Would you eat Nutella from a nappy?

Would you eat Nutella from a nappy or would it be off limits? Ginny Smith surprised Kat Arney with this challenge.
21 December 2015

Interview with 

Dr Kat Arney, The Naked Scientists, Dr Alison Parker, Cranfield University, James Farr, The University of Cambridge


In the summer we did a show all about one of our most basic of emotions, Nutelladisgust! At the time Ginny Smith claimed she was really interested in why we need to feel disgust but we've got a feeling that she really wanted to do this experiment with Kat Arney...

Ginny -   Now Kat, I've got a little experiment to try out on you to see how easily you're disgusted and our intern James and our guest Alison who are also here in the studio are going to join us for this. Does anyone like chocolate spread?

Kat - Kind of yep. Yum a well known brand of hazlenut chocolate spread.

Ginny - Very delicious. So who would like some chocolate spread? I've got some spoons here anyone like to try some?

Kat - Yeah

James - Happily

Ginny - Now I'm not going to hand you the pot because you can't eat straight out of the pot that's just not allowed. So all you have to do in order to eat some of this delicious chocolate spread is eat it out of the thing that I'm currently passing to you. So do you want to tell everyone what you've got there?

Kat - OK so what I've just been handed is a disposable nappy that's full of Nutella. Now I'm not a mum but I'm a very proud aunty and I have seen nappies with this kind of content and this is just...I mean this is revolting.

Ginny - It's chocolate spread. You know it's chocolate spread you can probably even smell that it's chocolate spread but...

Kat - It smells kind of poopy.

Ginny - Is anyone willing to try it, what about you two?

James - Yep...

Kat - This is a completely clean nappy?

Ginny - I promise it's a clean nappy, I bought them today, but it looks pretty disgusting. Alison, you're trying it, how does it taste?

Alison - It tastes like chocolate spread.

Ginny - But did you feel anything when you were digging in with the spoon or was it OK?

Kat - I can't do it.

Alison - I think it was fine. A nappy is something that would have to be quite clean to go on a baby. I kind of trust the manufacturer to keep it clean and trust you to not play any nasty tricks on us.

Ginny - And James how about you?

James - It tastes fine, but it definitely still feels slightly strange. I'm slightly, not regretting but definitely wouldn't do it normally.

Kat - I actually feel physically sick I'm not going to do it sorry.

Ginny - So that's really interesting we have one who found it absolutley fine, one who managed it but it felt a bit weird and Kat who just flat out refused to even try it.

Kat - I can't I can clean up people's puke that's absolutley fine. Poo, um I can't deal with it.


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