Could we eat aliens?
Answers to Biology Questions
Biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...
And how does the pill work? It's over to reproductive physiologist, Bill Colledge...
Is it as simple as "anything I don't want growing there"?
Is there a protocol for a space pregnancy?
Is it better to have a raw apple than a baked apple?
Turns out the majority of our panel suffers from this phenomenon...
Tech expert Tim Revell takes on this question from @Scientizscht.
One drink becomes four and then all of a sudden our volume goes up and our vision blurs! Why?
Amphibians, we're looking at you...
For insects, it's better if it's warmer!
Vet Stuart Eves helps dish up an answer to Annie's question
Jason Head from Cambridge University took on this sizeable question...
Insect Expert Eleanor Drinkwater tackle this listener's question
What's the difference? Jacob Dunn explains all...
Jason Head from Cambridge University covers the basics on snakes
Insect expert Eleanor Drinkwater takes on this listener's question
Why don't plants leave a hole in the ground when they grow?
What's the difference scientifically, between being sad and being depressed?
Got room for a pudding?
Can life in your early years affect your risk of mental illness?
What are the best weight loss interventions?