Science phone-in podcasts answering science questions and discussing topical science news stories...

21 May 2010

Why can't we tickle ourselves? Is deafness down to our genes? Can diabetes cause Eczema? How does deodorant...

19 May 2010

Ask the Naked Scientists, South Africa! This week we're adding a new member to the Ask! family with a new show on...

14 May 2010

What effects can underground nuclear explosions have on our land? How do antibacterial cleaners work? Could bacteria be...

07 May 2010

Do earthquakes shift the earths axis? If the population of China jumped at once would it cause an earthquake? How much...

30 April 2010

Could a comet shield the earth from the sun? How do planets form around stars? Why are planets spherical? What's...

23 April 2010

Why are some Volcanic Eruptions stronger than others? Why can't aeroplanes fly around the ash in the sky? Is our...

16 April 2010

Why does it feel hotter when the sun is out? Why can we see clouds at night? Is the sky always grey when it rains? We...

09 April 2010

Do cats have a sixth sense? How do dogs moult? Why are some hairs longer than others? Why do women get hot flushes? We...

02 April 2010

Why do boomerangs return? How do painkillers know where to go? Are some painkillers faster than others? Why do men have...

25 March 2010

How does lightning strike? Should we worry about radiation from mobile phone masts?

19 March 2010

Could the Earth cope without the Moon, how do safety matches work, what causes hiccups, why don't frosts form...

12 March 2010

How does fuel burn in spaceships without oxygen? Why do we see sun rays from behind clouds? Why is there often a red...

05 March 2010

Why is Jupiter round and how does it hold onto its gas, and what makes bottoms attractive?

26 February 2010

How do meat-tenderisers make meat more succulent, how do they get the corks into Champagne bottles, do explosions...

19 February 2010

How do we fall in love? What is our universe Expanding into? Will our universe ever be sucked back inwards? We take on...

12 February 2010

Why does the earth spin? Is the moon moving farther away from earth? What are the odds of winning the lottery twice in...

05 February 2010

Does being hot under the collar ever lead to spontaneous combustion? Will we ever get smellovision? Does being ill make...

29 January 2010

Why do buses get steamy, how do ships withstand super-waves, what's really invovled in balancing on a bike, how...

22 January 2010

How long to bones take to heal? Are healed bones stronger than they were before? How do glow worms glow? We tackle...

15 January 2010

At what temperature does sea water freeze? Why do aeroplanes not freeze when up in the cold air? Why can't we use...

08 January 2010

Is goose fat bad for us? What food ingredients are healthy? Is soy healthier than meat? What is cellulitis? We tackle...

18 December 2009

How the moon might make you behave badly, why snowstorms beget thunderstorms, the wrong sort of snow for trains, and...

11 December 2009

How do facial scrubs work to remove spots and oil from our skin? does hot water freeze faster than cold water? Why do...

04 December 2009

How is Gold formed? Could hydrogen be used in power plants? How small can an atomic bomb be?