We solve the weirdest, wackiest, funniest and funkiest scientific questions, queries and puzzles...

17 October 2011

Black holes emit Hawking radiation and gradually reduce in size, so is there a critical mass at which a black hole can...

10 October 2011

Human excrement burns quite well, so why not use it to power a house? But how could this be done? Find out in this...

03 October 2011

Does being pregnant mean you have to breathe for two? Find the answer in this Question of the Week. Plus, we ask if poo...

26 September 2011

Certain foods seem to complement each other while others grate; why is this? Is it a matter of personal taste, or is...

19 September 2011

If babies are born by caesarian and modern medicine allows many more people to survive to adulthood, will the human...

12 September 2011

Calculators are rather speedy at subtracting, sums and deriving standard deviations. But how do they do it? We find out...

05 September 2011

If you've ever returned from taking the dog for a walk through rain, you'll probably be very aware of the...

22 August 2011

Given that photons are massless, how do solar sails get pushed along by light? We explore the reasoning in this...

15 August 2011

Do bubbles act like insulation on the surface of your bath?& Will it prevent the need for that toe-burning hot...

08 August 2011

Why is it, that when you take photos of footprints in sand, they can sometimes appear raised? We tackle this holiday...

20 June 2011

Ever wondered what all that junk in your DNA trunk is doing? Find out in this QotW! Plus, we ask: what's the point...

13 June 2011

Is it true that there are more earthquakes now than in the past, and that they are more intense? We explore the problem...

06 June 2011

Have you ever noticed how leaving bits of leftover breakfast cereal uneaten causes it to harden like cement to the side...

30 May 2011

So you've felt those cold winds robbing you of your heat, but how fast do you have to go before they give it back...

23 May 2011

Does a full fuel tank waste cash? Is there an optimum level to which you should fill your car's petrol tank so it...

16 May 2011

If you've been to a whale acrobatics display at a tourist centre, you probably noticed some very loud music being...

09 May 2011

This week: what methods does our body use to keep itself warm? What does shivering actually do?

18 April 2011

Giraffes have very long necks indeed so how do they go about barfing? We find out how they revisit their dinner.

11 April 2011

Eye circles plague many of us at one time or another. Some of us have them all our lives! But what causes them? We have...

04 April 2011

How did you go about heating the water for this morning's shower? Did you leave the boiler on all night or just...

28 March 2011

Where do you have to go on the Earth to find the strongest pull of gravity? And where might one go to find the weakest?

21 March 2011

In the absence of a giant ruler, how does one go about measuring how far the Earth is from a star? Simon Singh explains...

14 March 2011

Potato peelers are the staple of the kitchen drawer, but why don't they ever seem to need a good honing as...

07 March 2011

This week, how do painkillers locate the bits that hurt? Do they have an inflammatory sat-nav or do they just numb your...