Answers to Science Questions

23 October 2005

Although saliva is used to start the process of breaking down food, I was wondering if saliva has any healing...

23 October 2005

Why does the flu jab only last one year?

23 October 2005

Why do insects have more legs than humans?

23 October 2005

I read an article saying that propolis was good for the immune system. My husband has rheumatoid arthritis, and this...

23 October 2005

What is the most powerful insect, and can fly the furthest?

16 October 2005

I've always wondered what causes your feet to stink. Is it from your feet sweating, or do other things come into...

16 October 2005

I'm in contention with someone at work, who is saying something that I don't believe is true. He maintains...

16 October 2005

When you let the water out of the bath, why does the water spiral down the plug hole?

16 October 2005

What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?

16 October 2005

Why do we cough up phlegm?

16 October 2005

What's the longest period someone has had the flu for?

16 October 2005

Why do you sneeze when you look at the sun?

16 October 2005

Does the number of virus particles you have in your body affect the severity or duration of an illness?

16 October 2005

You said earlier that you would weigh 13 tonnes if you lived on Jupiter. Would your bones be able to withstand that, or...

16 October 2005

My wife has had a letter from the doctor about a flu jab. But it also - that if she has an egg allergy, she's not...

09 October 2005

When petrol is spilt on the ground and mixed with water, how come it's so colourful?

09 October 2005

Why physical activity and previous sugery may be uneasy bedfellows...

09 October 2005

How do we get brain damage?

09 October 2005

What's the largest organ in the human body? I think it's the skin but my friend - it's the liver. Can...

09 October 2005

How fast can brain cells repair the brain?

09 October 2005

Why is the sun so hot?

02 October 2005

When mix two colours of paint together, say red and green, you get brown. But if you mix red and green light together,...

02 October 2005

Why does it get darker earlier in the winter than it does in the summer?

02 October 2005

How does a light bulb work?