Answers to Science Questions

05 May 2020

Why do bees sting you? And do they die afterwards?

05 May 2020

Is the presence of contrails related to the weather?

21 April 2020

Everyone has gut bacteria that keep them healthy. How do babies get them if they're born by caesarian section?

07 April 2020

Or is the idea all smoke and mirrors?

17 March 2020

Will we have fusion power plants soon?

05 March 2020

If they were so similar to us, why did they disappear and not humans?

05 March 2020

Would this protect communities where the coronavirus hasn't yet established?

05 March 2020

And could this be a new model for farming?

05 March 2020

Are the victims younger? Or have they maybe developed antibodies?

05 March 2020

What do you do when the dentist won't be free for another few thousand years?

05 March 2020

And how dangerous are they?

05 March 2020

Does it depend on the plant? Or on the soil?

05 March 2020

Listener Lorna had this query about her own cancer treatment...

05 March 2020

If we could speak to each other, would we get on?

05 March 2020

Particle physicist Chris Rogers took on this huge question...

05 March 2020

And why don't hydroponic farms have this problem?

03 March 2020

Does a bigger dog have a bigger brain?

25 February 2020

Will it sterilise the sponge?

04 February 2020

Is it hard to keep up?

04 February 2020

How healthy is soy?

04 February 2020

What are the tried and true methods?

04 February 2020

How fast do drugs leave the body?

04 February 2020

We've heard of black holes, what's a white hole?