Answers to Science Questions

01 April 2007

What controls the heart rate?

01 April 2007

Could a leaky heart valve be fatal?

01 April 2007

Why do some people who have had heart surgery have to take antibiotics when they have dental surgery?

01 April 2007

Can stress provoke heart attack?

01 April 2007

What causes palpitations and should I be worried about it? Is one side of the heart bigger than the other?

18 March 2007

What causes the Earth to have a magnetic field?

11 March 2007

When a meteor hits the Earth like the one that was supposed to have killed off the dinosaurs, it hit with the impact of...

11 March 2007

Would it be practical to build a large vacuum chamber, put the clothes inside, pump the air out and therefore lower the...

11 March 2007

Does anything other than our moon gets eclipsed, such as stars or other planets?