Why is urine hot or warm when you excrete it?

16 March 2008



Why is urine hot or warm when you excrete it?


It's been stored in your body which is at "body temperature" of 37℃.

So it's like keeping something in an incubator: it's nice and warm. When it comes out, it's still warm.

And because your skin is cooled by the air, anything at 37 ℃ feels hot against your skin. You'll notice this if you put your hand in some water that is 37 degrees, it doesn't feel the same. It feels warmer than blood heat.


The temperature of the body core in a healthy person is 37℃. If you were alive and at 37 fahrenheit then you would be an extremophile and a walking miracle rolled into one.

I'm assuming you meant 96°as in ℉ because 37℃ is different from 37℉. I just wanted to make sure I'm on the same page.

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