Answers to Science Questions

10 September 2019

Quite the loaded question...

10 September 2019

Which creepy crawly gets crowned the brainiest?

10 September 2019

How can data help to improve performance in sport?

10 September 2019

What's the longest someone can hold their breath? And can you train for this?

10 September 2019

Bees make honey - but where does the wax come from?

10 September 2019

... how do we detect the cosmic microwave background?

10 September 2019

Can playing a musical instrument change your lungs?

20 August 2019

And why are humans excluded from the area?

13 August 2019

Building energy efficient houses...

13 August 2019

Are smart assistants always listening?

13 August 2019

Can you train pain?

13 August 2019

It's always harder after you've just shut it...

13 August 2019

What will happen to cocoa trees?

13 August 2019

What temperature is the moon, with and without sunlight?

13 August 2019

Aside from rocket...

13 August 2019

We're seeing unprecedented temperatures this summer...

13 August 2019

How do you get all the data off?

13 August 2019

Why do people get deja vu?

06 August 2019

Listener Saugat got in touch about this monsoon related question...

30 July 2019

Listener Manik wanted to know how you can tell whether a painting is of a sunset or a sunrise...

16 July 2019

How do huskies cope in hot weather?

09 July 2019

How permanent is your blood type?