Answers to Science Questions

22 January 2006

How does the Richter Scale work?

22 January 2006

Why are there two or three waves in a tsunami instead of one?

15 January 2006

Where do flies go at night time?

15 January 2006

How do Venus fly traps sense their prey without nerve cells and how do they contract without muscles?

15 January 2006

Why does the addition of bicarbonate of soda to the cooking of cabbage make it much softer and the colour stay much...

15 January 2006

I want to whether the analysis of the Stardust comet dust can tell us about the origins of the universe and the theory...

15 January 2006

It's always intrigued me that someone can have an accident, crash into a fence that pierces their body, and...

15 January 2006

I'm curious about why some people get bitten more than others. In summer I can have some quite good bites on me....

15 January 2006

For the last week there have been flies at work and they're more annoying than ever. By this I mean that they...

08 January 2006

Does laughing gas really make you laugh?

08 January 2006

My question is about blood. In my medical terminology class, we were told that you can distinguish an old internal...

08 January 2006

I've always been thin and can eat and drink what I like. Why is this? Linda in Norwich - Why is it that people...

08 January 2006

If someone works out a lot and is in great physical shape but eats foods which are very high in fat or cholesterol, in...

18 December 2005

When will there be radar controlled brakes on cars?

18 December 2005

What is COPD?

18 December 2005

When you sneeze, why do you sometimes get a horrible smell?

18 December 2005

Was the Star of Bethlehem a real astronomical event?

18 December 2005

Why can't you tickle yourself?

18 December 2005

When you put wood on a fire, why does some wood spit and crackle while other wood burns slowly and quietly?

11 December 2005

How and why does your skin get thin when you get older? Does it really get thin or is there something else going on?

11 December 2005

Why would our eyes have developed to take in more information than our brains can process? Secondly, if we only use...

11 December 2005

If your voice goes croaky, does anything happen to your voice box to make it go all croaky?

04 December 2005

We have a picture of my wife's father in the police force in 1947. He's wearing a hat and holding a truncheon...

04 December 2005

How can someone extract and sequence DNA from something that's been buried for centuries?