Answers to Science Questions

02 July 2006

Do scientists have any understanding of the mechanisms that skills, that animals such as humans, learn and pass to...

25 June 2006

Why is it that when I eat spicy foods my tongue burns and I sweat like crazy? Also, why is it that when I drink water,...

25 June 2006

Why do living tissues turn black after being exposed to critically low temperatures?

25 June 2006

When I go to the GP, I often get my blood pressure tested. How often do the instruments that are used for this kind of...

25 June 2006

My children can make the screw tops of their plastic soda bottles 'talk'. You wet them and place them upside...

25 June 2006

In response to your discussion last week about whether you can use urine on jellyfish stings: I lived in Hawaii for...

25 June 2006

I have hay fever and I was wondering why grass has pollen.

25 June 2006

Using equal amounts of fruit squash and water, a drink is always stronger when the squash is poured in before the water...

25 June 2006

What's the highest possible temperature that you can achieve?

25 June 2006

What causes labyrinthitis and is there a cure?

18 June 2006

There's a myth (or is it truth) that urine from a human can negate a jellyfish sting. Is that an urban legend?

18 June 2006

On average, how many flies do we accidentally eat every single day?

18 June 2006

Why are insects, which have composite eyes, not blinded by the sun? Apparently they have no eyelids that they can shut...

18 June 2006

It's well known in the USA that bees are dying. This is having profound effects on certain types of agriculture....

18 June 2006

I found a couple of beetles over an inch long and the shell looked like a withered acorn. The wing span was nearly two...

18 June 2006

I saw a bunch of ants that were crowding around some food crumbs on the pavement. Do ants sleep? They seem to be...

18 June 2006

I work in a bakery and years ago we used to get a lot of cockroaches. We used to stack the bread tins inside one...

18 June 2006

My mother left the lid off a jar of honey in a food cupboard. We'd never seen any ants there before, but they...

04 June 2006

This morning I listened to the May 14th broadcast. One of the discussions was about the stinging cells (nematocysts) of...

04 June 2006

I understand the basic idea that for every action there is a reaction, which is why I can walk across the ground. But...

04 June 2006

Please can you calculate how much extra fuel will be burned by a motorist during the current World Cup campaign as a...

04 June 2006

What happens to the great hollows that we're leaving below the sea beds when you extract all this oil and gas?

04 June 2006

I've been following the progress of solar panels and hear that they're only about 16% efficient. What's...

28 May 2006

If sound and heat are both vibrations, then why isn't sound hot and heat loud?