Interviews with Scientists

Interviews about medicine, science, technology and engineering with scientists and researchers internationally...

05 December 2011

Large molecules, with interesting properties...

05 December 2011

The latest news and research from Diamond...

05 December 2011

Structural chemistry and its applications in our daily lives...

05 December 2011

Some museum samples could be harbouring volatile compounds of mercury...

04 December 2011

A tool to detect images that have been digitally retouched...

04 December 2011

Welding up at metal pipe doesn't sound terribly tricky, but what about when it's 1 km underwater...

04 December 2011

Sue Nelson is off in search of the disappearing European shag, which is a sea bird similar to a cormorant....

04 December 2011

The River Thames - which flows through the middle of London - is awash with history that erosion is now steadily...

04 December 2011

Diving down beneath the waves to discover how archaeologists locate and recover treasure from old shipwrecks...

02 December 2011

How heading footballs could lead to brain injuries, a new target for drugs against Malaria and more evidence for the...

29 November 2011

One technique which will probably be familiar with from medicine is sonography or imaging with sound. To find out how...

27 November 2011

Abigail Woodfin discusses the uses of confocal microscopy in dynamic viewing of bodily functions...

27 November 2011

Changhuei Yang explains his design for a lensless microscope...

27 November 2011

A new study has confirmed the long term benefits of taking statins to treat heart disease...

27 November 2011

We explore how invasive plant species can affect landscapes and indigenous wildlife...

27 November 2011

Now most people will have seen a thermal camera - a special type of camera that can detect the far infrared radiation...

25 November 2011

Lenses displaying emails before your eyes, flowing materials, stress on the mind and a night flowering orchid...

22 November 2011

Looking at ways to reduce the cost of anti-venom...

21 November 2011

Denis Burdakov explains what happens when you have food on the brain...

13 November 2011

Looking at whether flu can trigger heart attacks in vulnerable people

13 November 2011

As we enter “flu season” in the northern hemisphere, to help track the spread of seasonal flu here in the UK and...

13 November 2011

A new biotechnology company called Medicago have developed a technique for quickly and cheaply producing vaccines using...

13 November 2011

A new target for Malaria vaccines, How seeing and paying attention to things uses separate parts of the brain and the...

13 November 2011

Richard Hollingham visits St. Brelade in Jersey to talk to a team of archaeologists who’re reappraising the caves to...