Answers to Biology Questions

Biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

03 October 2017

Which relative is the closest to you genetically?

03 October 2017

How do eels get their shocking abilities?

03 October 2017

What does the nose have to do with tasting?

03 October 2017

Would your intestines grow back after some of them were removed?

19 September 2017

Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

05 September 2017

From the soil surface or from the bottom of the pot?

05 September 2017

What makes weeds so relentless?

04 September 2017

What effect could declining bee populations have on plants?

04 September 2017

Why do some plants eat animals when others get their energy from the sun?

22 August 2017

If we could photosynthesise, Mark asks, how much green skin would we need to make enough energy to live our normal...

08 August 2017

What does science say we should do to be happy?

08 August 2017

Can exposure to light change our body clock?

08 August 2017

Is there anything we can do about it?

08 August 2017

Meet the team of science experts answering your questions...

13 June 2017

We keep hearing how smart dolphins are, have we ever been able to communicate with them in any meaningful way

13 June 2017

What causes beached whales to explode? And what are they doing on the beach in the first place?

13 June 2017

How should we go about cleaning up our local beach? Would putting something like phytoplankton in the water be helpful?

13 June 2017

Just how giant IS a giant squid?

06 June 2017

Does being hot help to warm up your muscles quicker?

25 May 2017

In May 2017, the Naked Scientists reported on the discovery that the caterpillar of the wax moth can break down plastic...

23 May 2017

Why do some parts of the body speed up as we get older, whilst others deteriorate?