Answers to Science Questions

03 December 2006

What happens if you fire a two bullets from an aircraft moving at 1000mph? One is fired forwards at 1000mph and the...

26 November 2006

What are the properties of baking soda that allow it to alleviate nasty odours in my refrigerator?

26 November 2006

A car across the street has a flashing blue security light that's very faint when you look straight at it. But...

26 November 2006

If the retina is grown on the back of the eye, as a part of the back of the eye, why does it seem to detach so easily,...

26 November 2006

I had a detached retina in 1980. Although it was repaired in 1982, would it be possible to make it better than it is...

26 November 2006

I have a lazy eye. It can't be rectified because it's something to do with the brain not connecting with the...

19 November 2006

I saw a documentary about frogs, which during the winter literally freeze solid. Come spring, they seem to de-freeze...

19 November 2006

I am having an argument with a friend, about whether or not body odour is a matter of fact or opinion. Can you...

19 November 2006

Since the Antarctic is landlocked, is it believed that underneath the ice but above the land (in other words sandwiched...

19 November 2006

Sometimes when I put my beer (330mL glass bottle) in the deep freeze to rapidly chill it, I can take it out and it...

12 November 2006

Why does your hair turn grey as you get older?

12 November 2006

What is a mosquito eating when it isn't eating me?

12 November 2006

Why is it that bubbles are always round?

05 November 2006

Do plants and trees communicate?

05 November 2006

How do insects manage to fly in the rain?

05 November 2006

Why after eating asparagus does your urine smell so strong?

05 November 2006

Do white blood cells multiply by mitosis?

05 November 2006

Is it really possible to drive a car onto a moving trailer like Knight Rider did?

05 November 2006

When fireworks are released into the air they turn into smoke and dust. Is there any danger from this?

05 November 2006

How many different things can we memorise, what is the most anyone could memorise?

05 November 2006

Where does the microwave background radiation come from, how was it made and why is it still around?

05 November 2006

Why is memory triggered by smells and music etc?

05 November 2006

When I got towards retirement age, I started to get hairs growing out of my nose and my ears. Why?