Chemistry News Stories

News about chemistry, matter, gases, fuels, green chemistry, nanotechnology...

28 October 2007

A serving of broccoli wards of skin cancer...

07 October 2007

Scientists have resorted to an unusual source of evidence to trace the history of volcanic eruptions on Earth and their...

02 September 2007

A green-glowing chemical from a jellyfish can be used as a molecular thermometer...

27 May 2007

A study of 75 school children has shown that a photocopy of their hands is all that's needed to predict their...

29 April 2007

Tomato-powered biofuel breakthrough...

18 December 2005

Nissan unveil self-healing paint...

20 March 2005

Scientists have unearthed a genetic linch pin which enables insects to pick up smells...

30 November 2003

Fruit extracts might provide protection against skin cancer...

21 July 2002

Researchers have shown that there are amino acids in outer space.