articles about geology, palaeontology, archaeology, climate and climate change, and the weather...
Microplastics can attract drug-resistant bacteria that can cause illness.
Does plastic help or hinder us on climate?
Does this question leaf you stumped?
What is it like being Glasgow during this critical climate conference?
For the most carbon-intensive industries, using green energy won't be enough. They need to recycle CO2 as well
Bacteria found in mud volcanoes could recycle rare metals from e-waste and turn methane into biofuel
Studying megathrust quakes and their triggers
Dark forests have prevented the worst effects of nitrogen pollution, but that is set to change
How heatwaves endanger our health and our work
The global food system is responsible for 37% of greenhouse gas emissions: how do we feed cities sustainably?
The carbon cost of home delivery and how to avoid it...
How aquatic single-celled plants can convert things we throw away into high-value materials...
A day on the Polarstern: studying climate change up close...
Avalanches are deadly dangerous, but there are ways to avoid them...
Why bogs may be key to fighting climate change...
‘I would like people to panic’ – top scientist unveils equation showing world in climate emergency...
Mobile forests could help cities cope with climate change...
And can anyone hear you scream when you get there?
How tiny grasshoppers are helping us to understand the origins of species and how evolution works...
Could microbes hold the key to sustainable agriculture?
The white-bellied frog in south-west Western Australia is experiencing population extinctions throughout its small...
Studies of ice melt in the Arctic suggest that the world may have a fighting chance of preventing huge sea level...
At first glance, it almost sounds crazy. Can we really take carbon dioxide emissions from an industrial plant and store...