Answers to Medicine Questions

Medicine, physiology, pathology, bacteria and viruses, pharmacology, food, hormones, neuroscience and psychology...

15 October 2006

Why are the cones in our eyes red, green and blue? Why not red, yellow and blue? How can we see yellow?

08 October 2006

I've just been reading Superhuman by Robert Winston this week and never realised that mitochondria, the power...

08 October 2006

How are stem cells being used in cancer research?

08 October 2006

If radiation is so dangerous to cells, why don't they use it more for brain tumours?

08 October 2006

Upon-Tyne - My mum is currently having chemotherapy and radiotherapy. What makes her hair fall out, and is radiotherapy...

08 October 2006

I'm 24 and I was diagnosed with bladder cancer earlier this year. How did this happen? I'm only 24?

08 October 2006

Gerard said earlier that all cells want to expand and grow and live. So why does cancer kill you? Why don't you...

08 October 2006

A while ago I was in an experiment where we were told that some people's blood fights cancer. Her idea was that...

01 October 2006

Who would win a fight between a hippo and a polar bear?

01 October 2006

Can you please tell me how to stop my body making mucus? I've had dysfunctional Eustachian tubes for seven months...

01 October 2006

Is it true that some of our senses degenerate and that some of them are more susceptible to damage than others? We see...

01 October 2006

How come I sneeze when I stare at the sun in the morning?

24 September 2006

I'd like to know whether it's possible to change your hair colour without chemicals, such as with gene...

24 September 2006

Why is it that some people are so tolerant to alcohol whereas other people just need to get a whiff to tip them over...

10 September 2006

My friend and I went to give blood the other day and were curious about how the body knows that it's a pint short...

10 September 2006

Can you please explain why some pinot grapes turn into great wines and some don't. Is it down to soil chemistry...

10 September 2006

Why do French beans squeak when you eat them but runner beans don't?

06 August 2006

If it's ultraviolet light that causes skin cancer and there are UV lights in discos, are they dangerous? If not,...

06 August 2006

How does hydration differ from water retention?

06 August 2006

Why do hairs grow at different rates?

06 August 2006

Does eating chillies help with neuralgia?

30 July 2006

It's been suggested that the police can trigger a public reaction by being heavy handed. We know that the police...

16 July 2006

Why is a chilli called a chilli when it's hot?