Interviews about Biology

Interviews about genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

20 June 2023

Might we see an HIV vaccine in the near future?

20 June 2023

What does HIV do inside the body, and what are we doing to fight this process?

20 June 2023

Which demographics are most likely to contract HIV?

16 June 2023

Why taking paracetamol might not help beat infection in the long run...

09 June 2023

A butterfly not seen wild in the UK since 1925 has made a sudden comeback

09 June 2023

Gene therapy could be key to reducing the effect stray cats have on the environment

06 June 2023

How has our understanding of fossil chemistry changed over time?

06 June 2023

Vaccines or bacterial infections trigger fevers in fish, by provoking the animals to move to warmer water...

05 June 2023

Understanding how bats hunt and what they prefer to eat is key to their conservation...

05 June 2023

The way that bird plumage patterning evolves among island and mainland populations...

05 June 2023

They've repeatedly used the same genetic template and varied it over the past 370 million years...

26 May 2023

Might there be hope for allergy sufferers everywhere?

26 May 2023

What goes on inside the body to cause an allergic response?

26 May 2023

The famously manicured lawn at King's College is now host to a biodiversity success story

26 May 2023

Your body's chemical secretions hold the key as to whether a mosquito prefers to bite you

23 May 2023

Who will be this month's Big Brain?

12 May 2023

How fish 'sing' to one another, and what message they are trying to convey

21 April 2023

Watery, womb-like music to hopefully help get babies to fall asleep...

21 April 2023

The Natural History Museum has created a project to study the effect of noise pollution on insects

14 April 2023

Could sensitivity to the Earth's magntic fields be more common than we realise?

11 April 2023

A delicacy of paleolithic origin...

11 April 2023

Birds, the "living dinosaurs", give us clues in their eggshells about their ancient reptilian ancestors...

11 April 2023

Odours of other animals alter rates of sexual maturity in female mice, and even make them live longer...

11 April 2023

Data provided by a person is regarded as less uncertain than cues that come from a computer...