Science phone-in podcasts answering science questions and discussing topical science news stories...

10 June 2011

How do doctors name phobias? Is the ice on the freezer sides safe to eat? What is the low-frequency hum I can hear? Is...

03 June 2011

Can haemorrhoid cream treat under-eye bags, how much radiation was released from Fukushima, why is the moon larger on...

27 May 2011

Can a tropical storm be steered? Why should a stone hitting the outside of a window produce a chip on the inside...

20 May 2011

Why can't a person see clearly underwater, what causes sensitive teeth, why do I wake up paralysed and can snail...

06 May 2011

Why is sea level rising, are organ transplants between males and females feasible, what keeps a moving bike upright and...

15 April 2011

This week, modelling schizophrenia in a dish, why bats roost inverted, what remains in the ground after oil has been...

08 April 2011

Are there any impacts of ground fracturing to recover oil and gas, how do colour-changing creatures coordinate with...

25 March 2011

The fate of soundwaves, can salamanders use silicon, why did the moon come closer to Earth, do you need to inhale to...

18 March 2011

Should you keep your banana in the fridge? Why are ice-cubes easier to eject from top-shelf freezer trays? Why not site...

15 March 2011

What causes the rainbow of colours around an aircraft's shadow, why are moths and mosquitoes attracted to lights,...

25 February 2011

How do melons concentrate water in their flesh? Why do some hairs grow longer than others? What's the advantage of...

11 February 2011

This week, the causes of asthma, a new way to "K.O." MRSA, what is lupus and can it be controlled, how do...

04 February 2011

This week, how stimulating the brain can help you to think outside the box, why corks in the bed can cure cramps, the...

28 January 2011

Straight from the horse's mouth, or cow's stomach, this week how scientists have found the genetic clue to...

21 January 2011

Where do renal calculi come from, can weight loss halt diabetes, how might neuro-feedback help ADHD and autism, what...

14 January 2011

Could personal nuclear reactors power towns, why can't eyes be transplanted like livers, is it dangerous not to...

07 January 2011

How cats find their way back to their former homes, the science of self-winding watches, why sunlight triggers sneezes...

24 December 2010

What's a light-year? Is there a non-surgical solution to a squeaky voice? Can my cell phone unlock my car?

17 December 2010

How did a lightning storm spark a glowing ball above a roof, do atmospheric oxygen levels dip in winter, does anyone...

10 December 2010

What can hydrogen reveal about the structure of the early Universe and what causes Alzheimer's Disease; is the...

03 December 2010

Kangaroo mothercare, why we all look different, what's the capacity of the human brain and why do some songs get...

26 November 2010

What's more accurate, vehicle speed according to a GPS unit, or the speedometer? Also, what causes the Earth'...

19 November 2010

How do space travellers navigate, can you swallow in microgravity, does apple cider vinegar help with weight loss, is...

12 November 2010

This week, how Tetris could hold the key to blocking the bad memories and flashbacks behind post traumatic stress...