Is there a food I could eat exclusively?

06 September 2016



Is there a food I could eat exclusively?


Kat Arney put this to our panel...

David - Pizza stagioni or something?

Kat - Quattro stagioni - all the four seasons that's got everything. A naturally occurring food -can anyone think of anything?

Andrew - While not completely naturally occurring, a lot of people claim Guinness and bananas.

Kat - Guinness and bananas, possibly. I'd be concerned about the protein.

Andrew - And the alcohol level, you probably have to take in everyday will probably have side effects.

Kat - Anyone else got a food that they could live on?

Adam - I mean obviously, these processed ones exist, working in a math office, there are at least two people in my office who are trying to survive on just these smoothies of powder and water. And sometimes they tasted strawberry and sometimes they tasted chocolate and most of the time, they tasted neither and just disgusting.

Kat - We've done a bit of thinking here and apparently, you could probably live for a little while on just raw meat, on uncooked raw meat.

Adam - Why uncooked?

Andrew - Vitamin C is one of the things people often talk scurvy if you don't get enough vitamin C. It's broken down by cooking and ageing. So fresh food is really, really good to get vitamin C and the reason sailors used to get sick is they didn't do fresh food. It's quite hard to get fresh food in the middle of the ocean unless you're fishing, which they didn't do so much.

Kat - Presumably because you can nourish a person with it, human milk should be a goer? It's kind of gross.

Andrew - It's probably misbalanced. It's not the worst choice but it's fatty. It's got all sorts of things there for growing baby.

Kat - And not an adult. We've got a little bit of research from the livescience website, it's a wonderful piece actually. It's worth looking up because it tells you all the ways you would die if you didn't eat enough things. So without all the right amino acids, they're the building blocks of protein, your hair would start to lighten in colour, your fingernails would get soft, your lean body mass would start to suffer. Not just your muscles but also your heart and organs. Eventually, your heart shrinks so much that you die. So yeah, don't do that people.


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