Interviews with Scientists

Interviews about medicine, science, technology and engineering with scientists and researchers internationally...

02 October 2015

Small animals can escape larger predators by exploiting their ability to turn more rapidly.

02 October 2015

Some bats rely on the detection of acoustic shadows to locate their prey.

02 October 2015

Exploring the links between the chickenpox vaccination and shingles.

29 September 2015

Concussion is proving a big headache for players and managers at the Rugby World Cup - but what does the science say?

29 September 2015

The University of Oxford have announced their role in the European Extremely Large Telescope, and it's going to...

22 September 2015

How do you recover from a traumatic brain injury?

21 September 2015

Being discharged from hospital is rarely the end of the story - injuries often leave lasting, sometimes devastating...

21 September 2015

How do doctors decide when to withdraw treatment, and how can one person's death save another life?

21 September 2015

Meet the people on call to stop death in its tracks: London's Air Ambulance.

21 September 2015

How do hospitals prepare for the arrival of critical patients?

21 September 2015

Dogs and their owners are being recruited as citizen scientists.

21 September 2015

A new advance in technology could bring us another step closer to real life invisibility cloaks.

21 September 2015

A new technique could help reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's, by opening up the blood brain barrier...

21 September 2015

Could a Mediterranean diet really cut cancer risk?

21 September 2015

Coffee lovers beware: drinking it at night disrupts your body clock by almost an hour, leading to less sleep...

14 September 2015

If our climate continues to warm, will ocean circulation change? And what effect will this have on the future of our...

14 September 2015

Have oceans circulated differently before, and what happened then?

14 September 2015

What controls how water in the oceans moves, and how is this linked to climate?

14 September 2015

The climate’s been changing for millions of years. How do we know, and why should we worry now?

14 September 2015

We humans are wired for laziness! Unconsciously, we alter the way that we move to minimise the number of calories...

14 September 2015

Scientists are preparing to launch a helium balloon with a telescope attached to detect Dark Matter.

14 September 2015

Fakes cost economies billions, but this could be about to change with the development of a 3D bar code.

14 September 2015

The discovery of a new species of human ancestor, called Homo naledi, has been unveiled by scientists in South Africa...

13 September 2015

And finally, it’s time for our gene of the month, and this time - Oh my God, they killed Kenny!