Science phone-in podcasts answering science questions and discussing topical science news stories...

26 October 2012

Why aren't bubbles coloured like the soap they came from? Does holding a remote control to you head make it work...

19 October 2012

How do atoms change inside stars? How did Felix Baumgartner accelerate to over 800 miles per hour? What is inside a...

12 October 2012

Why is skin the mouths of animals pink? Why doesn't water immediately fall out of clouds? How do we use light to...

28 September 2012

Is the Earth about to gain a new tectonic plate? What is pompholyx and what are the treatment options? Why does...

21 September 2012

How is the effectiveness of environmental interventions measured? What's the scientific definition of nothing? Why...

14 September 2012

Why does a local anaesthetic make my face feel fat? How do worms get into food? Would a taxi driver find a map of a new...

07 September 2012

How did NASA get their cameras to work in the cold on the moon? How does a cordless electric toothbrush charge itself?...

31 August 2012

Is a heater more efficient than a lightbulb? Why does your tongue stick to ice? Do planes alter the weather around...

24 August 2012

Why does my GPS think my car has moved in the garage at night? Can humans survive a space-ride to Mars? Why are epsom...

10 August 2012

How do nerves conduct electrical impulses? How long does it take a bee colony to make a beehive? Why are there 360...

27 July 2012

What's the point of making medicines fizzy? Why should salt have a sell-by date? Is boiled water as good as...

20 July 2012

This week, what causes anencephaly and exencephaly? Can electric cars recharge themselves from their wheels? How do...

13 July 2012

This week, the cause of vitiligo, whether pork is linked to a sore throat, what happens to a flame in microgravity,...

06 July 2012

What does the discovery of the Higgs particle mean? How do flies land upside down on the ceiling? What happens when we...

22 June 2012

Is the moon brighter overhead? Why do babies have higher heart rates? Do men snore more than women? What is peripheral...

15 June 2012

What gives a flame its colour, and what is the hottest part? What limits the height of a skyscraper? How does post-...

12 June 2012

Who was Phillip Tobias, how do self-focusing binoculars work, are muscle transplants possible, what is the bone...

01 June 2012

Do birds have a sense of smell? Are penicillin allergies permanent? How do vultures identify dinner? Does light travel...

25 May 2012

What makes dog poo turn white? Is water really wet, or does it just wet things? What was the nuclear impact of...

18 May 2012

Are premium-priced fuels really worth the extra cost? Why are males born with nipples? Is a male contraceptive pill in...

04 May 2012

Why do I bruise more easily now I'm older? Why do some wind turbines spin in reverse? Are UV sunbeds worse for...

30 March 2012

What substances are in snake venom? Where is sea-level measured? Are any of my cells the original ones I was born with...

23 March 2012

What causes jaundice in newborn babies? What is vitiligo? How do liquids behave in space? What causes cardiac arrests?...

09 March 2012

Does alcohol affect men and women the same way? Do other animals menstruate? Does intensive training affect a woman...