Answers to Science Questions

16 July 2006

What's the deal with fusion as a power source? Is it ever going to be economically possible? Is cold fusion the...

16 July 2006

Sitting in my kitchen which faces west, I can see the sun well up in the sky and I can also see the moon. But the moon...

16 July 2006

When I was training to be a nurse, it was drummed into us that vitamin D comes from the sun. If we're all neurotic...

16 July 2006

I know that there is a wide range of frequencies in the electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. But exactly...

16 July 2006

It's my understanding that you can send electricity wirelessly. Although microwaves are apparently the best way,...

16 July 2006

How does light actually propagate? I know that there are perpendicular electrical and magnetic fields and that they can...

16 July 2006

Does the Sun move and what impact could the movement of the Sun and changes in velocity have on things like other...

16 July 2006

Why do you sneeze when you look at the Sun?

09 July 2006

I suffer from rhinitis and I have done for a long time. Nobody seems to know if there's a cure going for it yet.

09 July 2006

I deal with allergies for a good portion of the spring and summer and my question is: why does my itchy nose and eyes...

09 July 2006

My husband developed an allergy to nuts at 32 years old. Is it common to get allergies as you get older or is this more...

09 July 2006

I've been suffering from hayfever ever since I was in junior high school, but suddenly two years ago when I was in...

09 July 2006

What is it about sleep that makes it so beneficial to us when we're ill? Are we better able to mobilise our...

09 July 2006

I am 100% allergic to onion, garlic, leeks, chives and the rest of those allium-based things. What is it about this...

09 July 2006

I heard a report that bacteria in our gut and our immune system respond to things in our local environment. So is there...

09 July 2006

The common reaction to allergy is a rash. Why is this and what good does it do?

02 July 2006

Is there any scientific reason why a key suspended from a length of string held over food always seems to indicate...

02 July 2006

I tend to get awful headaches that fall under the migraine classification but I notice that they're weather...

02 July 2006

How cold is it in outer space and how do you protect satellites from extreme cold?

02 July 2006

Why do we assume that life on other planets would be a carbon-based, Homo erectus type of being that breathes oxygen?...

02 July 2006

If as a human I share 98% of my genes with a chimpanzee and 60% of my genes with a banana, how come I only share 50% of...

02 July 2006

Why do people go bald?

02 July 2006

I'd like to hear about recessive genes and why they say that blondes and ginger people have more of these genes...

02 July 2006

Why is it, that despite all this talk of evolution going on, humans have not evolved for the last 4000 years?