Interviews about Earth Science

Interviews about geology, palaeontology, archaeology, atmospheric science, climate, climate change and meteorology...

17 June 2007

We spoke to Dr Trevor Emmett, lecturer in Forensic Science at Anglia Ruskin University about what forensics is, an dhow...

27 May 2007

Terry Hurford tells us about a geyser on one of Saturns moons so powerful it puts water into one of Saturn's rings.

20 May 2007

This week Chelsea and Bob look at water in our atmosphere. Chelsea looks at why some places get too little, while Bob...

20 May 2007

The eruption of the Laki fission in Iceland in 1783 led to sulphurous smog falling over Europe. It has been described...

20 May 2007

Azi Khatiri spoke to Rod Jones about how water molecules pair up into a dimer - and that this can be an even worse...

20 May 2007

Jonathan Shanklin was part of the team from the British Antarctic Survey who first discovered the hole in the ozone...

22 April 2007

Chelsea and Bob look at some of the driest places on Earth, to see what changes are occuring there.

22 April 2007

Annelise Hagan, of the Living Oceans Foundation talks about her work on Coral reefs and using sea planes to spy on the...

22 April 2007

Stan Harpole talking about how using fertilisers can reduce biodiversity by destroying the niches that allow complex...

25 March 2007

Rising carbon dioxide levels usually make us think about the atmosphere, but new research shows that carbon dioxide...

28 January 2007

Steve Scott looks at mining useful mineral from the bottom of the ocean.

21 January 2007

Eric Wolff has been studying the ancient atmosphere trapped in an ice core, and how it affects our understanding of the...

21 January 2007

Ali looks into wind energy, both onshore and offshore along with the new technology of wave power.

21 January 2007

One way of reducing the build up of Carbon Doxide is to just hide it underground. We look at carbon capture.

10 December 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Dr Giulio del Zanna, Mullard Space Science Laboratory

19 November 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Kate Hendry, University of Oxford

19 November 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Dr Jane Francis, University of Leeds

19 November 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Dr Povl Abrahamsen, British Antarctic Survey

12 November 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Chelsea Wald and Bob Hirshon

29 October 2006

What attracts mosquitoes, tracking marine animals at sea, and Mars Express: Chris Smith goes to Buckingham Palace for a...

17 September 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Chelsea Wald and Bob Hirshon from AAAS, the science society

10 September 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Chelsea Wald and Bob Hirshon from AAAS, the science society

10 September 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Professor Marcel Visser, Netherlands Institute of Ecology

10 September 2006

The Naked Scientists spoke to Dr Katey Walter, University of Alaska Fairbanks